kubiak@bach.csg.uiuc.edu (Ken Kubiak) (10/24/89)
I am using xlisp 2.0 on a macintosh and have been thinking of writing a MIDI program using it. It would need to be pseudo-realtime, with the actual I/O running off interrupts, and communicating to the Xlisp program via circular queues. Question: does anybody have a good idea of what the maximum time required by a garbage collection is? I can bound the workspace size, <1M (how much mem my mac has). I would like to see how big I'd need to make my queues to avoid losing data during a GC. Any information would be helpful. I may summarize if anough people are crazy enough to do realtime work in lisp. Thanks in advance, Ken Kubiak Computer Systems Group University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign kubiak@csg.uiuc.edu