[comp.sys.handhelds] spec for a calculator

acmfiu@serss0.fiu.edu (albert chin) (06/15/91)

i need a calculator to do the following. please tell me which ones fit
the bill.

	1. rpn (preferably)
	2. hex/dec/bin
	3. and/or/xor
	4. binary bit rotation (asl,lsr,ror,rol)

no. 3,4 are very important. no. 1 would be nice but i guess i can
sacrifice :)


akcs.syspak@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Paul A. Kubinski) (06/18/91)

Sounds like you need the HP-16C (HP doesn't make 'em anymore).
I've got one I don't use much  anymore. If you're interested
I'd be willing to sell it to you. Let me know.
Paul Kubinski - syspak@md-chi.prime.com 

mark@hpcpbla.HP.COM (Mark Simms) (06/18/91)

>>	1. rpn (preferably)
>>	2. hex/dec/bin
>>	3. and/or/xor
>>	4. binary bit rotation (asl,lsr,ror,rol)

Try the HP42S.  This is an RPN calculator with, among other things,
the following functions:

	AND	binary and of two 36 bit integers
	BINM	binary display mode
	BIT?	test bit of 36 bit integer
	DECM	decimal display mode
	HEXM	hexadecimal display mode
	NOT	binary inversion of 36 bit integer
	OCTM	octal display mode
	OR	binary or of two 36 bit integers
	ROTXY	binary rotation of 36 bit integer
	XOR	binary exclusive or of two 36 bit integers

If you are willing to put up with programming the arithmetic shifts as
a rotate and a mask, then this will supply all the required

Alternatively, the more expensive and more powerful HP28S and HP48S
supply th following functions.

	AND	logical or binary and
	ASR	arithmetic shift right
	BIN	set binary base
	B-R	binary to real conversion
	DEC	set decimal base
	HEX	set hexadecimal base
	NOT	logical or binary not
	OCT	set octal base
	OR	logical or binary or
	RCWS	recall word size
	RL	rotate left one bit
	RLB	rotate left one byte
	RR	rotate right one bit
	RRB	rotate right one byte
	R-B	real to binary conversion
	SL	shift left one bit
	SLB	shift left one byte
	SR	shift right one bit
	SRB	shift right one byte
	STWS	set binary integer word size
	XOR	Logical or binary exclusive or

Mark Simms

Please note that I have no connection with Hewlett Packard's
calculator business other than as a user of their products
Opinions expressed are my own and are not intended to be an official
statement by Hewlett-Packard Company
Name:         Mark Simms
Profession:   Software Engineer
Occupation:   Research and Development
Organization: Hewlett-Packard Computer Peripherals Division
Unix-mail:    mark%hpcpbla@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Address:      Filton Road, Bristol BS12 6QZ, United Kingdom
Phone:        +44-272-799910x22174
Fax:          +44-272-236091