(Erik Bryntse) (05/24/91)
Ok, here are a new version of S-CHIP. It is a lot faster than version 1.0 and have some new scroll functions. And it's still small! I have copied parts of the original CHIP-48 documentation and added the new functions that are available in S-CHIP. If you would like to start writing games for CHIP, read this, get yourself an assembler, look at someone else's program and get started! It's not difficult, you can get something up and working in just an hour or so. And you get the benefits of machine code - the speed - without having to learn all the internals of the 48. And it won't crash when you do something wrong (I hope...). ... and by the way, H. Piper is exactly the kind of super fantastic games that I would like to see more of. Good work! SUPER-CHIP v1.1 =============== ... a modified version of the CHIP-8 game interpreter originally made by Andreas Gustafsson. S-CHIP offers: - full screen resolution in new extended screen mode - downward compability (you can run your old CHIP games) - higher speed in extended mode - a larger 16x16 sprite available - new, larger fonts for scores - you can pass information to and from a S-CHIP program - programmable exit from the S-CHIP interpreter possible - no need to turn off the clock - it will always start - instructions to scroll the screen down, left, and right Introduction to CHIP -------------------- For those who don't remember, the CHIP-8 programming language was used in a number of home computers based on RCA's CDP1802 pro- cessor in the late 1970's. It's a small, interpreted language designed specifically for writing simple video games. It has less than 40 instructions, including arithmetic, control flow, graphics, and sound. The instructions are all 16 bits long and are executed by a very compact virtual machine interpreter (the 1802 implementation was 512 bytes long). Technical specification ----------------------- The CHIP-8 virtual machine is byte-addressable and has an address space of 4 kB at addresses 000-FFF hex. However, addresses 000-1FF are reserved (this is where the CHIP-8 interpreter used to reside). Therefore, the CHIP-8 program itself begins at address 200. All instructions are 16 bits long and by convention instruc- tions always start at an even address. The machine has 16 8-bit general-purpose registers called V0..VF. The VF register is modified by certain instructions and works as a carry flag and sprite collision indicator. There is also a 16-bit pointer register I (though only the low 12 bits are generally used). A CHIP-8 program displays graphics by drawing sprites that are 8 pixels wide and 1..15 pixels high. The screen resolution is 32 by 64 pixels in standard mode. The origin is the upper left corner of the screen, and all coordinates are positive. The sprites are stored in bigendian format, i.e., the most significant bit corre- sponds to the leftmost pixel. All drawing is done in XOR mode. If this causes one or more pixels to be erased, VF is <> 00, other- wise 00. In extended screen mode the resolution is 64 by 128 pixels. A sprite of 16x16 size is available. There are two timers: the delay timer and the sound timer. Both timers count down about 60 times per second when nonzero; the speaker will beep whenever the sound timer is nonzero. In the instruction table below, NNN is a 12-bit address, KK is an 8-bit constant, and X and Y are 4-bit register numbers. Hex characters represent themselves. The two first characters of the instruction code form the lower-address byte of