[comp.sys.handhelds] HP-48 wishlist

edp@jareth.enet.dec.com (Always mount a scratch monkey.) (04/05/91)

    Several years ago, I sent Hewlett-Packard a wishlist in regard to the
    HP-28 to.  They incorporated nearly everything I (and I am sure others)
    suggested into the HP-48.  So, here is my wishlist for the successor to
    the HP-48.

    First are two things I would categorize as fixes:

         Make SST-into evaluate directories instead of recalling them,
         and make it step into IFERR constructs.

         Fix the derivative and inverse of ABS.  The derivative of
         'ABS(X)' is 'SIGN(X)', but 'ABS(X+0)' 'X' \.d returns
         '(CONJ(X)+X)/(ABS(X)*2)'.  Yuck.  Also, the 48 doesn't know
         the inverse of ABS(X), but it is just 's1*X'.

    Here's something a third party could do:

         Provide AC power.  This could be done without any
         modifications to the 48, just with something that fits into
         the battery compartment.  A third party ought to be making
         this, and Educalc should be selling it.

    Next are some behavior changes:

         In the multiple equation solver:  If a list is specified as
         the value of a variable, make that variable
         calculator-controlled rather than user-controlled, since the
         user is apparently specifying a guess.

         When figuring the independent variable for plot parameters,
         don't always pick X.  How about choosing the global variable
         that appears first in the expression and that is undefined
         or, if none is undefined, the first global variable in the
         expression?  If you don't want to make this the default, how
         about making it the algorithm used if an algebraic object is
         passed to INDEP?                                       

         Upon editing an object, convert all undisplayable or
         untypeable characters to "\code" form.  Upon parsing, convert
         back.  This would allow editing of strings containing null
         characters and the entry of programs containing strings with
         unusual characters.

         Include system and user flags in archives and restores. 
         Possibly include objects in Port 0 in archives and restores,
         particularly libraries.

         After a program in an alarm is evaluated, the system routine
         that evaluates the alarm object ought to restore the
         calculator to its previous state unless the program has
         somehow requested otherwise.  The state I am primarily
         considering here is on/off -- after an alarm program runs,
         the calculator should return to the off state if it were off
         before the alarm.  But if alarms disrupt other aspects of
         state, those aspects should also be restored.

    The next group is added functions:

         Provide HP-16C functions for binary numbers:  twos
         complement, shifting by variable numbers of bits, et cetera.

         Generate errors when converting between reals and binary
         numbers if the conversion is out of range (e.g., negative
         real to unsigned binary) or the conversion is imprecise
         (binary to real greater than 10e12 or real with non-zero
         fractional part to binary).  Allow these errors to be turned
         on or off with system flags, in the manner of the overflow
         and underflow flags.  Make comparisons (less than, greater
         than) between binaries and reals work.

         Provide the programmer access to everything the user has
         access to:  The Equation Writer, the Rules, the Matrix
         Editor, et cetera.  For example, access to the Rules
         transformations might be provided by making the
         transformations retrievable in the form of lists to use with
         the MATCH commands.  E.g., "n RULES" would provide the n-th

         In the 48 are routines to support menus with dynamically
         evaluated parts (such as the routines that make
         white-background menu keys or menu keys with/without the
         "on/off" box).  Let MENU provide these functions to
         user-specified menus.  Also provide the programmer with
         access to the catalog routines that are in the 48.

         Provide ways to exit control structures -- to leave a current
         loop iteration, to leave a loop or other construct, and to
         leave a program.  For example, make a new program construct: 
         named clauses.  Hypothetical syntax for this might be:

         	<< : name : << clause >> >>


         	<< -> a b c 'name' << clause >> >>.

         Within these programs, the sequence 'name' EXIT would cause
         the clause to be exited.

         There should be an application card including things like
         ASC-> and ->ASC and a simple terminal program (with hooks
         into Kermit).  Let ASC-> take an optional checksum -- it
         should accept "string" or { "string" #checksum }.  The latter
         case provides a check on communication integrity; the former
         allows user experimentation.  ASC-> should ignore whitespace.

         Provide a way to wake up the calculator from the I/O port --
         perhaps a selectable stand-by mode?  I'd love to attach the
         48 to my workstation and have it be usable over the network. 
         If there are issues of noise causing the calculator to turn
         on spuriously, then make it settable by a flag.  The default
         out of the box is that OFF turns the calculator off.  Set a
         flag and OFF turns the calculator off but it will wake if
         enough transitions are detected on the receive line in a
         short period.  Losing a few bytes during the power-up process
         is acceptable.  Once on, the 48 can check for a specific
         sequence of bytes ("Hey, you, the 48, wake up!") as a
         confirmation message or it will shut off, perhaps after
         setting an annunciator to notify the user later that noise
         caused an erroneous power-up.

         Implement Kermit features to make more use of the 9600-baud
         line -- such as sliding windows.

         Make the Equation Writer faster.  There's a wish-list item
         for you:  "I want this; don't ask me how to do it.". 
         Hewlett-Packard usually does an excellent job researching and
         selecting algorithms, but is the design for the Equation
         Writer really best?  Can you use shortcuts?

