dan@i10s5.ira.uka.de (Dan Mosedale) (05/12/91)
I'm looking to do some assembly language programming on my Atari Portfolio, and am therefore in need of a tiny assembler and tiny debugger. < 20K is ok, but < 10K would be fantastic. I'm interested in anything I can get my hands on, so outdated versions of current assemblers / debuggers would also be of interest. I've not yet managed to come across anything suitable in the various archives (SIMTEL, garbo, nic.funet.fi...) Anything from ancient versions of DOS (like 1.XX or 2.XX) would be neat. Thanks! Dan Mosedale dmose@bright.math.uoregon.edu -- -----schnippel-----cut_here-----reiss-----beiss_ab-----hau_wech-----fetz-----