(Malcolm G Gaylord HP48SX) (05/20/91)
Can someone tell me how the Beta vectored enter works and what it is used for? I understand how to use the Alpha vectored enter, but the Beta mystifies me. If I store a null program in 'BENTER' (where B is actually the beta symbol) and turn on the user keys, it seems to be trying to create algebraics. After the algebraic is a null string. What gives?? Thanks in advance. Malcolm (Malcolm G Gaylord HP48SX) (05/22/91)
Can someone please explain what the beta vectored enter is for. I have used the alpha vectored enter, but the beta mystifies me. If I store a null program in 'BENTER' where B is actually the beta symbol and turn on the user keys I get strange results. It seems to try to make algebraic objects out of everything entered, but a null string is also added to the stack. What gives?? Thanks in advance. malcolm
The \GaENTER program allows you to look at the stack after Enter has been pressed (explicitly or implicitly). \GbEnter allows you to look at the stack after the operation has been performed and tells you what operation was performed (that's null string -- you must have just hit Enter). If you have the STKV utility, try out these two little vectored enter programs: \GaENTER \<< "\GaENTER" STKV DROP OBJ\-> \>> \GbENTER \<< "\GbENTER" STKV DROP \>> They should give you a pretty good feel for what is going on... ndw