the instruction, the first character being the more significant nibble. Instructions marked with (*) are new in SUPER-CHIP. 00CN* Scroll display N lines down 00E0 Clear display 00EE Return from subroutine 00FB* Scroll display 4 pixels right 00FC* Scroll display 4 pixels left 00FD* Exit CHIP interpreter 00FE* Disable extended screen mode 00FF* Enable extended screen mode for full-screen graphics 1NNN Jump to NNN 2NNN Call subroutine at NNN 3XKK Skip next instruction if VX == KK 4XKK Skip next instruction if VX <> KK 5XY0 Skip next instruction if VX == VY 6XKK VX := KK 7XKK VX := VX + KK 8XY0 VX := VY, VF may change 8XY1 VX := VX or VY, VF may change 8XY2 VX := VX and VY, VF may change 8XY3 VX := VX xor VY, VF may change 8XY4 VX := VX + VY, VF := carry 8XY5 VX := VX - VY, VF := not borrow 8XY6 VX := VX shr 1, VF := carry 8XY7 VX := VY - VX, VF := not borrow 8XYE VX := VX shl 1, VF := carry 9XY0 Skip next instruction if VX <> VY ANNN I := NNN BNNN Jump to NNN+V0 CXKK VX := pseudorandom_number and KK DXYN* Show N-byte sprite from M(I) at coords (VX,VY), VF := collision. If N=0 and extended mode, show 16x16 sprite. EX9E Skip next instruction if key VX pressed EXA1 Skip next instruction if key VX not pressed FX07 VX := delay_timer FX0A wait for keypress, store hex value of key in VX FX15 delay_timer := VX FX18 sound_timer := VX FX1E I := I + VX FX29 Point I to 5-byte font sprite for hex character VX FX30* Point I to 10-byte font sprite for digit VX (0..9) FX33 Store BCD representation of VX in M(I)..M(I+2) FX55 Store V0..VX in memory starting at M(I) FX65 Read V0..VX from memory starting at M(I) FX75* Store V0..VX in RPL user flags (X <= 7) FX85* Read V0..VX from RPL user flags (X <= 7) Notes on the HP48SX implementation ---------------------------------- CHIP-8 programs are stored in the HP48SX as string objects con- taining the bytes of the program in increasing address order, beginning with the byte at 0200. The interpreter itself is a machine code object that should be run with the CHIP-8 program string on level 1. 4 kB of free memory is needed. If an error is detected during execution, the address of the current CHIP-8 instruction is returned as a binary integer on level 1. To quit, press the backspace key. Pressing ENTER restarts the CHIP-8 program, and the +/- key turns the sound off or on. Subroutine nesting is limited to 16 levels. Most chip-8 programs are written for a 16-key hex keyboard with following layout: 1 2 3 C 7 8 9 / 4 5 6 D This keyboard is emulated on the HP48SX 4 5 6 * 7 8 9 E using the following keys: 1 2 3 - A 0 B F 0 . _ + This may cause some confusion with programs requiring numerical input. Copyrights, etc --------------- Parts of this document is copied from the original CHIP-48 docu- mentation written by Andreas Gustafsson. Below is the original copyright message for CHIP-48 v2.25 (c) Copyright 1990 Andreas Gustafsson Noncommercial distribution allowed, provided that this copyright message is preserved, and any modified versions are clearly marked as such. The program makes use of undocumented low-level features of the HP48SX calculator, and may or may not cause loss of data, ex- cessive battery drainage, and/or damage to the calculator hard- ware. The author takes no responsibility whatsoever for any damage caused by the use of this program. