[comp.sys.handhelds] List sorted by object and function part 2 of 4

Jake-S@cup.portal.com (Jake G Schwartz) (05/20/91)

HP48 Addresses Sorted by Object and Function 
Part 2 of 4

2D46D   ''KMODE'   (Local Nm)
2D3EE   ''KP'      (Local Nm)
2D480   ''KPTRN'   (Local Nm)
2D493   ''KRM'     (Local Nm)
69AAA   ''KeysOK?' (Local Nm)
69BB0   ''LB'      (Local Nm)
69BA3   ''LE'      (Local Nm)
4FFF4   ''left'    (Local Nm)
2D3FB   ''LNAME'   (Local Nm)
0E47A   'M'        (Local Nm)
0E4A0   'M'        (Local Nm)
0E4C1   'M'        (Local Nm)
69B19   ''ManOp'   (Local Nm)
2D4A2   ''MaxR'    (Local Nm)
60847   ''mlg'     (Local Nm)
0E483   'N'        (Local Nm)
0E4AE   'N'        (Local Nm)
59646   ''n'       (Local Nm)
59517   ''n'       (Local Nm)
4C955   ''N'       (Local Nm)
69B58   ''NameGrob' (Local Nm)
578E2   ''ni'      (Local Nm)
5720B   ''nm'      (Local Nm)
59115   ''nmls'    (Local Nm)
69B2C   ''nohalt'  (Local Nm)
14483   ''nohalt'  (Local Nm)
2373F   ''noname'  (Local Nm) /:  Local_noname
578EF   ''ns'      (Local Nm)
1F96F   ''num'     (Local Nm)
2D40E   ''OBJ'     (Local Nm)
23956   'ofs'      (Local Nm)
23913   'ofs'      (Local Nm)
272EB   ''ofs'     (Local Nm)
69C51   ''ofs'     (Local Nm)
57218   ''op'      (Local Nm)
5D690   ''op1'     (Local Nm)
5D69F   ''op2'     (Local Nm)
2D41D   ''OPOS'    (Local Nm)
5566B   ''oth'     (Local Nm)
2D3B1   ''PACKET'  (Local Nm)
60C4F   ''patternls' (Local Nm)
60BE9   ''patternls' (Local Nm)
69BF6   ''pcol'    (Local Nm)
5A614   ''piflag'  (Local Nm)
2D3A0   ''PKNO'    (Local Nm)
69CBD   ''ploc'    (Local Nm)
27357   ''ploc'    (Local Nm)
50D3E   ''PlotEnv' (Local Nm)
5190B   ''PlotEnv' (Local Nm)
5FDCE   ''pp'      (Local Nm)
60865   ''prd'     (Local Nm)
59522   ''prog'    (Local Nm)
69BE5   ''prow'    (Local Nm)
60874   ''prp'     (Local Nm)
5A670   ''r'       (Local Nm)
5A76C   ''R'       (Local Nm)
4FFE7   ''r2'      (Local Nm)
69C6F   ''rbv'     (Local Nm)
27309   ''rbv'     (Local Nm)
69A97   ''Radix'   (Local Nm)
6080B   ''reg'     (Local Nm)
2D3C6   ''RETRY'   (Local Nm)
60883   ''rhs'     (Local Nm)
41BEA   'S'        (Local Nm)
69AFE   ''SaveBlank' (Local Nm)
38A3E   ''SavedUI' (Local Nm)
55783   ''scl'     (Local Nm)
3FAE8   'SKEY'     (Local Nm)
69C3C   ''source'  (Local Nm)
23908   'st'       (Local Nm)
2394B   'st'       (Local Nm)
2372E   ''stop'    (Local Nm)  /:  Local_stop
272DC   ''str'     (Local Nm)
56976   ''sumexpr' (Local Nm)
5698D   ''sumvar'  (Local Nm)
60838   ''sun'     (Local Nm)
6081A   ''sur'     (Local Nm)
5A791   ''T'       (Local Nm)
5456F   ''tcls'    (Local Nm)
5465D   ''tcls'    (Local Nm)
5460E   ''tcls'    (Local Nm)  /:  Local_tcls              'tcls'
69BBD   ''TE'      (Local Nm)
69C93   ''tmpop'   (Local Nm)
2732D   ''tmpop'   (Local Nm)
27340   ''tmppdat' (Local Nm)
69CA6   ''tmppdat' (Local Nm)
23963   'tok'      (Local Nm)
23920   'tok'      (Local Nm)
69C60   ''tok'     (Local Nm)
272FA   ''tok'     (Local Nm)
272CD   ''ttt'     (Local Nm)
69C2D   ''ttt'     (Local Nm)
69CDB   ''unbound' (Local Nm)
27375   ''unbound' (Local Nm)
50005   ''up'      (Local Nm)
435E1   'V'        (Local Nm)
60C19   ''varls'   (Local Nm)
60D7F   ''varls'   (Local Nm)
5D67D   ''which'   (Local Nm)
4FFB7   ''x'       (Local Nm)
5A786   ''X'       (Local Nm)
55800   ''xSYMfcn' (Local Nm)
55792   ''xSYMfcn' (Local Nm)
54DD0   ''xSYMfcn' (Local Nm)
4FFCD   ''xc'      (Local Nm)
4FF9D   ''xe'      (Local Nm)
54DE7   ''xfcn'    (Local Nm)
55817   ''xfcn'    (Local Nm)
557A9   ''xfcn'    (Local Nm)
4C944   ''xmax'    (Local Nm)
4FFC2   ''y'       (Local Nm)
4FFDA   ''yc'      (Local Nm)
4FFAA   ''ye'      (Local Nm)
4359D   '.'        (Local Nm)

15781   ''         (Global Nm)
4358A   '.'        (Global Nm)
4093B   'aENTER'   (Global Nm) /:  Global_alphaENTER
409DF   'bENTER'   (Global Nm) /:  Global_betaENTER
4353E   'ALG'      (Global Nm)
48D4B   'ALRMDAT'  (Global Nm)
19DBE   'ALRMDAT'  (Global Nm)
19A72   'ALRMDAT'  (Global Nm) /:  Global_Alrmdat
19B1F   'ALRMDAT'  (Global Nm) /:  Global_Alrmdat_alt
0DF01   'Alarms'   (Global Nm)
0DF28   'Alarms'   (Global Nm)
211B4   'CST'      (Global Nm) /:  Global_CST
1576C   'EQ'       (Global Nm)
7F9B5   'HOMEDIR'  (Global Nm)
56859   'IERR'     (Global Nm)
2EA59   'IOPAR'    (Global Nm)
2E9D5   'IOPAR'    (Global Nm)
5793F   'n0'       (Global Nm)
51288   'PPAR'     (Global Nm)
31F87   'PRTPAR'   (Global Nm)
31FB8   'PRTPAR'   (Global Nm)
