[comp.lang.lisp.x] intro to XLISP objects

tim@hpfcbig.SDE.HP.COM (Tim Mikkelsen) (02/13/90)

There had been a couple of requests for XLISP object examples  posted in
notes.  I had  written a small  intro to XLISP  objects,  so I thought I
would post it for any  interested  parties.  It is attached as the first
and second responses to this note.

Tim Mikkelsen

tim@hpfcbig.SDE.HP.COM (Tim Mikkelsen) (02/13/90)



			       Tim I Mikkelsen

			      February 3, 1990

	Copyright  (c) 1990 by Tim I.  Mikkelsen.  All Rights  Reserved.
	No part of this document may be copied, reproduced or translated
	for commercial use without prior written  consent of the author.
	Permission  is granted  for  non-commercial  use as long as this
	notice is left intact.


	One of the  features  in the design of XLISP is  object-oriented
	programming.  This  primer is  intended to serve as a very brief
	introduction  to the object  facilities of the XLISP 2.0 dialect
	of LISP.  Note that the object  features  of XLISP are not based
	on other existing object definitions in other LISP dialects.  If
	you find problems in the primer, I'd appreciate hearing.

			Tim Mikkelsen
			4316 Picadilly Drive
			Fort Collins, Colorado  80526



There are many  programming  paradigms  (models).  Some of the paradigms
are procedural, functional, rule-based, declarative and object-oriented.
A language can have aspects of one or many of these programming  models.


The programming paradigm most people are familiar with is the procedural
style.  The primitives in procedural  programming  are:  subroutines and
data  structures.  Through  these  primitives,   programmers  have  some
limited abilities to share programs and program fragments.  C and Pascal
are examples of procedural  languages.  Some procedural  languages (such
as Modula and ADA) have  extensions  that provide for better  sharing of

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented  programming  is based  on the  primitives  of  objects,
classes and messages.  Objects are defined in terms of classes.  Actions
occur by sending a message to an object.  An object's  definition can be
inherited  from  more  general  classes.  Objective-C  and C++ both  are
object-oriented  dialects of the C language.  Many dialects of LISP have
some object oriented extension (Flavors, Common LOOPS, CLOS and others).
There  currently is standards  work  proceeding  to add  object-oriented
programming to Common LISP.

Object Oriented Programming

So, the  object-oriented  programming model is based around the concepts
of objects,  classes and messages.  An object is essentially a black box
that contains internal state  information.  You send an object a message
which causes the object to perform some  operation.  Objects are defined
and described through classes.

One aspect of an object is that you do not have to know what is inside -
or how it  works - to be able to use it.  From a  programming  point  of
view,  this is very  handy.  You can  develop a series  of  objects  for
someone to use.  If you need to change what goes on inside, the users of
the objects should be unaware.

Another aspect of objects is that of  inheritance.  You can build up new
classes  from  existing  classes  by  inheriting  the  existing  class's
functionality  and then extending the new  definition.  For example, you
can  define a tool class  (with  various  attributes)  and then go about
creating  object  instances  tool-1,  tool-2,  and so on.  You can  also
create new sub-classes of the tool class like  power-tool.  This is also
very handy because you don't have to  re-implement  something if you can
build it up from existing code.




There  are, as  previously  mentioned,  many  different  languages  with
object-oriented  extensions and facilities.  The terminology, operations
and  styles of these are very  different.  Some of the main  definitions
for XLISP's object-oriented extensions are:

	Object data type        The OBJECT DATA TYPE is a built-in  data
				type of  XLISP.  Members  of the  object
				data  type  are  object   instances  and

	Object instances        An  OBJECT   INSTANCE  is  a   composite
				structure that contains  internal  state
				information,  methods  (the  code  which
				respond to  messages),  a pointer to the
				object  instance's  defining class and a
				pointer  to  the  object's  super-class.
				XLISP   contains   no  built-in   object

	Class objects           A  CLASS  OBJECT  is,  essentially,  the
				template for defining the derived object
				instances.  A  class  object,   although
				used  differently  from a simple  object
				instance,  is  structurally  a member of
				the  object   data   type.  It  is  also
				contains  the  linking   mechanism  that
				allows  you to build  class  hierarchies
				(sub-classes and  super-classes).  XLISP
				contains  two  built-in  class  objects:

	Message selector        The MESSAGE  SELECTOR is the symbol that
				is used to  select a  particular  action
				(Method) from the object.

	Message                 The  MESSAGE is the  combination  of the
				message  selector  and the data (if any)
				to be sent to the object.

	Method                  The METHOD is the actual  code that gets
				executed  when the object  receives  the


The  mechanism  for  sending  messages to XLISP  objects is via the SEND
function.  It takes an object, a message  selector and various  optional
arguments (depending on the message selector).

