[comp.sys.handhelds] HP48 Print Format Question

rrauenza@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Who, Me??) (06/03/91)

  I recently found the command that sends printer data out of the serial
port instead of the IR Port.  What I want to do with this now is to 
write a program for my PC that reads the serial port and echo's the 
graphics data to my screen (virtual printer?) and/or dumps it to my Epson 

  My problem is understanding the HP printer graphics format.  The
lines seem to be of variable length and I think it is using some
commands to do some simple compressing of the printer data (skip 
10 columns, or something...)  

  Does anyone have any info on the graphics format?  Or a program
like this already written?  Or similar?  
  I've tried the Epson printer driver library for the 48, but after 
I carefully download it to my HP (in binary mode) - it ends up as 
a string "HPHP-B...." that I can't do anything with (I actually 
got it stored in a library - except it got stored as a string =^/  )
(This also happened with usag.bin - both available at the hpbbs
ftp site)


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| rrauenza@Ares.CalPoly.EDU     |            ----- Major ( construction until )
+------------ - -- - -  --- - - + - -         sin        ( further notice...  )