225A4   'S'        (Global Nm)
41BD7   'S'        (Global Nm)
5795D   's0'       (Global Nm)
59304   's1'       (Global Nm)
51436   's1'       (Global Nm)
2C1FD   'sigmaDAT' (Global Nm)
2C738   'sigmaPAR' (Global Nm)
3FACF   'SKEY'     (Global Nm)
34DBB   ''symb'    (Global Nm) /:  Global_Symb
41A43   'UserKeys' (Global Nm)
41A69   'UserKeys.CRC' (Global Nm)
435CE   'V'        (Global Nm)
4AB1C   'X'        (Global Nm)
4A145   'X'        (Global Nm)
4A1DE   'X'        (Global Nm)
47459   'X'        (Global Nm)
4A25E   'X'        (Global Nm)
50FCE   'X'        (Global Nm)
4A22D   'X'        (Global Nm)
4A19E   'X'        (Global Nm)
4AB59   'Y'        (Global Nm)
50FE6   'Y'        (Global Nm)

Prefixed Code

2A9C9   % (2:Real, 1:Real)
2AA30   %CH (2:Real, 1:Real) 
2AA0B   %T (2:Real, 1:Real)
53ED3   * (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
2A99A   * (2:Longreal, 1:Longreal)
2A9BC   * (2:Real, 1:Real)    
191B9   * (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
03EC2   * (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
62394   + (reverse) (2:String, 1:String)
53EA0   + (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
2A943   + (2:Longreal, 1:Longreal)
35804   + (2:Real, 1:Real)
2A974   + (2:Real, 1:Real) 
03DBC   + (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
623A0   + (2:String, 1:String)
05193   + (2:String, 1:String)
0518A   + (2:String, 1:String )
627D5   + DUP  (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
61184   + PICK (... 3:Any, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
612DE   + ROLL (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... ,3:Any, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
6133E   + ROLLD (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... ,3:Any, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
53EB0   - (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
2A94F   - (2:Longreal, 1:Longreal)
3581E   - (2:Real, 1:Real)
2A981   - (2:Real, 1:Real) 
03DE0   - (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
627F8   - DUP (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
61172   - PICK (... 3:Any, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
612CC   - ROLL (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... ,3:Any, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
6132C   - ROLLD (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... ,3:Any, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
05E9F   /->TAG (1:{global any} )
53F05   / (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
2A9E8   / (2:Longreal, 1:Longreal)
2A9FE   / (2:Real, 1:Real)
03EF7   / (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
2A727   0 < (boolean) (1:Longreal) -> True/False
2A738   0 < (boolean) (1:Real) -> True/False
2A75A   0 == (boolean) (1:Longreal)
2A76B   0 == (boolean) (1:Real)
2A788   0 > (boolean) (1:Longreal)
2A799   0 > (boolean) (1:Real) -> True/False
60F4B   3 DROPN
611FE   3 PICK  
60F7E   4 DROPN
6121C   4 PICK  
60FBB   4 ROLL
62864   4 ROLL DROP     
6109E   4 ROLLD         
60F72   5 DROPN
6123A   5 PICK  
60FD8   5 ROLL  
62880   5 ROLL DROP 
610C4   5 ROLLD 
60F66   6 DROPN
6125E   6 PICK  
61002   6 ROLL
610FA   6 ROLLD 
60F54   7 DROPN
61282   7 PICK 
6106B   7 ROLL
612A9   8 PICK  
6103C   8 ROLL  
641FC   <0h> <0h>
64209   <0h> <1h>
6427A   <0h> <7h>
622B6   <0h> == (boolean) (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
03CC7   <0h> \=/ (boolean) (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
6428A   <1h> <1Bh>
03DEF   <1h> + (1:Syst Bin)
62809   <1h> + DUP (1:Syst Bin)
611A3   <1h> + PICK (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
612F3   <1h> + ROLL (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
61353   <1h> + ROLLD (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
03E0E   <1h> - (1:Syst Bin)
6281A   <1h> - DUP (1:Syst Bin)
622A7   <1h> == (boolean) (1:Syst Bin)
12415   <1h> DISP (n x 10) (1:String)      
1245B   <1h> DISP (n x 8) (1:String)
6429D   <2h> <1h>
642AF   <2h> <2h>
642BF   <2h> <4h>
03E6F   <2h> * (1:Syst Bin)
03E2D   <2h> + (1:Syst Bin)
611BE   <2h> + PICK (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
61318   <2h> + ROLL (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
61365   <2h> + ROLLD (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
03E4E   <2h> - (1:Syst Bin)