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. The modifications from CHIP v2.25 to S-CHIP v1.1 is made by Erik Bryntse ( Download file in ASC-format --------------------------- Download to your 48, use ASC-> and store as SCHIP. To run a game, press SCHIP with the game string in level 1. %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); "CCD20EE0108FB97608FFBA81346C1208FD7B5013281AF04346C100CA81AF0281 AF1C134AF2154716F154716F370000100415C781AF143417000C213434B55078 0821837D51341550780821807B418F2D76081AF123400400C213414713514334 C2A208A6A1174143818F843400C108B23134FFFFF81AF0B6E3617471218F2D76 0174E78FB976081AF1A13481B43498E00C2135808210515F0F217015C1161CC9 6CBE81B434BAE00C21358082182147144164174CC96CFE84F808FD2108320028 1AF0B81AF143482000C2134D2144163144345C100C2134D215407BA2D2328311 34146DA1468A68F8082408F000EF281AF016394135147818F2F818F23144818F 2F818F2F818F21164A6C96C2E018A86115F015C0160170CC6AEF01D2312281AF 14C213414E96A92161156090AD116015E2801DAFC3200C0E3215C21B83100142 3408F000EF21118A64003D23108EA3408F000EF681AF017CC014E96A80A6E14C 16114E96A80A6E14C81AF143482000CA130320108018F06110DAD280115E3158 3FC0EF6808740080870008087370301037D601560FE8082010EF2154062EFD22 215702017114F1C101C6112C201D21570C6114C21340111413001D230F66EFD2 31016CDFD2311162DFD2312168CF172D21141570C6C2134D214E061C2D21570C 6C2134D014A07DE01F6F6D0E40E6611C13416E16E14803C681B4CA34FDC00C21 34D215E08018F06110DAD280116015E00EF201112118C6C213511413201114D6 136818F0D8BA40DA0177EEDAD2310E8A6141143417000CA3104D5130146134AF 2154716F154716F14C818F04A6D96D7D0331EE8A68311434C2000C21341428A8 00818F83140818F24C2134D215E310B0331FF8A6D181AF14345C100C213430F1 54003A6E8A6C181AF14345C100C2134D2154003A6E8A6606951A6E8A6A411434 17000C213431F3D7D01461641351577816155717F15771C0155717F1510A6F53 D03A6E8A6D41143417000C213431F3D7D014616413517F157781215571CF1577 17015571C01510A6F50D03D6F68180AB90A606F80D1A888A90011434CA100CA1 3031F3B69D7D4C5C5C8146135136134E91361421321527151716F17F15271517 134184A6F59CAF08A912146184135151717F1517818F948AD3E03027BBB55280 864606FEA808085F8F2D760142164808C11B818F2112BC6112C2135D01701530 1C0C4C4D881B434A1000C2063412000C9C281B35F86340636D6F406450699065 B067C063D06ED06FE06FB063C168C168D16FF1642364B3808085F11B1088DF75 3077FB10B0381AF1434C2000C2134142818F24C213681AF131583136142818F0 334040008B60014061BF73CB17114B14E966E012B818F2112B0373AB17114B14 E962EE6FDF7ECB62DF76CB6AEF7D7B17114B148037E6B17114B14EA6214C0317 115B01C1D2906B0798B14803E690601797B0E6A15C103E690601746B0E6215C1 03E6906D17F4BAE80E690E62BEE0E6514C03E6906017D2BC215C16B5BE690651 781BBECC2E615C1614BE6906917EFAAEA8196215C1AE6672BE6906C070EADE65 CF30E906017ECAC615C16CFA027F5A10803747A725AD014AC210B03706A34401 0013615A113617114F1C10E6214C03610281AF14345C100C2134156090A60619 071F848D90A6F74D381AF1877F91087A3AD731F10E6631F30E63171AE215F0A6 2AE53102B61550AE1AE215F0B6980D080CF2EA82201C17AD475A38EAB9FAE22E 90A50B6614C20037253118C6112C210878B9D731F30E6631F70E63171AF2AF11 5F090EB081862FB4506A62AE53104B61550AE107B6980D080CF201C173537A13 7139D914C037C09D214E7699AE3A8717114B1C131E9962D0311A962E002AEBAE 06F3DAEBAE0651D13606D3DB725990E218EF87F433B0768EF73D8314015C18E3 77F471DB722990E2E07134AEB030702787817114B1C131709668113606708814 A071361480331A096661777F47014C03078CA5BF31519662114E0674480714C0 331819662114E0675380714C0331E196651D214E110A3A40010003319296681D 2D01520A86C6C6C210803310396602D2D01520A86C4C4CAC43105CA100033133 96260659014EAE781B4348E400C2134D096B42AEB808A0C015E205CA04162819 636EDF02D881AF1880824DFF008B2008ED27F134D4D222150016015401602115 0016015401602015001601540033155966E28ECB7F118D714E14D1361348BA01 171161B3755E02033156966E28E787F118D714F14C1361348BA01171161B3755 E02033157966828E767F1F5D60714E14D1361341711618B6BE033158966828E8 