[comp.sys.handhelds] HP48:Errorhandling help,strange feature and a little problem

d89-mlt@sm.luth.se (Morgan Lindqvist) (04/19/91)

Hello World!

I have a BIG and a tiny problem, hope you out there
can help me solving them.
The BIG problem:
When one in a program or a library does a #201h DOERR
the HP says:

Too Few Arguments

How do I do if I want it to say:

HDrcl Error:
Too Few Arguments

HDrcl is the program there the DOERR reside.

e.i How do I tell the errorhandler that it is the
    command HDrcl is the active one.

If you key in a program like this with a library
attached, you will get a very strange error message if
you detach and purge the library and then run the

\<< 12 'Test' STO Library_command \>>

The HP will say:

STO Error:
Undefined XLIB Name
2:           12
1:       'Test'

Yes, your eyes are telling you the right thing. The
arguments to STO are still on the stack AND there is a
new variable called Test containing 12 on the

I understand why it says 'Undefined XLIB Name', but I
was very surprised that the errorhandler still thinks
that STO is the present command and there fore
restores the stack as it looked before the STO

NOTE: I have a HP48-A, can someone whit a version D or
      E verify this behavior.

Now to something more easy 

The tiny problem:
Where can I get the IFERR library

I am eagerly waiting for YOUR answer
(E-Mail OR c.s.h (h=handhels or h=hp48))

Morgan Lindqvist d89-mlt@sm.luth.se

sburke@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Scott Burke) (04/19/91)

Let me generalize this problem a little bit, and further ask for a solution:

I write a user-defined function in user-RPL, like this one:

   \-> a b
      a b +

If there are too few arguments, then I get an error message like:

\-> Error:
Too Few Arguments

Now on to a more complicated example:

   \-> a b
         a b /
         -55 FC? { a b } IFT       @ restore LastArgs if -55 clear, to
                                   @ mimic the HP-48SX behavior
         "DIVIDE Error:\010"       @ \010 is a newline
         ERRM + DOERR              @ repeat the error, but with "DIVIDE..."

This routine (and the obvious extensions to it, which involve type-checking
the two variables 'a' and 'b') will mimic the built-in '/' operator, except
for one situation:  Too Few Arguments.  Since I want a user-defined function,
I _must_ immediately do the "\-> a b" command to get the arguments, without
first checking that at least two things are on the stack.  If I could check
that two things were on the stack, I could provide the desired error:

Too Few Arguments

As it is, I must make do with the "\-> Error:\010Too Few Arguments" version.

It's a minor quibble, but I am curious as to how to trigger or control the
built-in error handler.  I'm not looking for machine-language solutions, but
perhaps a simple SYSEVAL or two that I can plop into a user-language routine.

Any ideas?
