[comp.sys.handhelds] HP48sx serial interface

sclewarne@icaen.uiowa.edu (Steven Corson Lewarne) (06/10/91)

I am interested in the best way to prepare a serial connector to the
HP48sx.  I have read many posts and tried several different methods
which proved less than wonderously successful.  Considering the time I 
have spent on this project thus far, it would probably have been cheaper
-- and infinitely less frustrating -- to purchase the interface cable
directly from HP.  But it has become a matter of pride for me to do this
without having to pay HP an ungodly amount of money from about $.50 worth
of hardware.  So any help would be grealtly appreciated.
On another note, has anyone successfully completed Tony Duell's IR to
RS-232 circuit?  If so where did you get your hands on the IR LED and
the IR phototransistor?  And, how much did the completed project cost
to build?

Please reply by email to:

Thanks again.
(BTW this is my first post so please forgive any screw ups!)