[comp.sys.handhelds] units arithmetic

mark@unix386.Convergent.COM (Mark Nudelman) (04/17/91)

I've been playing with the UNITS functions on my HP28S.  Although
CONVERT is nice, it doesn't do as much as I'd like.  I'd like to
be able to do ARITHMETIC on quantities with units attached.
	{ 100 "m" } { 20 "s" } /
and get:
	{ 5 "m/s" }

I suppose the best I can hope for is to have the result displayed
in base units (kg, m, s, etc.) altho I'd be thrilled to also be 
able to specify a list of preferred units.  For example, suppose
I (somehow) tell it that I want "N" and "mph" to be preferred to 
the base units.  Then:
	{ 100 "m" } { 20 "s" } /
gives me:
	{ 11.18468 "mph" }
	{ 100 "kg*m/s" } { 40 "s" } /
gives me:
	{ 2.5 "N" }

Does anyone have any software for the 28S that does units 
arithmetic?  Thanks.

Mark Nudelman