Hello again, On Saturday 1st June 1991 various members of HPCC ( the Handhelds and Portable Computer Club) were lucky enough to spend some time talking with Bill Wickes at Heathrow Airport just before he was due to return to the States. The meeting took place in a relaxed and informal atmosphere in one of the rather cosmopolitan coffee shops of the Airport. A good time was had by all with lively discussion continuing long after Bill Wickes unfortunately had to depart. The meeting was organised by the chairman of the club, calculator programmer fist Dan (:-)) Wlodek M J. On behalf of everybody in HPCC I would like to thank Bill Wickes for allowing us to hijack him at the airport and spending the time to talk to us. People interested in joining HPCC can obtain information from HPCC, John Cole, Geggs lodge, Hempton Road, Deddington, Banbury, Oxford OX15 OQG, ENGLAND. HPCC is a British club for users of ALL HP handhelds, although enquiries from all over the world are welcome, there are already quite a few 'International' members. TTFN Conrad.