[comp.sys.handhelds] Eqn Card and PGROB

cloos@acsu.buffalo.edu (James H. Cloos) (05/04/91)

First of all, I would like to say to HP R&D: don't take this as  a knock to
your efforts on the Eqn Card, but I though that the net  would like to know
this info:

I did a comparison  the otehr day of  how  much  memory   the GROBs in  the
Equation Library used  both in their  current storage method,   and if they
were compressed with PGROB.

For those readers who were not at the CHIP confrence a  the Summer CES last
June, and haven't seen a copy of the video of it, the GROBs are stored as a
list of 2 short integers and a  GROB representing the  ``interesting'' part
of the  final  product.  (Ie.,  the   GROB  you   see displayed, minus  the
whitespace frame around it.)  They saved a  considerable amount of space by
doing this.  (See below.)

I  was  curious though, how much memory  would be consumed   by just runing
PGROB on the full-screen-sized GROBs.  I put the 63 lists on the stack, and
this small program to covert these lists to  131x64  GROBs, exactly as they
appear on the display, PGROB them, and run BYTES on that, dropping the crc:

\<< 1 63
  START LIST\-> DROP ROT SB\->R ROT SB\->R R\->PX #131d #64d BLANK

SB\->R takes a short and returns a real.  The ASC'ed string looks like:

R\->PX is from Donnelly's TLLIB, and in userlang would look something like:
\<< SWAP R\->B SWAP R\->B 2 \->LIST \>>

The end result is this:

----------------	------------------	-----------
69174			29427			23292.5

By my calculations, having UPGROB as an unnamed XLIB would cost 124.5 bytes
for the CODE object itself, plus 2.5 bytes  for an  entry in a  link table.
The  total savings of  using  the  present method over  PGROB would then be
6007.5 bytes.

With that amount of ROM left over, they could have added cash  flow support
to the FIN  library  (hint, hint)!  ;^)  Also, my  experiences with  UPGROB
suggest that the speed tradeoff of  creating a blank 131x64  GROB, breaking
up the list, and doing a  REPL vs. having to UPGROB  a hex-string would not
be noticable.  (I've a 256x256 GROB  that compresses  into 12310 nybbles of
information; it takes .475  seconds to uncompress,  rounded to  the nearest
1000th of a second.)

Again, I hope that the R&D people don't take this negatively, but I thought
it would be useful to post.  It shows just what kind of power it is capable
of, ja?

Happy coding!

James H. Cloos, Jr.		Phone:  +1 716 673-1250
cloos@ACSU.Buffalo.EDU		Snail:  PersonalZipCode:  14048-0772, USA
cloos@ub.UUCP			Quote:  <>

P.S.	I just picked up a 32S-II.  Can anyone say of Wickes' _Transitions_
	would  be of any use  in helping an  RPL programmer get comfortable
	with RPN programming?