The way that a user  creates a new object is to send a :NEW message to a
previously  defined  class.  The  result  of this  SEND will  return  an
object, so this is normally preceded by a SETQ.  The values shown in the
examples  that follow may not match what you see if you try this on your
version of XLISP - this is not an error.  The  screens  that are used in
the various examples are similar to what you should see on your computer
screen.  The ">" is the normal XLISP prompt (the  characters that follow
the prompt is what you should type in to try these examples).

	|	> (setq my-object (send object :new))
	|	#<Object: #2e100>

The object  created here is of limited  value.  Most often, you create a
class  object and then you create  instances  of that  class.  So in the
following  example, a class called MY-CLASS is created that inherits its
definition from the a built-in CLASS definition.  Then two instances are
created of the new class.

	|	> (setq my-class (send class :new '()))
	|	#<Object: #27756>
	|	> (setq my-instance (send my-class :new))
	|	#<Object: #27652>
	|	> (setq another-instance (send my-class :new))
	|#<Object: #275da>


Previously,  a :NEW  message was used to create an object.  The  message
used to see what is in an object is the :SHOW message.

	|	> (send my-class :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #27756>, Class is #<Object: #23fe2>
	|	  IVARS = NIL
	|	  CVARS = NIL
	|	  CVALS = NIL
	|	  SUPERCLASS = #<Object: #23fd8>
	|	  IVARCNT = 0
	|	  IVARTOTAL = 0
	|	#<Object: #27756>

From the display of the MY-CLASS  object you can see there are a variety
of components.  The components of a class are:

	Class Pointer           This  pointer  shows to what  class  the
				object (instance or class) belongs.  For
				a  class,  this  always  points  to  the
				built-in  object  CLASS.  This  is  also
				true  of the  CLASS  object,  its  class
				pointer points to itself.

	Superclass Pointer      This  pointer  shows what the next class
				up the class  hierarchy is.  If the user
				does  not  specify  what  class  is  the
				superclass,   it  will   point   to  the
				built-in class OBJECT.

	Messages                This  component  shows what messages are
				allowed   for   the   class,   and   the
				description  of the method  that will be
				used.  If the method is  system-defined,
				it will show up in the form of '#<Subr-:
				#18b98>'.  Remember   that   the   class
				hierarchy    (through   the   Superclass
				Pointer) is  searched  if the  requested
				message is not found in the class.

	Instance Variables      This   component   lists  what  instance
				variables will be created when an object
				instance is created.  If no instances of
				the class  exist,  there are no Instance
				Variables.  If there are 5 instances  of
				a  class,  there  are  5  complete   and
				different   groups   of   the   Instance

	Class Variables         The  CLASS  VARIABLES  (CVAR)  component
	and Values		lists what class variables  exist within
				the  class.  The  Class  Values   (CVAL)
				component  shows what the current values
				of the variables  are.  Class  Variables
				are used to hold state information about
				a class.  There  will be |Bone of each|A
				of the Class  Variables,  independent of
				the  number of  instances  of the  class


The  example  previously  shown  does work, but the class and  instances
created  don't really do anything of  interest.  The  following  example
sets up a tool class and creates some tool instances.

	|	> (setq my-tools (send class :new '(power moveable operation)))
	|	#<Object: #277a6>
	|	> (send my-tools :answer :isnew '(pow mov op) 
	|					 '((setq power pow)
	|					   (setq moveable mov)
	|					   (setq operation op)))
	|	#<Object: #277a6>
	|	> (setq drill (send my-tools :new 'AC t 'holes))
	|	#<Object: #2ddbc>
	|	> (setq hand-saw (send my-tools :new 'none t 'cuts))
	|	#<Object: #2dc40>
	|	> (setq table-saw (send my-tools :new 'AC nil 'cuts))
	|	#<Object: #2db00>

So, a class of objects called MY-TOOLS was created.  Note that the class
object  MY-TOOLS was created by sending the :NEW message to the built-in
CLASS  object.  Within  the  MY-TOOL  class,  there are three  instances
called DRILL, HAND-SAW and TABLE-SAW.  These were created by sending the
:NEW message to the MY-TOOLS  class object.  Notice that the  parameters
followed the message selector.