    My last topic is pie in the sky, a real way-out-there idea.  It is sort
    of a computational semanticist's dream -- or nightmare.  But I think
    the idea is a continuation of the object generalization that
    Hewlett-Packard has already done on the 28 and 48.

         Realize that lists, programs, and algebraics have basically
         the same internal representation -- they are all lists of
         objects.  GET, PUT, and OBJ-> could work on programs and
         algebraics as well as lists.

         To start the changes I suggest, make GET and PUT work on
         programs and algebraics:  Get or put the n-th object.  In
         'A*B', the objects are A, B, and *, in that order.  In the
         program << A B * >>, the same is true.  For the program <<
         WHILE test REPEAT loop END >>, an OBJ-> should produce:

         	WHILE test REPEAT loop END

         on the stack.  Observe that this is the result the 48
         currently gives for { WHILE test REPEAT loop END } OBJ->;
         little change is needed here except the make the program type
         acceptable as input to OBJ->.  However, if the WHILE
         statement above is in level 1, then another OBJ-> should

         	<< test >>
         	<< loop >>

         Here "WHILEREPEAT" is a new token/command name.  I suggest
         that programs in the form << clause >> and constructs like WHILE
         statements be considered objects of different types -- the
         former, programs, act like lists when OBJ-> is used.  The
         latter, constructs, act like algebraics when OBJ-> is used.

         Continuing this extension, applying WHILEREPEAT to the
         objects << test >> and << loop >> on the stack would return
         WHILE test REPEAT loop END.  Observe that the program
         delimiters on test and loop went away -- just as the
         delimiters on A and B go away if you do 'A' 'B' *.

         Extend this to all twelve of the 48's program structures:


         Shown with inputs, these are:

		test-clause true-clause IFTHEN
		test-clause true-clause false-clause IFTHENELSE
         	{ { test-clause true-clause } . . . } CASETHEN
		loop-clause STARTNEXT
		loop-clause STARTSTEP
		'var' loop-clause FORNEXT
		'var' loop-clause FORSTEP
		loop-clause test-clause DOUNTIL
       		test-clause loop-clause WHILEREPEAT
		trap-clause error-clause IFERRTHEN
       		trap-clause error-clause normal-clause IFERRTHENELSE
       		{ name1 name2 ... namen } program ->LOCAL

         Unfortunately, the FORNEXT, FORSTEP, and -> commands might
         require some processing of the last of their inputs, to
         change global variables to local.

         Consider the behavior of IFTE.  If it is passed algebraics,
         it returns an algebraic expression containing IFTE.  But if
         the argument in level 3 is a number, IFTE returns either the
         level 2 argument or the level 1 argument, depending on the
         value of the number.  The new IFTHENELSE command can do the
         same thing:

       		If the level 3 argument is a number, return the level 2
         		or level 1 argument.
      		If all arguments are algebraics, return an algebraic.
       		If any argument is a program, return a program containing
         		IF THEN ELSE.

         In fact, IFTE is now redundant and can be eliminated (or,
         rather, what I have proposed under the name IFTHENELSE can be
         called IFTE).

         Similarly, IFTHEN is just named IFT.  If the level 2 argument
         is not a number, a program containing IF THEN is returned. 
         If the level 2 argument is a non-zero number, the level 1
         argument is returned.  Otherwise, a null program, << >>, is

         Similar behaviors can be created for some of the other
         program structures.  0 << loop >> WHILEREPEAT should return
         the null program, and << loop >> 0 DOUNTIL should return <<
         loop >>.

         Lists are redundant.  Programs are lists; we could eliminate
         list as a separate object type, except that they may be
         useful to keep certain semantics clear.

         As justification for this, I will point out two times I have
         wanted to build or operate on programs.  The calculator state
         is unpredictable by the time an alarm goes off, so an alarm
         object may need to set the path.  For this, a program such as
         << PATH { HOME dir1 dir2 ... dirn } EVAL other stuff >> is
         needed.  The sequence PATH 2 PUT is just what is needed to
         prepare that program for use as an alarm object.  Another
         time I desired to make programs was to create a custom menu
         list where each key did something similar, except that a
         different argument was passed to a program -- each key did
         something of the form << n ACTIONROUTINE >>.  Again, a PUT is
         just what is needed.

         As I said, some of this is pie in the sky -- the parts about
         decomposing program constructs like WHILE statements and
         putting them together again with WHILEREPEAT is interesting
         in itself.  But to get back down to Earth, it really would be
         useful to have GET, PUT, and OBJ-> work on programs and a
         ->PRG function that made programs, analogous to ->LIST.

				-- edp (Eric Postpischil)
				"Always mount a scratch monkey."

John@cup.portal.com (John Thomas Moylan) (04/08/91)

replacing their saturn processor with a 68332 would go along ways toward
making the hp calculators handheld computers, increasing speed, address range
a processor with more/easily acessible information, while remaining relativel

michaelv@IASTATE.EDU (Vanloon Michael Lee) (04/11/91)

In article <41032@cup.portal.com>, John@cup.portal.com (John Thomas
Moylan) writes:
> replacing their saturn processor with a 68332 would go along ways
> making the hp calculators handheld computers, increasing speed,
address range
> a processor with more/easily acessible information, while remaining
> inexpensive...

Yes, and use batteries at the rate of six a day! ;)
