akcs.kevin@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Kevin Jessup) (05/14/91)
%%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); @ @ AstroNUT V1.0 @ by Kevin Jessup @ 12-May-1991 @ @ Introduction @ ------------ @ AstroNUT is a lunar lander simulation for the 48SX. @ It supports 2-d travel (up, down, left, right) and a @ random terraine that is generated for each new game. @ All routines are in RPL so the screen updates are somewhat @ slow. I still find play acceptable however. @ @ The object of the game is to land on a more or less flat @ portion of the lunar surface with a horizontal velocity of @ zero and a vertical velocity of less than 5 feet per second. @ (Somewhat fast! Change it if you like.) You have a limited @ amount of fuel available to do this. @ @ Initial parameters @ ------------------ @ Altitude: 170 feet @ @ Vertical velocity: -20 feet per second. A "second" is @ not the usual unit of time that you @ are familiar with but how long it takes @ this game to execute it's main loop! @ You will have to hit the thrust key @ quite often to slow down. Read on... @ @ Horizontal velocity: 5 feet per second. The direction @ (left or right) is random. The initial @ horizontal position is also random. @ @ Fuel: 100 units. In gallons, liters, cubic @ light-years or whatever you'd like to @ call it :-) @ @ Control keys @ ------------ @ 8: Apply upward thrust (One push equals thrust of 1/2 g) @ @ 4: Apply left thrust (Changes horizontal vel. by 1 ft/sec) @ @ 6: Apply right thrust (Changes horizontal vel. by 1 ft/sec) @ @ With each screen update, your downward velocity will @ increase due to the acceleration of gravity at a rate of @ 4 ft/s^2. It will require 2 hits of the vertical thrust @ (key 8) to exactly compensate for the acceleration due to @ gravity. @ @ Screen positioning @ ------------------ @ As you move to the left and right edges of the display, you @ will wrap around to the opposite side. There are "unlimited" @ vertical screens. You will wrap around at the top and bottom. @ When you reach the lowest screen, there will be a slight pause @ as the lunar surface is drawn. If you move above the lowest @ screen, the surface will be erased. The current "flight @ parameters" are displayed at the top right of the LCD. @ @ Loading @ ------- @ For the neophytes, those funny litle characters at the start @ of these lines are HP48SX comment delimiters. You can transfer @ this entire file AS IS to your 48. The 48 will remove all the @ comments and load only the code. @ @ After transferring this file to your 48, recall the directory @ to the stack. Execute the BYTES command. You should get the @ following... @ @ Level 2: # 7F4h @ Level 1: 2368.5 @ @ These numbers are only valid if you have not yet run the game. @ The game will create additional variables and leave them in @ the directory upon completion. Once you have successfully @ transferred the directory to your 48, just hit PLAY to start. @ Upon completion, hit ON to clear the display. After running it @ the firt time, you may want to reorder your directory so that @ PLAY is the first variable. @ @ Be patient...after a little practice, you should be able to @ land using only 100 units of fuel. You can modify the amount @ of fuel, thrust and acceleration due to gravity if you like. @ Study the code below to find out how. Have fun! @ @ This is "freeware" but if you'd like to send a few bucks, don't @ let that stop you! @ @ Kevin Jessup @ 9118 N 85th @ Milwaukee, WI 53224 @ (414)355-9752 @ @ Milwaukee HP48SX BBS @ 2400/1200/300 baud @ (414)362-2020 @ 6PM to 7AM or all day Sunday @ DIR @ AstroNUT directory PLAY @ push PLAY to start \<< RCLF 3 FIX @ save flags # 83h # 40h BLANK @ create a blank PICT PICT STO 1 CF @ clear the crash flag 170 'ht' STO @ set height to 170 feet -20 'v' STO 5 @ set vertical v to -20 IF RAND .5 < @ set horiz v to 5 or -5 THEN NEG END 'hv' STO RAND 80 * IP 'x' @ random horiz position STO 100 'fuel' STO @ 100 unit of fuel 2 CF @ clear the bottom flag MAKBOTTOM { # 0h @ random terrain coordinates # 0h } PVIEW MAIN @ display and loop on main CRASHht 'ht' STO @ display landing parameters CRASHx 'x' STO CRASHv 'v' STO STATUS PICT NEWC @ display landing position SHIP GXOR PICT { @ display AstroNUT or CRASH # 5h # 5h } IF CRASHv -4 @ test slope, vv and hv < CRASHsl ABS .084 > OR hv OR THEN "*CRASH*" ELSE PICT 7 'ht' STO+ 1 'x' STO+ NEWC aflag REPL "AstroNUT" END 3 \->GROB REPL 7 FREEZE @ freeze the display WHILE KEY @ flush any excess keys REPEAT DROP END STOF @ restore flags and quit \>> MAIN @ main processing loop \<< DO @ draw or erase the terraine IF ht 56 > THEN IF 2 FS? THEN ERASE 2 CF END ELSE IF 2 FC? THEN DRAWBOTTOM 2 SF END END STATUS @ display flight parameters NEWC PICT OVER SHIP @ display the lander GXOR v 'ht' STO+ hv @ calculate new position 'x' STO+ IF x 124 > @ wrap horizontal x 0 < OR THEN x 125 MOD ABS 'x' STO END CHKBOTTOM GETKEY ag @ see if we crashed, process keys 'v' STO+ PICT SWAP @ acceleration increases v SHIP GXOR @ erase old position UNTIL 1 FS? @ quit if we landed or crashed END \>> @ CHKBOTTOM is the routine that eats all the CPU time. @ If anyone knows how to speed it up, please do so. @ It works by calculating linear regressions and then @ comparing the line slopes. CHKBOTTOM @ set flag 1 if we crashed \<< 1 botCOORDS @ get terraine coordinates list size SIZE 1 - FOR i @ test each line segment botCOORDS i GETI 3 @ get line endpoints ROLLD GET DUP2 1 @ duplicate them GET SWAP 1 GET @ get the x coordinates and IF x 3 + \<= @ see if lander is between them SWAP x 3 + > AND THEN OVER @ if so, compare line slopes C\->V2 CL\GS \GS+ C\->V2 \GS+ @ calculate line slope LR x DUP 'CRASHx' @ calculate and save possible STO 3 + PREDY @ crash x and y positions 'CRASHht' STO SWAP DROP DUP 'CRASHsl' @ save crash slope STO SWAP C\->V2 CL\GS @ calculate slope of line to \GS+ x 3.001 + ht \->V2 @ the landers coordinates \GS+ LR SWAP DROP IF \>= @ if line segment slope >= the THEN 1 SF @ slope of line to lander, v @ we crahed. Set crash flag. 'CRASHv' STO 99 'i' @ save crash velocity STO END ELSE DROP2 @ not within this line segment END NEXT @ check next line \>> MAKBOTTOM @ generates a list of coordinates \<< { } 0 120 @ get an empty list FOR a a RAND @ generate a random y coordinate 25 * IP 6 + 2 \->LIST 1 \->LIST + 12 @ save xy in list, do next STEP 130 OVER @ line up the end points so 1 GET OBJ\-> DROP @ we don't impact on wrap SWAP DROP 2 \->LIST 1 \->LIST + 9 RAND * IP @ insure at least one flat line 2 + GETI 2 GET 3 ROLLD GETI 2 5 ROLL PUT SWAP 1 - SWAP PUT 'botCOORDS' STO @ save the list \>> DRAWBOTTOM @ maps terraine coordinates to \<< 1 botCOORDS @ screen and display the lines SIZE 1 - FOR i botCOORDS i GETI OBJ\-> ROT R\->B ROT 63 SWAP - R\->B ROT \->LIST 3 ROLLD GET OBJ\-> ROT R\->B ROT 63 SWAP - R\->B ROT \->LIST LINE NEXT \>> STATUS @ displays the flight parameters \<< \<< + 1 \->GROB PICT 3 ROLLD REPL \>> \-> s \<< { # 54h # 0h } "Height: " ht s EVAL { # 54h # 6h } "VertV: " v s EVAL { # 54h # Ch } "HorizV: " hv s EVAL { # 54h # 12h } "Fuel: " fuel s EVAL \>> \>> GETKEY @ processes keys \<< WHILE KEY REPEAT IF fuel 0 > @ but only if we got fuel! THEN CASE DUP 72 == THEN -1 'hv' STO+ -1 'fuel' STO+ END DUP 74 == THEN 1 'hv' STO+ -1 'fuel' STO+ END DUP 63 == THEN thrust DUP NEG 'fuel' STO+ 'v' STO+ END END END DROP END \>> NEWC @ get current screen coordiantes \<< x R\->B 57 1 ht 57 MOD 57 / - * R\->B 2 \->LIST \>> C\->V2 @ convert 2-element list to vector \<< OBJ\-> DROP \->V2 \>> SHIP @ GROB of the lander GROB 6 6 E13333E11212 aflag @ GROB of a flag GROB 7 7 F7747414F71010 thrust 2 @ vertical thrust = -1/2 ag ag -4 @ acceleration due to gravity END @ END OF ASCII FILE
dohm@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Peter J Dohm) (05/14/91)
In Regards to AstroNUT: Not a bad little game... A bit slow, but I like it. (anyone care to try rewriting in in rpl? I thought not.) I have found a teensy bug in it, though. It is necessary to modify module "PLAY" to ensure that flag -19 is CLEAR when the program executes. Otherwise, when one of the calls in the program is attempting to convert something into a vector form, it's actually converting it into a complex, and crashing on an incorrect type for E+ (sumnation). This is quite trivial to fix. Just make sure that you add the -19 cf after the rclf (recall flags) at the beginning of the program so that you don't change the original state of the calculator any. Another question for kevin: Is it necessary to create all those variables in the directory? I just added a line or two to purge them all when done. Is this taking a lot more time? (it doesn't seem to be) Any particular reason why you'd done it this way? (see, i need all the memory i can get :) My applause to kevin for a good game! I do have some suggestions for others: I've no clue what I'm doing when it comes to rpl, and would love to learn it. Thats my project for the summer, no doubt. But, for now, I've a question for all you rpl game writers out there. Anyone interested in trying to write berzerk or missile command? Are there any of the other classics that would be fun? enjoy.. Peter J. Dohm _____________________________________________________________________________ | Peter J. Dohm - Comp. Science Major |Consultant On: Magnus | www | | Unix, VMS, MS-DOS Consultant |Operator/Consultant On: KCGL | |. .| | | The Ohio State University |dohm@kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu| | ^ | | | dohm@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu |ak541@cleveland.freenet.edu | | o | | | pete.dohm@osu.edu or dohm.1@osu.edu |dohm@cis.ohio-state.edu | \_/ | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Is AstroNUT a take-off of the infamous game "Astro Chicken" (c) ScumSoft, Inc. from Sierra's Space Quest III? Just wondered if that is where you got the title. (For those of you who don't know, Astro Chicken is a ridiculous take-off of lunar lander). ---Gary
akcs.kevin@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Kevin Jessup) (05/16/91)
I never did get that variable clean up in there at the end. It's easy to do though... After playing, execute VARS. Then edit it so everything up to the PLAY function in the variabkle list is retained and delete the rest. Save the list in memory as JUNK or something and ad this to the end of the PLAY program: JUNK PURGE. That should take out the trash at the end of the game. Guess I'll have to get working on BERZERK now!!!