03E8E   <2h> / (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
6229A   <2h> == (boolean) (1:Syst Bin)
12405   <2h> DISP (n X 10) (1:String)
1246B   <2h> DISP (n x 8) (1:String)
642D1   <3h> <4h>
6256A   <3h> + (1:Syst Bin)
611D2   <3h> + PICK (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
625FA   <3h> - (1:Syst Bin)
62289   <3h> == (boolean) (1:Syst Bin)
123F5   <3h> DISP (n x 10) (1:String)
1247B   <3h> DISP (n x 8) (1:String)
6257A   <4h> + (1:Syst Bin)
611E1   <4h> + PICK (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
6260A   <4h> - (1:Syst Bin)
123E5   <4h> DISP (n x 10) (1:String)
1248B   <4h> DISP (n x 8) (1:String)
642F7   <5h> <4h>
6258A   <5h> + (1:Syst Bin)
6261A   <5h> - (1:Syst Bin)
1249B   <5h> DISP (n x 8) (1:String)
62691   <6h> * (1:Syst Bin)
6259A   <6h> + (1:Syst Bin)
6262A   <6h> - (1:Syst Bin)
124AB   <6h> DISP (n x 8) (1:String)
625AA   <7h> + (1:Syst Bin)
124BB   <7h> DISP (n x 8) (1:String)
62674   <8h> * (1:Syst Bin)
625BA   <8h> + (1:Syst Bin)
625CA   <9h> + (1:Syst Bin)
6264E   <10h> * (1:Syst Bin)
625DA   <10h> + (1:Syst Bin)
625EA   <12h> + (1:Syst Bin)
2A871   < (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real) -> True/False
2A81F   < (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real) -> True/False
03CE4   < (boolean) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
54552   < (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
03B2E   == (boolean) (2:External, 1:External) -> True/False
2A8C1   == (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real) -> True/False
03D19   == (boolean) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
544D9   == (2:Binary, 1:Binary) 
2A87F   > (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real) -> True/False
2A88A   > (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real) -> True/False
03D83   > (boolean) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
54500   > (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
1420A   > (2:String, 1:String)
19294   \->ARRY (n+3:Real/cplx..., 3:Real/cplx, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Array(real/cplx))
05331   \->LIST (n+2:Any, n+1:Any, n:Any..., 3:Any, 2:Syst Bin(n), 
                   1:Syst Bin(prolog))
        \->ALG  (n+2:Any, n+1:Any, n:Any..., 3:Any, 2:Syst Bin(n), 
                   1:Syst Bin(prolog))
15B31   \->STR (1:Any)
159EB   \->STR (1:Any (truncate))
160E5   \->STR (1:Global)
162B8   \->STR (1:Real)
15B3D   \->STR (1:Any)
162AC   \->STR (1:Real)
07E50   \->XLIB (2:Syst Bin(command number), 1:Syst Bin(library number))
2A8AB   \<= (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real)
2A8B6   \<= (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real)
5453F   \<= (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
2A8CC   \=/ (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real) -> True/False
03D4E   \=/ (boolean) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
2A8A0   \>= (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real) -> True/False
2A895   \>= (boolean) (2:Real, 1:Real) -> True/False
5452C   \>= (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
2AAEA   \v/ (1:Longreal)
2AB09   \v/ (1:Real)
2AA5F   ^ (2:Longreal, 1:Longreal)
2AA70   ^ (2:Real, 1:Real)
071AB   Abort loop
2A8F0   ABS (1:Longreal)
2A900   ABS (1:Real)
18CD7   ABS Real\->Syst Bin
2ACF1   ACOS (1:Real) (values less than or equal to one)
621D7   Algebraic? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
054AF   Algebraic\-> (1:Algebraic)
61C1C   Allocate memory (nibbles) (2:String, 1:Syst Bin)
2ABBA   ALOG (1:Real)
1133A   ALPHA annunciator off
1132D   ALPHA annunciator on            
03B46   AND (boolean) (2:True/False, 1:True/False)
53D04   AND (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
03EB1   AND (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
188E6   AND (2:String, 1:String)
62198   Array? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
25C41   Ascii\->hex (3:binary,4:string, 2:Syst Bin(5=prolog only),
                     1:Syst Bin(prolog))
2ACC1   ASIN (1:Real (values less than or equal to one))
2AE00   ASINH (1:Real)
53E65   ASR (1:Binary)
35AF6   Assert 2rarr elseq
2AD21   ATAN (1:Real)
21CBA   ATTACH (any non home directory) (2:Directory, 1:Syst Bin)
07709   ATTACH (home directory) (1:Syst Bin)
0764E   Replace message table (2: Syst Bin, 1:Array of String)
        /-  attach message array (2:Syst Bin, 1:Array)