The  following  is a display of the  contents of some of the  previously
created instances:

	|	> (send drill :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #2ddbc>, Class is #<Object: #277a6>
	|	  POWER = AC
	|	#<Object: #2ddbc>
	|	> (send hand-saw :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #2dc40>, Class is #<Object: #277a6>
	|	#<Object: #2dc40>

From  the  display  of  these  instances  you  can see  there  are  some
components and values.  The components of an instance are:

	Class Pointer           This  pointer  shows to which  class the
				current object instance  belongs.  It is
				through this link that the system  finds
				the methods to execute for the  received

	Instance Variables      The Instance  Variables (IVAR) component
	and Values		lists what  variables  exist  within the
				instance.  The Instance Values component
				holds  what the  current  values  of the
				variables  are.  Instance  Variables are
				used to hold state  information for each
				instance.  There  will  be  a  group  of
				Instance Variables for each instance.


There have been a few of the messages and methods in XLISP shown to this
point (:NEW and :SHOW).  The following are the methods built into XLISP:

	:ANSWER         The  :ANSWER  method  allows  you to  define  or
			change methods within a class.

	:CLASS 		The :CLASS method returns the class of an object.

	:ISNEW          The :ISNEW method  causes an instance to run its
			initialization  code.  When the :ISNEW method is
			run on a class, it resets the class state.  This
			allows  you  to  re-define  instance  variables,
			class variables, etc.

	:NEW            The :NEW method allows you to create an instance
			when the :NEW message is sent to a  user-defined
			class.  The :NEW  method  allows you to create a
			new class (when the :NEW  message is sent to the
			built-in CLASS).

	:SHOW 		The :SHOW method displays the instance or class.


In  addition  to the SEND  function,  there is another  function  called
SEND-SUPER.  The SEND-SUPER  function causes the specified message to be
performed  by the  superclass  method.  This  is a  mechanism  to  allow
chaining of methods in a class hierarchy.  This chaining behavior can be
achieved  by  creating a method  for a class with the  :ANSWER  message.
Within the body of the  method,  you  include a  SEND-SUPER  form.  This
function is allowed only inside the  execution of a method of an object.


The definition of the built-in class OBJECT is:

	|	> (send object :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #23fd8>, Class is #<Object: #23fe2>
	|	  MESSAGES = ((:SHOW . #<Subr-: #23db2>) 
	|	  	      (:CLASS . #<Subr-: #23dee>) 
	|		      (:ISNEW . #<Subr-: #23e2a>))
	|	  IVARS = NIL
	|	  CVARS = NIL
	|	  CVALS = NIL
	|	  IVARCNT = 0
	|	  IVARTOTAL = 0
	|	#<Object: #23fd8>

Note that OBJECT is a class - as opposed to an "instance-style"  object.
OBJECT has no superclass, it is the top or root of the class  hierarchy.
OBJECT's class is CLASS.

	|	> (send class :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #23fe2>, Class is #<Object: #23fe2>
	|	  MESSAGES = ((:ANSWER . #<Subr-: #23e48>) 
	|	  	      (:ISNEW . #<Subr-: #23e84>) 
	|		      (:NEW . #<Subr-: #23ea2>))
	|	  CVARS = NIL
	|	  CVALS = NIL
	|	  SUPERCLASS = #<Object: #23fd8>
	|	  IVARCNT = 7
	|	  IVARTOTAL = 7
	|	#<Object: #23fe2>

CLASS has a superclass of OBJECT.  It's class is itself - CLASS. 


tim@hpfcbig.SDE.HP.COM (Tim Mikkelsen) (02/13/90)


The following is an example, using the idea of tools again.  It contains
a hierarchy of tool  classes.  The top of the class  hierarchy is TOOLS.
HAND-TOOLS and SHOP-TOOLS are sub-classes of TOOLS.  The example creates
instances of these  sub-classes.  It is possible to extend this  example
in various ways.  One obvious  extension would be to create a third tier
of classes  under  HAND-TOOLS  that could  contain  classes like drills,
screwdrivers, pliers and so on.

;	File name:	tools.lsp
;	Author:		Tim Mikkelsen
;	Description:	Object-oriented example program
;	Language:	XLISP 2.0
;	Date Created:	10-Jan-1988
;	Date Updated:	2-Apr-1989
;	(c) Copyright 1988, by Tim Mikkelsen, all rights reserved.
;	    Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.

;	Define the superclasses and classes

; make TOOLS superclass
;	with a different :ISNEW method
;	added methods are :BORROW and :RETURN
;	class variables are	NUMBER		contains # of tool instances
;				ACTIVE-LIST	contains list of current objects
;	instance variables are 	POWER 		list - (AC BATTERY HAND)
;				OPERATIONS	list
;				PIECES 		list
;				LOCATION	HOME or person's name

(setq tools (send class :new '(power 
			     '(number active-list)))
(send tools :answer :isnew '() 
		           '((if (null number) (setq number 1)
		      			       (setq number (1+ number)))
			     (setq active-list (cons self active-list))
			     (setq location 'home)))
(send tools :answer :borrow '(by-who)
		            '((if (eq location 'home) (setq location by-who)
		       				      (print "you can't"))))
(send tools :answer :return '()
		            '((if (eq location 'home) (print "got it already")
		       				      (setq location 'home))))

