[comp.lang.lisp.x] Some More bug fixes

toma@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM (Tom Almy) (01/16/90)

These problems were pointed out to me by Paul van Niekerk 
(nikkie@duteca2.tudelft.nl). They are applicable to XLISP versions 2.0 or 2.1.

PROBLEM: (last '(a b . c)) returns c rather than (b . c)
SOLUTION: in xllist.c, replace xlast with:

/* xlast - return the last cons of a list */
LVAL xlast()
	LVAL list;

	/* get the list */
	list = xlgalist();

	/* find the last cons */
	if (consp(list))
		while (consp(cdr(list))) list = cdr(list);

	/* return the last element */
	return (list);

PROBLEM: functions boundp, fboundp, symbol-name, symbol-value, and 
symbol-plist fail on NIL (which *is* a symbol), and symbol-function fails 
improperly (wrong error message).


In xlisp.h, add:

#define xlgasymornil()	(*xlargv==NIL || symbolp(*xlargv) ? nextarg() : xlbadtype(*xlargv))

In xlbfun.c, change functions to the following:

/* xboundp - is this a value bound to this symbol? */
LVAL xboundp()
	LVAL sym;
	sym = xlgasymornil();
	return (sym == NIL || boundp(sym) ? true : NIL);

/* xfboundp - is this a functional value bound to this symbol? */
LVAL xfboundp()
	LVAL sym;
	sym = xlgasymornil();
	return (sym != NIL && fboundp(sym) ? true : NIL);

/* xsymname - get the print name of a symbol */
LVAL xsymname()
	LVAL sym;

	/* get the symbol */
	sym = xlgasymornil();

	/* handle NIL, which is not internally represented as a symbol */
	if (sym == NIL) {
		sym = newstring(4);
		strcpy(getstring(sym), "NIL");
		return sym;

	/* return the print name */
	return (getpname(sym));

/* xsymvalue - get the value of a symbol */
LVAL xsymvalue()
	LVAL sym,val;

	/* get the symbol */
	sym = xlgasymornil();

	/* handle NIL */
	if (sym == NIL) return (NIL);

	/* get the global value */
	while ((val = getvalue(sym)) == s_unbound)

	/* return its value */
	return (val);

/* xsymfunction - get the functional value of a symbol */
LVAL xsymfunction()
	LVAL sym,val;

	/* get the symbol */
	sym = xlgasymornil();

	/* handle NIL */
	if (sym == NIL) {
		while (1)

	/* get the global value */
	while ((val = getfunction(sym)) == s_unbound)

	/* return its value */
	return (val);

/* xsymplist - get the property list of a symbol */
LVAL xsymplist()
	LVAL sym;

	/* get the symbol */
	sym = xlgasymornil();

	/* return the property list */
	return (sym == NIL ? NIL : getplist(sym));

Tom Almy
Standard Disclaimers Apply