05040   ON/ATTN key pressed?
61160   Back fp 3 words
081D9   BACKUP\->name (1:Backup)
141B2   BEEP (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
53C43   BIN     
05A03   Binary->Syst Bin (1:Binary)
62144   Binary? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
5435D   Binary\->real (1:Binary)
540BB   Binary\->string (1:Binary)
1158F   BLANK (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
11354   Blue shift annunciator off
11347   Blue shift annunciator on       
05944   BYTES (non-ROM objects) (1:Any)->(2:Syst Bin, 1:Binary) 
05D2C   C\->R (1:Complex)
2AF73   CEIL (1:Real)
53761   CF (system flag) (1:Syst Bin)
53755   CF (user flag) (1:Syst Bin)
05ACC   Change prolog (2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
62025   Character? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
05A51   Character\->Syst Bin
18FB2   Check argument(s) (directory) (needs Syst Bin reference)
18FA9   Check Args for type - XFER   
        /-  check argument(s) (directory) (requires Syst Bin reference)    
1884D   Set last RPL Token to <0h>   Check Args for type (don't save D0) 
        /:  Check (1: argtype alt2)
        /-  check argument(s) (directory) 
        (needs Syst Bin reference d0 not saved)
19207   Check stack for n real/complex 
        (n+3:Real/Complex, ..., 3:Real/Complex, 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
2D271   Check TOS is a non-empty real 2-D array, else Invalid Sigma Data Error
0525B   CHR (2:String, 1:Syst Bin)
052EE   CHR (2:String, 1:Syst Bin)
112EC   Clear last arguments
01FA7   CLLCD (entire display)
01F6D   CLLCD (status & stack area)
53ABA   Clock off
53AAC   Clock on
04D33   Clr 5 nibbles @70673
5387C   Cmd off (display)
5386E   Cmd on  (display)
2AE62   COMB (2:Real, 1:Real)
08207   Command\->global (1:Command)
645BD   Compare n bytes (3:string(parent), 2:String(match), 1:Syst Bin(n))
62183   Complex? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
62256   Complex array? (boolean) (1:Array) -> True/False
03442   CON (1:Real,2:{Syst Bin Syst Bin})
51BB2   CONJ (1:Complex)
06E8E   Continue rpl (no operation)
2AC57   COS (1:Longreal)
2AC40   COS (1:Real)
2ADDA   COSH (1:Real)
07819   CRDIR (1:Syst Bin)
0CFD9   Date to string
40F12   Delay 43206h
40F02   Delay 6b67h
53C5B   DEC      
40EE7   Delay 55E
11543   Delayed ALPHA lock      
0314C   DEPTH -> (1:Syst Bin)
21D2B   DETACH (any non HOME directory) (1:Syst Bin,2:Directory)
076AE   DETACH (home directory) (1:Syst Bin)
621C2   Directory? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
123C8   DISP (n x 10) (2:String, 1:Syst Bin)
12429   DISP (n x 8) (2:String, 1:Syst Bin)
11679   Disp grob in grob pos
04ED1   DO errn @70673 (Last error code)
071A2   DO UNTIL (loop/test-clause true end)
        /-  while (test-clause true repeat loop-clause end)
61FA9   Does command/function have xlib number? (1:command/function(keeps level1
61FB6   Does command/function have xlib number? (1:command/function(drops level1
080C9   Does this library or one higher exist? (1:Syst Bin(library number))
1606C   Double quotes in string (1:String)
        /- \->str (1:String)
03258   DROP2 (2:Any, 1:Any)
03244   DROP (1:Any)
627A7   DROP DUP
6112A   DROP level2 & level3    
6113C   DROP level2 level3 & level4
04D57   DROP move 055DF to @d1 (drop overwrite level1 w/ null string) 
        (1:Any, 2:Any)
6270C   DROP SWAP       
62726   DROP SWAP DROP  
0326E   DROPN (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
05EEA   dtag (1:{tagged}
        / Change prolog of list element one to Global Nm
031AC   DUP2 (2:Any, 1:Any)
6289B   DUP2 < (boolean) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
628B5   DUP2 == (boolean) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
628D1   DUP2 > (boolean) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
03188   DUP (1:Any)
62266   DUP <0h> == (boolean) (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
622D4   DUP <0h> \=/ (boolean) (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
628EB   DUP <1h> + (1:Syst Bin)
6292F   DUP <1h> - (1:Syst Bin)
622C5   DUP <1h> == (boolean) (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
626F7   DUP <2h> + (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
61305   DUP <2h> + ROLL (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
627BB   DUP SIZE (bytes) (1:String) -> (2:String, 1:Syst Bin) 
031D9   DUPN (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
06B3E   Dynamicp
444EE   EDIT (1:Charater)
444C3   EDIT (1:String)
071E5   END (1:External)
071C8   END (1:External (loop/test-clause true end))
        /  if pop TOS = False, then exit loop, else iterate loop 
        /- end (1:External (do (until) loop/test-clause true end))
0312B   End composite object
166FB   ENG (1:Syst Bin)
1400E   ERR0
14039   Errn / Push Last Err# as Syst Bin  
04FB6   ERRN 001 insufficient memory    
04FC2   ERRN 002 directory recursion    
04FCE   ERRN 003 undefined local name   
05016   ERRN 004 undefined xlib name 
04FAA   ERRN 006 power lost     
04FDA   ERRN 008 invalid card data      
04FE6   ERRN 009 object in use  
04FF2   ERRN 00a port not available     
04FFE   ERRN 00b no room in port        
0500A   ERRN 00c object not in port     
10F54   ERRN 102 can't edit null char   
10F64   ERRN 103 invalid user function
10F74   ERRN 104 no current equation    
10F86   ERRN 106 invalid syntax          
10FD6   ERRN 123 kill   
10FE6   ERRN 124 last stack disabled    
10FF6   ERRN 125 last cmd disabled      
10FC6   ERRN 126 halt not allowed       
11006   ERRN 128 wrong argument count   
11016   ERRN 129 circular reference     
11026   ERRN 12a directory not allowed 
11036   ERRN 12b non-empty directory    
11046   ERRN 12c invalid definition     
11056   ERRN 12d missing library
