[comp.sys.handhelds] PPC - Danmark BBS

frs@rci.dk (Frederich Schroeder) (06/12/91)

	New Hewlett-Packard Calculator BBS in Denmark.

The Hewlett-Packard Handheld Computer Association of Denmark have recently
launched a Bulletin Board System solely devoted to HP Calculators.

Personal Programming Center, PPC, as the association is named, has been active
in programming and publishing programs for about 10 years now. As a result
of the rapid spread in BBS's, PPC joined this motion, and in 1990 the BBS
was a reality. PPC saw the limitations in a national BBS and as a consequence,
PPC-BBS from the start became a Fido-Node. 

			The node is 2:234/52. 
			The telefon number are +45 42 52 66 00
			Use 2400 baud MNP5, 8 data, no par., 1 stop.

Note that the PPC-BBS can't be accessed dircetly from the UNIX Net, but
only through UNIX/FIDO gates.

The PPC-BBS supports all mathematical HP calculators with special attention
paid to the HP 48 S(X) and HP 28 S. The 66 MB disk is loaded with programs
written by the PPC members and from our Swedish and Norwegian sister
associations. Also included is a still growing number of archives from the 
comp.sys.handhelds unix news group. Presently, we have 656 files available
for our users. All files are packed with PKZIP and unpackers to allmost all
platforms are supported.
Besides this, our members can offer the newest technical advances in making
your own ROM-cards for the HP 48 SX.
The BBS is based on the OPUS 1.13 platform. The PPC-BBS has 4 public user
access levels, ranging from Disgraced to Priviledged. Members of PPC are
Priviledged, whereas new users are upgraded to Normal when a Questionaire
if answered. Worthy is granted to acceptable uploaders with a UpLd/DnLd
ratio of 1/5.

If you have any questions, please write to Friedrich Schroeder (Sysop)
	uucp: frs@rci.dk
or leave a message to sysop when you are online.

		Friedrich Schroeder