(Jeremy Smith) (06/03/91)
28/48 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about the HP 28C, HP 28S, and HP 48SX. This file, FAQ2848, is posted monthly on comp.sys.handhelds and will be available on the archive sites listed below. Any additions and corrections please email to HP 28 stuff: ============ - To find out the version of your HP 28C execute HEX then #A SYSEVAL. It will be 1BB or 1CC. - The version of your HP 28S is 2BB HP 48 stuff: ============ - To find out the version type ON-D, Backspace, EVAL. Type ON-C to get back to the real world. Also << #30794h SYSEVAL >> - Type ON-x as follows: press ON, press x, release ON, release x. - Flag 19 determines whether 2D makes a vector or a complex number - MEM invokes garbage collection (memory cleanup). Garbage collection occurs automatically at intervals causing the 48 to pause for a moment. Use less stack to make it faster. - ON-C gets all memory back, except variables. PICT, last stack, last arg, the stack, etc all use up memory. - See manual (II) p627 for \Ga and other characters preceded by \. - Vectored ENTER means that \GaENTER and \GbENTER are executed as follows: (long story, Bill Wickes article available from archive sites soon) - Stopping TAYLR gone mad; ON-C halts any operation & doesn't erase variables. - The pinouts for the serial port are (looking at the it end on, screen facing up) 1-Field Ground 2-Receive 3-Send 4-Signal Ground, and connect to pins 1, 2, 3, 7 on standard db25 pin RS232 connector, or nothing, 2, 3, 5 on a db9 pin connector. The 48 pins are 2mm apart. - SAD, CHIP48, Tetris, are available at the archives sites listed below. - Press \pi \->NUM to get pi. Same for e, i, MINR, MAXR. - Use \->ASC to post binary objects. \->ASC available as file ascii.encode.Z from the mail server. - Chip48 is a machine language program which interprets Chip8, a game language used on small systems in the 1970s. Chip8 games appear as an undecipherable string on the stack, but can be run using the Chip48 interpreter. - PC is DTE, modem is DCE. Use null modem &| gender bender. HP 28 and 48 stuff: =================== - Flickering display - caused by fluorescent lights. - Split a matrix in rows by using \Gs- - Build a matrix from rows by using \Gs+ - Your calculator is very accurate, but not infinite. Don't expect 'SQ(\v/2)' to be exactly 2. - Mind the values of your symbolic, constant, function evaluation flags. - The 28 speed nybble has a value 0-f (default 7) which can be changed by software; the 48 is 'hard-wired' to top speed - 2MHz and cannot be changed. - Transmitting data from the HP28 to the HP48 is done with INPRT which comes with the HP48 cable. INPRT is available from the archives. General stuff: ========= - HP's calculator BBS: (503) 750-4448 @ 2400 baud N81, and (503) 750- 3277 @ 9600 baud N81. Also (from Internet sites): >telnet - Ftp sites: (Source of lots of articles, information and neat public domain HP 28 & HP 48 programs) (type >ftp site name (or IP address), login as anonymous, password your return address, cd directory, ls to see files, set binary, get filename to transfer file to your system) Site Name IP address directory (Key Files) ----------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------- 36.??.??.?? (hp48archive) games gnu hp28 irc iso lisp pub/misc/hp48sx pub/misc/hp28s new/hp48sx pub pub (readme) unix lharc source, hp48sx sw comp.sys.handhelds, hp-28 /pub/misc/hp48sx/asap/chip48-2.25-bin.Z /systems/hp48sx - Handhelds Mailing list: (forwarded to comp.sys.handhelds) To join mailing list send message SUBSCRIBE HANDHELDS your_real_name To abdicate from mailing list send message UNSUBSCRIBE HANDHELDS or SIGNOFF HANDHELDS to MAILSERV@GAC.EDU (Internet) or MAILSERV@GACVAX1.BITNET (Bitnet) To post a message for the mailing list, send it to HANDHELDS@GAC.EDU (Internet) or HANDHELDS@GACVAX1.BITNET (Bitnet) - Handhelds mail server: To: Subject: HP-MAIL-SERVER (The subject must be exactly as shown) send HELP INDEX (help on using this server + index of files) HP28 (HP 28 files) - How to ftp through BITftp: Send the message 'HELP' to BITFTP@PUCC (Bitnet) or to (Internet). It sends you everything you'll need. - HP 48sx and accessories available by mailorder from: EduCalc Mail Store (714) 582-2637 Elek-Tek (708) 677-7660 27953 Cabot Road 7350 North Linder Avenue Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 USA Skokie, Illinois 60077 (800) 677-7001 fax: (714) 582-1445 (800) 395-1000 fax: (708) 677-7168 HP 48sx $279.95 HP 48sx $249.00 (orders outside USA: +714 582-2637) Surveyors Supply Co. (919) 362-7000 Calculators, Inc. Hwy 64 at Salem Street P.O. Box 809 Minneapolis Apex, NC 27502 (612) 866-8908 (800) 334-0095 fax: (919) 362-7077 HP 48sx $248.50 HP 48sx $269.95 -- -- (Jeremy |-) Smith)