10F96   ERRN 12e invalid ppar   
10FA6   ERRN 12f non-real result 
10FB6   ERRN 130 unable to isolate      
11066   ERRN 13c name conflict 
11076   ERRN 13e continue
18CC2   ERRN 201 too few arguments
18CB2   ERRN 202 bad argument type
18CA2   ERRN 203 bad argument value
18C92   ERRN 204 undefined name
2D2E6   ERRN 602 nonexistent \GSdat
0CBAE   ERRN d04 nonexexistent alarm    
18EBA   EVAL (1:Algebraic/list/program)
06F8E   EVAL (1:Any) (except list algebraic tagged)
06F9F   EVAL (1:program)
418C4   EVAL 70628
418E4   EVAL 7062D
41904   EVAL 70632
41934   EVAL 70637
41954   EVAL 7063c
41974   EVAL 70641
41994   EVAL 70646
419B4   EVAL 70650
419D4   EVAL 70655
626DC   EVAL fourth item in this instruction stream and return
04EB8   EVAL in new frame
06F66   EVAL next item from previous instruction steam then continue
06FD1   Eval next item in this instruction stream & return
62958   EVAL next item in this instruction stream & return two times
626EE   EVAL second item in this instruction stream and return
626AE   EVAL sixth item in this instruction stream and return
626E5   EVAL third item in this instruction stream and return
2AB1C   EXP (1:Longreal)
2AB2F   EXP (1:Real)
2AB42   EXPM (1:Real)
5380E   External (true/false) -> real (1/0)
03AC0   External false
03A81   External true
166E3   FIX (1:Syst Bin)
2AF99   FLOOR (1:Longreal)
2AF86   FLOOR (1:Real)
05F42   Force memory packing   / RPL Garbage Collect          
2AF4D   FP (1:Real)
39451   FREEZE menu bar
393FD   FREEZE stack
393D3   FREEZE status area
53784   FS? (system flag) (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
53778   FS? (user flag) (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False
355C8   GET (as complex) (2:Array(complex), 1:Syst Bin)
35602   GET (as longreal) (2:Array(real), 1:Syst Bin)
355D8   GET (as longreal/longcomplex) (2:Array(real/complex), 1:Syst Bin)
355B8   GET (as real) (2:Array(real), 1:Syst Bin)
3558E   GET (as real/complex) (2:Array(real/complex), 1:Syst Bin)
0371D   GET (2:Syst Bin, 1:Array)
056B6   GET; (2:object, 1:<Nh>) -> N'th address in object
        /-  GET (2:list, 1:Syst Bin)
418A4   Get 7061E
419F4   Get 70623
41924   Get 70637
41A14   Get 7064b
40A82   Get 7065F
4185B   Get 707C9 Syst Bin
41881   Get 707D3
61438   Get fourth last local
613B6   Get last local
6145C   Get local1
6146C   Get local2
6147C   Get local3
6148C   Get local4
6149C   Get local5
614AC   Get local6
614BC   Get local7
614CC   Get local8
614DC   Get local9
614EC   Get local10
614FC   Get local11
6150C   Get local12
6151C   Get local13
6152C   Get local14
6153C   Get local15
6154C   Get local16
6155C   Get local17
6156C   Get local18
613E7   Get second last local
6140E   Get third last local
179D0   Get variable contents (2:Directory, 1:Syst Bin)
6203A   Global? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False  
07BFD   Global\->command (1:Global)
2465F   Global\->local (1:Global)
05BE9   Global\->string (1:Global)
62201   Graphics? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
179AC   Grob width <1h> == (1:Grob)
53C37   HEX     
15FCF   Hex\->ascii (2:Binary, 1:String)
08D92   HOME
08DD4   Home? (boolean) (1:Directory) -> True/False
61896   If <0h> == then do next return else skip next continue (1:Syst Bin)
61A18   If <0h> == then return else continue (1:Syst Bin)
6186C   If == then do next return else skip next continue 
        (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
618A8   If dup <0h> == then drop do next return 
                       else skip next continue (1:Syst Bin)
61984   If false drop2 return else continue (3:Any, 2:Any, 1:External)
619F3   If false jump absolute else continue (1:External)
619AD   If false then do next return else skip next continue (1:External)
61B72   If false then drop (1:External)
61960   If false then drop return else continue (2:Any, 1:External)
61A2C   If false then return else continue (1:External)
6191F   If false then skip next continue else drop2 do next return 
618F7   If false then skip next continue else drop do next return 
0712A   If level1 true then skip next item in this instruction stream 
070FD   If level2 true then eval else drop
070C3   If level3 true then drop & eval else swap drop & eval 
        (3:External, 2:Any, 1:Any)
61A8E   If level3 true then drop eval return else swap drop eval return
6187C   If over == then do next return else skip next continue 
        (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
61933   If over == then do next return else skip next continue 
        (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
618BA   If over == then drop do next return else skip next continue
        (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
618D3   If over == then drop do next return else skip next continue 
        (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
61970   If true drop2 return else continue (3:Any, 2:Any, 1:External)
619E0   If true jump absolute else continue (1:External)
61AD8   If true then (true-clause) else (else-clause) (1:External)
619BC   If true then do next continue else skip next continue (1:External)
61993   If true then do next return else skip next continue (1:External)
6194B   If true then drop return else continue (2:Any, 1:External)
61AE9   If true then drop return else return
61A58   If true then drop skip next continue else continue (1:External)
61A3B   If true then return else continue (1:External)
618E8   If true then skip next continue else drop do next return (1:External)
61910   If true then skip next continue else drop2 do next return (1:External)
53A66   Immediate entry mode off
53A58   Immediate-entry mode on
641C7   In current context
04E5E   Inc local and loop ctrs
2AA92   INV (1:Longreal)
2AAAF   INV (1:Real)       
2AF60   IP (1:Real)