; make HAND-TOOLS class
;	with a different :ISNEW method
;	new instance variable	WEIGHT		<number> of pounds
;	the rest is inherited from TOOLS 

(setq hand-tools (send class :new '(weight) '() tools))
(send hand-tools :answer :isnew '(pow op mat parts w-in)
			        '((setq power pow)
			          (setq moveable 'can-carry)
			          (setq operations op)
			          (setq material mat)
    			          (setq pieces parts)
			          (setq weight w-in)
			          (send-super :isnew)))

; make SHOP-TOOLS class
;	with a different :ISNEW method
;	no new instance variables
;	the rest is inherited from TOOLS 

(setq shop-tools (send class :new '() '() tools))
(send shop-tools :answer :isnew '(pow mov op mat parts)
			        '((setq power pow)
			         (setq moveable mov)
			         (setq operations op)
			         (setq material mat)
			         (setq pieces parts)
			         (send-super :isnew)))

;	Create instances of various tool classes 

(setq hand-drill (send hand-tools :new 		; make an instance - HAND-DRILL
			     '(drill polish grind screw)
			     '(wood metal plastic)
			     '(drill drill-bits screw-bits buffer)

(setq table-saw (send shop-tools :new 		; make an instance - TABLE-SAW
			     '(rip cross-cut)
			     '(wood plastic)
			     '(saw blades fence)))

(setq radial-arm (send shop-tools :new 		; make an instance = RADIAL-ARM
			     '(rip cross-cut)
			     '(wood plastic)
			     '(saw blades dust-bag)))

The following  session shows how to use the tool  definitions  from this
better  example.  The example starts at the OS shell and brings up xlisp
running the file 'tools.lsp'.

	|	cmd? xlisp tools
	|	; loading "init.lsp"
	|	; loading "tools.lsp"
	|	> (send hand-drill :borrow 'fred)
	|	> (send table-saw :return)
	|	"got it already"
	|	"got it already"
	|	> (send hand-drill :borrow 'joe)
	|	"you can't"
	|	"you can't"
	|	> (send hand-drill :return)

So, Fred was able to borrow the HAND-DRILL.  When an attempt was made to
return the  TABLE-SAW,  it was  already  at home.  A second  attempt  to
borrow the HAND-DRILL  indicated that "you can't" because it was already
lent out.  Lastly, the HAND-DRILL was returned successfully.  (Note that
the "got it  already"  and "you  can't"  strings  show up  twice  in the
display because the methods both print and return the string.)

The following session shows the structure of the TOOLS object:

	|	> (send tools :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #276fc>, Class is #<Object: #23fe2>
	|	  MESSAGES = ((:RETURN . #<Closure-:RETURN: #2dbd0>) 
	|	  	      (:BORROW . #<Closure-:BORROW: #2ddba>) 
	|		      (:ISNEW . #<Closure-:ISNEW: #274a4>))
	|	  CVALS = #(3 (#<Object: #2cadc> 
	|	  	       #<Object: #2cda2> 
	|	       #<Object: #2d0e0>))
	|	  SUPERCLASS = #<Object: #23fd8>
	|	  IVARCNT = 6
	|	  IVARTOTAL = 6
	|	#<Object: #276fc>

The two TOOLS sub-classes HAND-TOOLS and SHOP-TOOLS structure looks like:

	|	> (send hand-tools :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #2dab8>, Class is #<Object: #23fe2>
	|	  MESSAGES = ((:ISNEW . #<Closure-:ISNEW: #2d7a2>))
	|	  CVARS = NIL
	|	  CVALS = NIL
	|	  SUPERCLASS = #<Object: #276fc>
	|	  IVARCNT = 1
	|	  IVARTOTAL = 7
	|	#<Object: #2dab8>
	|	> (send shop-tools :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #2d680>, Class is #<Object: #23fe2>
	|	  MESSAGES = ((:ISNEW . #<Closure-:ISNEW: #2d450>))
	|	  IVARS = NIL
	|	  CVARS = NIL
	|	  CVALS = NIL
	|	  SUPERCLASS = #<Object: #276fc>
	|	  IVARCNT = 0
	|	  IVARTOTAL = 6
	|	#<Object: #2d680>

The class HAND-TOOLS has an instance HAND-DRILL which looks like:

	|	> (send hand-drill :show)
	|	Object is #<Object: #2d0e0>, Class is #<Object: #2dab8>
	|	  WEIGHT = 2.5
	|	  POWER = (AC)
	|	#<Object: #2d0e0>