(Ian Matthew Smith) (05/22/91)
This is version 1.2 of my infinate base calculator. New in this version, it handles fractions. As it stands, you will not notice any diffrence in the usage from V1.1 except for the displays on the [E] softkey in the custom menu. Ok, lets see if I can make this understandable... By using binary numbers for my conversions, the range of the calculations is greatly increased. Unfortunatly, you can't have fractions in binary numbers, so when you need to do fractional calculations, the IB programs will switch to decimal numbers when needed. Leaving the IBFIX varable to 0 will keep rounding errors from happining in the conversion. If you set it to somthing else, be warned that you will loose percision if you do an operation on 2 numbers under 1E12 that result in an answer over 1E12. Thanks to Paul Dujmich <> for providing me with an easy way to convert the fractional part of a number to a diffrent base, along with example code. This directory contains: BMTH : Sets up the following custom menu... Add, ect : The standard 4 math functions that work on IB numbers. Base/Fix : Ok, this menu key has 2 numbers seperated by a slash. the first is the base you are working in, and the second is the number of desired fractional digits. Pressing it will store the number in level one as the current base. Left-shifting will do the same, but also convert the level 2 IB number to the current base. Right shifting it sets the number of fractional digits to use in converting to IB numbers. CONVERT : Pressing this key will convert from an IB number to a base-10 number, and back. Left-shifting will toggle between a binary number and a real. ->IB : Take either a binary or a real from the stack and return it in the base specified in BBASE, runded off to IBFIX places. IB-> : Take an IB string from the stack and convert it to either a binary number or a real. if IBFIX is set to zero, it will always return a binary number. If IBFIX is set to somthing other than zero, it will use return a real if the base-10 numver is less than 1E12. IB2-> : Runs IB-> on the objects in level 1 and two, leaving their order intact. BBASE : The current base. (2-62 is valid) IBFIX : Number of desired decimal places. (0 will force all calculations to be carried out in binaries) ->IB2 : Runs ->IB on the objects in level 1 and two, leaving their order intact. BSTR : A string used in the conversion proccess. - Ian Smith <<>> Size: 1542 bytes CheckSum: # 76Fh ---------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------- %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); DIR BMTH \<< { Add \<< IB2\-> + \->IB \>> } { Sub \<< IB2\-> - \->IB \>> } { Mul \<< IB2\-> * \->IB \>> } { Div \<< IB2\-> / \->IB \>> } BBASE "/" IBFIX + + { \<< 'BBASE' STO BMTH \>> \<< SWAP IB\-> SWAP 'BBASE' STO \->IB BMTH \>> \<< 'IBFIX' STO BMTH \>> } 2 \->LIST { CONV { \<< DUP IF TYPE 2 == THEN IB\-> ELSE \->IB END \>> \<< DUP IF TYPE 0 == THEN R\->B ELSE DUP IF TYPE 10 == THEN B\->R END END \>> } } 6 \->LIST TMENU \>> \->IB \<< DUP IF TYPE 0 == THEN DUP FP SWAP IP R\->B ELSE 0 SWAP END DUP IF TYPE 10 == THEN RCWS SWAP "" SWAP 64 STWS WHILE DUP B\->R REPEAT DUP BBASE DUP2 / * - 1 + BSTR SWAP B\->R DUP SUB ROT + SWAP BBASE / END DROP SWAP STWS SWAP IF DUP BBASE IBFIX ^ * 1 < THEN DROP ELSE "" SWAP 1 IBFIX START IF DUP 0 \=/ THEN BBASE * DUP IP BSTR SWAP 1 + DUP SUB ROT SWAP + SWAP FP END NEXT DROP "." SWAP + + END END \>> IB\-> \<< DUP IF TYPE 2 == THEN RCWS SWAP 64 STWS IF DUP "." POS THEN DUP DUP "." POS SWAP DUP SIZE ROT 1 + SWAP SUB SWAP DUP "." POS 1 - 1 SWAP SUB ELSE "" SWAP END # 0d SWAP DUP SIZE 1 - 0 SWAP FOR j DUP DUP SIZE j - DUP SUB BSTR SWAP POS 1 - # 1d IF j 0 > THEN BBASE 1 j START DUP ROT * SWAP NEXT DROP END * ROT + SWAP NEXT DROP IF DUP B\->R 1.E12 < IBFIX AND THEN B\->R END SWAP IF DUP SIZE THEN 0 SWAP DUP SIZE 1 SWAP FOR j DUP j j SUB BSTR SWAP POS 1 - BBASE j NEG ^ * ROT + SWAP NEXT DROP + ELSE DROP END SWAP STWS ELSE IF DUP TYPE 0 == IBFIX NOT AND THEN R\->B END END \>> IB2\-> \<< IB\-> SWAP IB\-> SWAP \>> BBASE 16 IBFIX 0 \->IB2 \<< \->IB SWAP \->IB SWAP \>> BSTR "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" END ---------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------- - Ian Smith <<>>