619CB   Jump absolute to address given by next five nibbles in this stream
4434F   Justify right margin for edit
04714   KEY?
04708   KEY? do
047C7   Keyscan (1:Syst Bin)
04912   Keywait
081EE   Library\->Syst Bin (1:Library)
62216   List? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
054AF   LIST\-> or algebraic\-> or program\-> (1:List/alg/prog)
24EA6   List\->directory (1:List { #0h 'name(' any } )
2AB5B   LN (1:Longreal)
2AB6E   LN (1:Real) (values greater than zero)
2AB94   LNP1 (1:Longreal)
2ABA7   LNP1 (1:Real)
6211A   Local? (boolean) (1:Any)
2464F   Local\->global (1:Local)
2AB81   LOG (1:Real) (values greater than zero)
05DBC   Longcomplex\->longreal (1:Longcomplex)
51A07   Longreal\->complex (2:Longreal, 1:Longreal)
05C8A   Longreal\->longcomplex (2:Longreal, 1:Longreal)
357F0   Longreal\->real (1:Longreal)
2A5B0   Longreal\->real (1:Longreal)
07258   Loop v1
07264   Loop v2
2A930   MANT (1:Real)
08E73   Matches library w/ number (2:short(library's number), 1:library)
624C6   MAX (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
2CCDF   MaxSigma (2:Syst Bin(=col), 1:2-D RealArray)  -> 1:real
2CD13   MEAN (2:Syst Bin (=col),  1:2-D RealArray)  -> 1:real
05F61   MEM -> (1:Syst Bin)
624BA   MIN (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
2CCF8   MinSigma (2:Syst Bin (=col), 1:2-D RealArray) ->  1:real
2ABDC   MOD (2:Real, 1:Real)       
62103   Move 03A81 to @d1 (1:Any) (overwrites level1 w/ true)
6210C   Move 03AC0 to @d1 (1:Any) (overwrites level1 w/ false)
6254E   Move 03FEF to @d1 & @d1+5 (2:Any, 1:Any) 
        (overwites level1 & level2 w/ <0h>)
62535   Move 03FEF to @d1 (1:Any) (overwrites level1 w/ <0h>)
04D3E   Move 055DF to @d1 (overwrites level1 w/ null string) (1:Any)
13FE5   Move 5 nibbles @70673 to @706FF
04E07   MOVE address @70600 to @d1 (overwrites level1)
04E37   MOVE @d1 to @70600 (stores level1)
18ECE   Need & check 1 argument (xlib) (needs Syst Bin reference)
18EDF   Need & check 2 arguments (xlib) (needs Syst Bin reference)
18EF0   Need & check 3 arguments (xlib) (needs Syst Bin reference)
18F01   Need & check 4 arguments (xlib) (needs Syst Bin reference)
18F12   Need & check 5 arguments (xlib) (needs Syst Bin reference)
18A15   Need 0 arguments (directory)
18A1E   Need 0 arguments (library)
18AB2   Need 1 argument (directory)
18AA5   Need 1 argument (library)       
18A8D   Need 2 arguments (directory)
18A80   Need 2 arguments (library)
18A68   Need 3 arguments (directory)    
18A5B   Need 3 arguments (library)
18B9F   Need 4 arguments (directory)
18B92   Need 4 arguments (library)      
18B7A   Need 5 arguments (directory)
18B6D   Need 5 arguments (library)
18C34   Need n arguments (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Real)
53EC3   NEG (1:Binary)
51B70   NEG (1:Complex)
2A910   NEG (1:Longreal)
2A920   NEG (1:Real)
06657   NEWOB
35849   NEXT
2326A   NEXT
07334   NEXT
03AF2   NOT (boolean) (1:True/False)
03CA6   NOT (boolean) (1:Syst Bin)    /if TOS = <0h> (Syst Bin) -> True/False 
53D4E   NOT (1:Binary)
18961   NOT (1:String)
055B7   Null list?
0556F   Null string?
05566   Null string?
53C4F   OCT     
041ED   OFF     
03B75   OR (boolean) (2:True/False, 1:True/False) -> True/False
        / if TOS-1 = True, then DROP TOS, else DROP TOS-1 
53D15   OR (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
188F5   OR (2:String, 1:String)
1136E   Orange shift annunciator off
11361   Orange shift annunciator on     
032C2   OVER (2:Any, 1:Any)
620EB   OVER == (boolean) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
05622   OVER SIZE (bytes) (2:String, 1:Any) -> Syst Bin
2AE75   PERM (2:Real, 1:Real)
032E2   PICK (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
645B1   POS (3:string(parent), 2:String(match), 1:Syst Bin(start))
11533   PRG ON  (LCD status msg)
621EC   Program? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
03C64   Prolog\->Syst Bin (1:List/program/algebraic/directory)
2EC52   Proper baudrate p
089FA   PURGE (1:Any(variable contents))
089D8   PURGE (2:Any(variable contents), 1:External(true/false))
07497   PURGE local(s)
62946   Push <0h> (1:Any) (overwrites level1 w/ <0h>)
6480B   Push 5 nibbles starting @Syst Bin (1:Syst Bin2list/program/algebraic)
641FC   Push <0h> <0h>
64209   Push <0h> <1h>
6427A   Push <0h> <7h>
6428A   Push <1h> <1Bh>
6429D   Push <2h> <1h>
642AF   Push <2h> <2h>
642BF   Push <2h> <4h>
642D1   Push <3h> <4h>
642F7   Push <5h> <4h>
0701F   Push & skip remainder previous instruction stream & continue
06E97   Push next item in rpl instruction stream to stack unevaluated
06EEB   Push next item in previous instruction stream to stack unevaluated
07012   Push remainder of previous instruction stream & continue
35628   PUT (3:Array(real/complex), 2:Longreal/longcomplex, 1:Syst Bin)
35628   PUT (3:Array(real/complex), 2:Real/complex, 1:Syst Bin)
3566F   PUT (3:Array(real), 2:Real, 1:Syst Bin)
1605F   Quotes in string (1:String)
05C27   R\->C (2:Real, 1:Real)
19350   Ram object? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
