(Craig A. Finseth) (04/08/91)
Written by: Craig Finseth, University of Minnesota When: 6 Apr 1991 What: Phase of Moon Display This version incorporates the CIRCLE routine written by Mark Power and published in Datafile V10N2. Circle drawing time has been reduced from 14 sec to about 8 sec. MPHASE Calculate and show the phase of the moon for the current date/time MTIME Calculate and show the moon time string for the current date/time MFRAC Calculate the moon phase fraction (0 new moon; .25 first quarter; .5 full moon; .75 last quarter) FLIP Invert the screen. MPLOT Internal to MPHASE: Plot the crescent MLINE Internal to MPHASE: Draw a line of the crescent MFINI Internal to MPHASE: display the stars, call FLIP CIRCLE Circle drawing routine D4 Utility routine for CIRCLE: does not support filled circle Notes: - The algorithm used is known to be incorrect (it uses a single sin term: the correct calculation uses about 30 such terms). The algorithm is retained in homage to the original version written at the MIT Architecture Machine Group for its MagicSix operating system in the late 1970s. Everything else, including the constant terms in the algorithm, has been rewritten and refined. - If you want to generalize the date/time caluclated for, change MFRAC. - You can omit the flip by removing the call to FLIP from MFINI. - You can omit both the flip and the stars by removing the call to MFINI from MPHASE. - The base time for new moon is 12 Jan 1975 at 10:21 am GMT (4:21 AM CST). - The moon cycle is assumed to by 42,532 minutes long. - The stars displayed are just constant random bits: they do not correspond to real stars. Checksum: #49b6h Size: 1772.5 ------------------------------------------------------------ %%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.); DIR MPHASE \<< RCLF DEG ERASE { # 0h # 0h } PVIEW { # 40h # 1Ch } # 1Ah CIRCLE 26 28 MFRAC MPLOT MFINI 7 FREEZE STOF \>> MTIME \<< MFRAC \-> X \<< IF X .25 < THEN "NM+" ELSE IF X .5 < THEN "FQ+" ELSE IF X .75 < THEN "FM+" ELSE "LQ+" END END END X \>> .25 MOD 42532 * SWAP OVER 1440 / IP \->STR + "d " + SWAP 1440 MOD SWAP OVER 60 / IP \->STR + "h " + SWAP 60 MOD SWAP OVER IP \->STR + "m " + SWAP FP 60 * IP \->STR + "s" + \>> MFRAC \<< 1.121975 DATE DDAYS TIME 4.21 HMS- HMS\-> 24 / + 1440 * 42532 / FP \>> FLIP \<< PICT PICT RCL NEG { # 0h # 0h } SWAP REPL \>> MPLOT \<< \-> RA MI F \<< IF F .5 < THEN F 360 * COS RA * RA ELSE RA NEG F .5 - 360 * COS RA * END \-> L R \<< 1 0 FOR x x ACOS SIN DUP MI x RA * + L R MLINE MI x RA * - L R MLINE RA INV NEG STEP \>> \>> \>> MLINE \<< \-> SC LI L R \<< SC L * 64 + R\->B LI R\->B 2 \->LIST SC R * 64 + R\->B LI R\->B 2 \->LIST LINE \>> \>> MFINI \<< { # Ah # Ah } PIXON { # 6Eh # Fh } PIXON { # 64h # 32h } PIXON { # 1Eh # 29h } PIXON { # 1Fh # 29h } PIXON FLIP \>> CIRCLE \<< B\->R DUP 2 * 3 SWAP - 0 \-> y d x \<< IF DUP TYPE 1 == THEN C\->PX END LIST\-> DROP \-> xo yo \<< WHILE x y < REPEAT xo x yo y D4 xo y yo x D4 6 x IF d 0 \>= THEN 'y' DECR - END 4 * + 'd' STO+ 'x' INCR DROP END IF x y == THEN xo x yo y D4 END \>> \>> \>> D4 \<< DUP2 - 5 ROLLD + 4 ROLLD DUP2 - 5 ROLLD + \-> nx py ny px \<< px py 2 \->LIST px ny 2 \->LIST nx py 2 \->LIST nx ny 2 \->LIST PIXON PIXON PIXON PIXON \>> \>> END Craig A. Finseth [CAF13] University Networking Services +1 612 624 3375 desk University of Minnesota +1 612 625 0006 problems 130 Lind Hall, 207 Church St SE +1 612 626 1002 FAX Minneapolis MN 55455-0134, U.S.A.