37F1F5D60714F14C1361341711618B6BE0302114341B100C2134110140164111 14016411214016411314016401114341B100C213414210016414210116414210 216414210316401D6C4C4C2114CA3417000C2135DB819F2819F210A31300E633 17094980818627A6B10B81AF18134D014A949C0161F0F014A136818F2110881A F1BAF3AE7D2C68086040E681CCF5FED7147174112C21343102B6280821309498 08186019E650AE6A6E80D01561A9A0E1791A50B65A9F0E1AB9F0E17154120A4E 94A606E4F01C4D6C4C4C281AF14CA3417000C281AF09DB819F2819F2819F2C6C 681AF0A31700E63CB81AF0B81AF18134D014A818F2181AF0881AF1BD3A77A778 086080818F32819F0A6E54E81AF11130146818F0981AF0181AF12C21343102B6 280821809E650AE6A6E80D01561A9A0E1791AF080FD2E30180FDA9F0E1AB9F0E 17154116F16F161154120A4E94A60693F01F999F26227F1F8FF1F1F99F11F8F1 FF8F9FF1244F9F9FF9F1FF9F99E9E9EF888FE999EF8F8FF8F88C3E77E3C3C3C3 C7EE7C3818385818181818181C3E3F73C60C0810306FFFFC3E73C30E0E0303CE 7C360E0E163666CFFFF6060FFFF0C0CCFEF303CE7C3E3C70C0CCFEF3C3CE7C3F FFF3060C08103060606C3E73C3CE7E73C3CE7C3C3E73C3CF7F33030E3C710020 0400800610230460821148884824844422824221812814121116856"
akcs.falco@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Andrey Dolgachev) (05/29/91)
Regarding Super-Chip 1.1, has anyone got the ASC string to compile? I've never had any problems with d/l and ASC->'ing, so I think there is something wrong with the string, like the first time Erik posted S-CHIP. I'll post this reply (obviously) and I'll mail a message to Erik, just in case. ---Falco (Peter J Dohm) (05/29/91)
There is one extra space on the end of every one of the lines of test. remove them carefully, and it'll work just fine.... You see, i've got freemacs on my pc, that shows spaces if i choose. I never thought it would come in handy until now... :) Pete Dohm _____________________________________________________________________________ | Peter J. Dohm - Comp. Science Major |Consultant On: Magnus | www | | Unix, VMS, MS-DOS Consultant |Operator/Consultant On: KCGL | |. .| | | The Ohio State University || | ^ | | | | | | o | | | or | | \_/ | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
jefft@panix.uucp (Jeff Tarr) (06/09/91)
In <6230011@hplred.HP.COM> tibbs@hplred.HP.COM (Kevin W. Tibbs) writes: >>There is one extra space on the end of every one of the lines of test. >>remove them carefully, and it'll work just fine.... >>Pete Dohm >I attempted to use asc-> on the downloaded code only to get an "Invalid >String" error. Seeing your note, I went back to my Mac and attempted to >find ANY extra spaces ANYWHERE - there weren't any. So whatami doin' >wrong?? The problem is that the version you downloaded to your Mac contains linefeeds as well as carriage returns. Although I thought Translate code #3 in the 48sx took care of LF/CRs, it appears to have problems. The easiest method to fix the problem is to strip the LFs from the file. I use Microsoft word. Just open the file, strip the headers/footers (as usual), then select-all. Change the font to 10-point courier. You should see small squares in the leftmost column. Using Option-Mouse select all the boxes. Next hit delete and all the boxes are gone. Save the new file and then transfer it. >Thanks > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >| | "The powers not delegated to the United States by | >| Kevin W. Tibbs | the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the | >| | States, are reserved to the States respectively, or | >| Email: | the people." | >| tibbs@hplred.HP.COM | - Tenth Amendment to The Constitution | >| | | > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ---- Jeff Tarr, Jr.