        /- xlib? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
2AFC2   RAND    
07E99   RCL (xlib contents) (1:Xlib)
0797B   RCL (1:Global)
0C612   RCL (1:Syst Bin) (address of data being recalled)
04CE6   RCL 5 nibbles @70673 as Syst Bin
17980   RCL 5 nibbles @70770 as Syst Bin
0E235   RCL alarms
08143   RCL configuration routine to stack (1:Syst Bin(library number)
54050   RCL current base mode (i.e. <10h>=hex <10d>=dec <10o>=oct <10b>=bin)
08D5A   RCL current directory
07221   RCL current loop count -> Syst Bin
08326   RCL first directory variable (1:Directory)
08D82   RCL home directory
08128   RCL link table to stack (large binary) (1:Syst Bin(library number))
12645   RCL menu grob (131 x 8)
0C4EC   RCL message as string (1:Syst Bin(message table address),
        2:Syst Bin(message)) (should be immediately followed drop newob)
07249   RCL n (total loop passes)
08376   RCL next directory variable (2:Dir, 1:External)
08309   RCL next directory up (1:Directory)
12665   RCL PICT
04A0B   RCL user menu name as global (1:Syst Bin) (menu no. <1h> to <6h>)
04A0B   RCL rom menu contents (command) (1:Syst Bin) (menu no. <1h> to <6h>)
04A0B   RCL rom menu contents (dir) (1:Syst Bin) (menu no. <1h> to <6h>)
04A41   RCL rom menu label as string (1:Syst Bin) (label number)
04A41   RCL variable menu label as global (1:Syst Bin) (label number)
12655   RCL stack/status grob (131 x 56)
12635   RCL stack/status grob (131 x 56)
1C637   RCLF (system flags)
1C64E   RCLF (user flags) 
54039   RCWS (bits) -> Syst Bin
6216E   Real? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
543F9   Real\->binary (1:Real)
51A37   Real\->complex (1:Real)
2A5C1   Real\->longreal (1:Real)
18CEA   Real\->Syst Bin (1:Real)
6223B   Real array? (boolean) (1:Array) -> True/False
071EE   If pop TOS = False, then skip next two tokens and iterate 
        /-  repeat (1:True/False) 
        (while test-clause true repeat loop-clause end)
6296D   Return & eval next item from previous instruction stream & return
62986   Return & if true then do next return else skip next continue (1:External
629A1   Return & if true then skip next continue else do next return (1:External
0AB82   Return port pointers (1:Syst Bin)
21C47   Returns address of first nibble past level1 object
08101   Returns hash table location (1:Syst Bin) (library number)
081B9   Returns library's name to stack (1:Syst Bin) (library's number)
0814F   Returns library's number to stack (1:Global) (library's name)
0807F   Returns library location (1:Syst Bin) (library number)
0811C   Returns message table location (1:Syst Bin) (library number)
07F98   Returns xlib's library number (1:Xlib)
53E0C   RL (1:Binary)
53E3B   RLB (1:Binary)
03325   ROLL (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
0339E   ROLLD (n+1:Any, n:Any, ... , 2:Any, 1:Syst Bin)
1A2DA   Rom object? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
03295   ROT (1:Any,2:Any,3:Any)
60F21   ROT DROP 
62775   ROT DUP 
07E76   Rpl\->xlib (1:Command/program)
53DA4   RR (1:Binary)
53DE1   RRB (1:Binary)
03B97   SAME (boolean) (2:Any, 1:Any) -> True/False
64127   SAME (boolean) (2:Any, 1:Any) -> True/False
166EF   SCI (1:Syst Bin)
2CD31   SDEV (2:Syst Bin (=col), 1:2-D RealArray)  ->1:real
1884D   Set last RPL Token to <0h>
07295   Set loop counter
07270   Set loop increment
072AD   Set loop v1q
072C2   Set loop v2q
0716B   Set return to self
08DC4   SetTmpdir Home
53731   SF (system flag) (1:Syst Bin)
53725   SF (user flag) (1:Syst Bin)
2A8D7   SIGN (1:Real)
2AC06   SIN (1:Longreal)
2ABEF   SIN (1:Real)
2ADAE   SINH (1:Real)
05636   SIZE (bytes) (1:String) -> Syst Bin
035A9   SIZE (dimension) (1:Array)
50578   SIZE (dimension) (1:Grob)
03562   SIZE (elements) (1:Array)
0809E   SIZE (library nibbles-10) (1:Syst Bin) (library number)
05902   SIZE (nibbles) (1:Any)
05616   SIZE (nibbles) (1:String)
357A8   SIZE (row column) (1:Array) (matrix true vector false)
0567B   SIZE (1:List)
0715C   Skip next 2 items in this instruction stream
0714D   Skip next item in this instruction stream
06FB7   Skip remainder of previous instruction stream & continue
53D5E   SL (1:Binary)
53D6E   SLB (1:Binary)
04DD7   Split Syst Bin (1:Syst Bin)
53D81   SR (1:Binary)
53D91   SRB (1:Binary)
62159   String? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
073C3   START 0 to n-1 (1:Syst Bin)
073CE   START 1 to n-1 (1:Syst Bin)
073DB   START 1 to n (1:Syst Bin) (addr. 07249 -> n+1)
073F7   START n(2)-1 to n(1) (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
16707   STD     
233C1   STEP (1:Real)
073A5   STEP (1:Syst Bin)
538DC   Stk off  (display)
538CE   Stk on   (display)
08696   STO (2:Any, 1:Global)
07D27   STO (2:Any, 1:Global)
07D1B   STO (2:Any, 1:Local)
085D3   STO (2:old contents, 1:new contents)
09107   STO (5:global, 4:any, 3:Syst Bin(address), 2:Syst Bin(nibbles+5),
             1:Syst Bin(port1/2 only))
04D0E   STO 5 nibbles @70673 (1:Syst Bin)
1795A   STO 5 nibbles @70770 (1:Syst Bin)
419A4   Store 70560
41894   Store 7061e
419E4   Store 70623
418B4   Store 70628
418D4   Store 7062d
