[comp.sys.handhelds] hakit.lib

akcs.burhan@hpcvbbs.UUCP (burhan h. afandi) (05/22/91)

             Attention Rick Grevelle(need your help)


akcs.burhan@hpcvbbs.UUCP (burhan h. afandi) (05/22/91)

             Please tell me how to insatall and run your program, hakit,

             on my calculator. all i have is a string of hexadecimal

             numbers and i don't know what to do with it.

             i was told to convert it to binary using asc--> but i have

             not been able to find asc--> anywhere. I tried writing my

             own version of asc--> and converted your string to a binary

             string, but i still can't run the program.

             please tell me what to do.

                                                         thank you

                                                      Burhan H. Afandi


akcs.jrchaffer@hpcvbbs.UUCP (J. Richard Chaffer) (05/22/91)

Where in heck IS Hackit,, Rick ?????????
How does one GET IT ??
(not visible hereabouts.....)
  --- jrc