[comp.sys.handhelds] hp-28 serial link

<GHGALAP@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be> (04/17/91)

Hello dear fellow HP-28 hackers,

Here my experiences on building an RS232 link to the
HP 28S.

I have not yet opened it up but I tried to make a connection trough
the IR link (Only to the computer). It worked, but not entirely the
way it should.

Anyway, a good book is :
Paul Courbis et S{bastien Lalande
PARIS, Editions de la R}gle @ calcul
65, Bd Saint- Ger{ain. BP 300, 75288 PARIS CEDEX

ISBN : 2.90785.601.4

Oh yes, this book is written in FRENCH |||
(I think the french specific characters will be printed wrong)
I don't know if most people on the net understand French, since
most of them are in America (I think).
By the way , most people here in Belgium talk three or four languages
(Dutch, French, English, German). Ain't that unbelievable ?
I think it is more or less the only country in the world where so
many languages are spoken.

Serious now.

hardware :

I connected a fototransistor to a transistor to amplify the signal.
Switching the IR led on and off resulted in a voltage swing from
-5 volt to +5 volt.  Connecting this to pin 3 on the RS232 connector
(RxD) and connecting GND to pin 7 (signal ground), the computer
seemed to receive signals.  A voltage swing of 0 to 10 V worked too,
0 to 5 V did not (I think actually it should work).

Software :

The following routine takes a "pt" object, so don't call it directly.
Compile it into an IMC called "SEND.OBJ" and use "SEND" to
do the actual sending.

8F18050       CALL.A  SaveRegs
8F72F40       CALL.A  GetPt
1BD0FFF       MOVE.5  IRLED,D0
308           MOVE.P1 #8h,C       ; send 8 bits + 1 startbit
816           RRN.W   C           ; put counter in field S

C4    *  loop ADD.A   A,A         ; shift bit into carry
590   *       BRCC    zero
302           MOVE.P1 #2h,C
6600          JUMP.3  send
300      zero MOVE.P1 #0h,C
1540     send MOVE.P  C,(D0)      ; set LED on or off
3162          MOVE.P2 #26h,C      ; change this num to change delay
A6E      wait DEC.B   C
5CF           BRCC    wait        ; delay
A4E           DEC.S   C
5FD   *       BRCC    loop        ; next bit
300           MOVE.P1 #0h,C       ; switch LED off
1540          MOVE.P  C,(D0)
8D505B1       JUMP.A  continue    ; continue rpl

'SEND' ?6B0C!
   IF NOT THEN # C53Bh SYSEVAL SEND.OBJ ; 0CB35: real->pt

use :
the bits that are to be sent, should be in the left of a 20 bit
integer.  For example the character "o" is coded as
o -> ascii code = #6F ; switch nibbles : F6
invert (sending 1 = receiving 0) :F6 -> 09
adding 1 startbit : #109 ; shift left until startbit is most left :
"o" -> #84800 h.
to send an "o" do : #84800h B->R SEND.

I set my computer to 1200 baud, 8 bits,no parity, 1 stop bit.

This routine worked, but the bits are in the wrong order.  It takes a
lot of work to correct this (as you've seen above)so I changed
the program to use right shifting in stead of left shift, but It did
not work the way it should. The changes were in the lines
marked with an *.

822     loop  CLR   SB
819F0         SRB.A A
83290         BRBC  SB,zero

570           BRCC loop

I don't know whether it is necessary to clear the SB, but without
this instruction it did not work either.

I suspect there is some problem with the timing, I tried changing it
but it did not work.  Can somebody help me : post some timing info
on the ML instructions.
Do I have to switch the interrupts off ?  Is it easier to use the
timer to for timing the bits ?
I also had problems with errors that were send trough.  Mayby
600 baud is more reliable, but I did not try it. Actually, it was
very difficult to get something correct to the computer.  Mayby
I should do some filtering in the electronics or so ?  Can somebody
post some info please ?

Anyway, I'm now busy opening my 28, and i'm working on some info
how you should open it. I'll post it as soon as it is ready.


|    _            _                                                  |
|   (_)          | |             JORIS  BALLET                       |
|    _    ____   | |___          E-MAIL : GHGALAP@BLEKUL11.BITNET    |
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|   | | |  ()  | |  ()  |        (THIS ADDRES IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE   |
| __| |  \____/  |_____/          DON'T USE AFTER JULI '91        )  |
|(___/                                                               |
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