418F4   Store 70632
41914   Store 70637
41944   Store 7063c
41964   Store 70641
41984   Store 70646
41A04   Store 7064b
419C4   Store 70655
40A6F   Store 7065f
41848   Store 707c9 Syst Bin
4186E   Store 707d3 Syst Bin
38C08   STO @d1 to @70605
38C38   STO @d1 to @7060A
61615   Store Local 2dh
61625   Store local1
61635   Store local2
61645   Store local3
61655   Store local4
61665   Store local5
61675   Store local6
61685   Store local7
61695   Store local8
616A5   Store local9
616B5   Store local10
616C5   Store local11
616D5   Store local12
616E5   Store local13
616F5   Store local14
61705   Store local15
61715   Store local16
61725   Store local17
61735   Store local18
615E0   Store local fh
615F0   Store local 19h
61600   Store local 23h
61610   Store local 2dh        
617D8   STO local data
04A4C   STO menu label (2:String, 1:Syst Bin)
08D4A   Store tmpdir
1C731   STOF (system flags) (1:Binary)
1C6F7   STOF (user flags) (1:Binary, 1:Syst Bin)
074E4   Store local(s) (2:local....,n:Any)
050ED   String->character            /:  FirstChar of string 
05B15   String\->global (1:String)
30794   String "hphp48-n"       
11CF3   String pitch10 toGrob
11F80   String pitch6 toGrob
11D00   String pitch8 toGrob
1200C   String to grob pitch6
53CAA   STWS (1:Syst Bin)
05733   SUB (bytes) (3:string, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
05815   SUB (nibbles) (3:string, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
05821   SUB (3:list, 2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
2CE53   Sum of Squares (4:Syst Bin (=col), 3:2-D RealArray, 2:long_real_0,
                        1:External false) -> 1: long_real
	(It is not yet known what passing true will do)
62794   SWAP - (2:Syst Bin, 1:Syst Bin)
03223   SWAP (2:Any, 1:Any)
62904   SWAP <1h> + (1:Syst Bin)      
62830   SWAP DROP DUP   
62747   SWAP DUP        
62001   SWAP level1 w/ level3
60F33   SWAP level1 w/ level3
60F0E   SWAP level1 w/ level3 DROP      
60EE7   SWAP level2 w/ level3   
61380   SWAP OVER
35B4F   Switch R C LR
35B90   Switch R C LR and R LR
059CC   Syst Bin->binary (1:Syst Bin)
6212F   Syst Bin? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
05A75   Syst Bin\->character (1:Syst Bin)      
18DBF   Syst Bin\->real (1:Syst Bin)  
167D8   Syst Bin\->real\->string (colon) (1:Syst Bin)
1685C   Syst Bin\->real\->string + (colon) (2:String, 1:Syst Bin)
1686A   Syst Bin\->real\->string + (colon) (2:String, 1:Syst Bin)
167E4   Syst Bin\->real\->string (1:Syst Bin)
05E9F   /->tag (1:{global any} )
6222B   Tag? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
2AC17   TAN (1:Longreal)
2AC91   TAN (1:Real)
2ADED   TANH (1:Real)
1314D   TEXT
0D06A   Time to string
2CD04   TOT (2:Syst Bin (=col), 1:2-D RealArray)  -> 1:real
0358F   TYPE (real/complex) (1:Array)
18653   Type nib 1 and 2 zerop
6204F   Unit? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
08D08   UPDIR (1:Directory) (pre-existing)
05089   UVAL (1 get) (1:unit)
2CD22   VAR (2:Syst Bin (=col), 1:2-D RealArray)  ->1:real
082E3   Variable contents\->name
03685   Verify existence of array element (2:{<><>}, 1:Array )
621AD   Xlib? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
19350   Xlib? (boolean) (1:Any) -> True/False
08CCC   Xlib\-> (1:Xlib)
0821F   Xlib\->global (1:Xlib) (visible)
03ADA   XOR (boolean) (2:True/False, 1:True/False)
53D26   XOR (2:Binary, 1:Binary)
18904   XOR (2:String, 1:String)
2AE39   XPON (1:Real)
2AA81   XROOT (2:Real, 1:Real)
40AA8   Zerop 7065f
42262   Zerop loc70679  

All Remaining Entry Points:

2349C              (XLIB 1792 15)   /:  Cmd_blank          /U  xSILENT
1F3F3            | (algebraic syntax) (XLIB 2 256)         /U  xWHERE
1F354            | (stack syntax)     (XLIB 2 255)         /U  rpnWHERE
        /:  Cmd_where
1F38B   Internal | (stack syntax) (2:Symbolic,1:List)
1F3ED:           Cmd_where_2
1BB02            ! (XLIB 2 99)      /:  Cmd_fact           /U  xFACT
2B0C4   Internal ! (1:Real)         /=  Factorial
55175   Internal ! (1:Symbolic)     /=  Factor_algGlob
1C060            % (XLIB 2 124)     /:  Cmd_percent        /U  x%
55C56   Internal % (2:Real/Unit,1:Symbolic) /=  Percent_real_algGlob
55C3D   Internal % (2:Symbolic,1:Real/Unit) /=  Percent_algGlob_real
55C6F   Internal % (2:Symbolic,1:Symbolic)  /=  Percent_algGlob
0FBAB   Internal % (2:Unit,1:Real)          /=  Percent_unit_real
1C149            %CH (XLIB 2 126)    /:  Cmd_percentCH     /U  x%CH
0FC3C   Internal %CH (2:Real/Unit,1:Real/Unit) /=  PercentCH_unit
55CA1   Internal %CH (2:Real/Unit,1:Symbolic)  /=  PercentCH_real_algGlob
55C88   Internal %CH (2:Symbolic,1:Real/Unit)  /=  PercentCH_algGlob_real
55CBA   Internal %CH (2:Symbolic,1:Symbolic)   /=  PercentCH_algGlob
1C0D7            %T (XLIB 2 125)     /:  Cmd_percentT      /U  x%T
0FCCD   Internal %T (2:Real/Unit,1:Real/Unit)
55CEC   Internal %T (2:Real/Unit,1:Symbolic)
55CD3   Internal %T (2:Symbolic,1:Real/Unit)
55D05   Internal %T (2:Symbolic,1:Symbolic)
23654    (start) '  (XLIB 1792 20)   /:  Cmd_quote         /U  x'

 (end of part 2 of 4)