[comp.lang.lisp.x] Accessing READTABLE in Xlisp 2.1

brown@hydra2e.cs.utk.edu (Lance A. Brown) (09/20/90)

Is there any means of accessing and inserting READmacro stuff in Xlisp 2.1 on the PC?  I am interested in doing some readmacro work with Xlisp, but cannot figure out how to modify the *READTABLE*.

Lance A. Brown                            brown@cs.utk.edu 
3500 Sutherland Avenue, Apt. L-303	  Graduate Student in Computer Science
Knoxville, TN  37919                      Sun SparcStaions are Neat!   

tim@hpfcbig.SDE.HP.COM (Tim Mikkelsen) (09/21/90)


type: defined function (closure) 
location: extension
source file: init.lsp
Common LISP compatible: related
supported on: all machines


(set-macro-character <char-num> <function>  [ <termflag> ] )
	<char-num>	-	an integer expression
	<function>	-	a function definition
	<termflag>	-	an expression - NIL or non-NIL


The SET-MACRO-CHARACTER function installs the code that will be executed
when the specified  character  <char-num>  is  encountered  by the XLISP
reader.  The  <function> is placed in the  *READTABLE*  system  variable
which  contains  the  reader  table  array.  The  table  is 128  entries
(0..127)  for each of the 7-bit  ASCII  characters  that XLISP can read.
Each  entry in the  table  must be one of NIL,  :CONSTITUENT,  :SESCAPE,
:MESCAPE,  :WHITE-SPACE, a :TMACRO dotted pair or a :NMACRO dotted pair.
The SET-MACRO-CHARACTER function only allows you to put in a terminating
read-macro  function (:TMACRO) or a non-terminating  read-macro-function
(:NMACRO).  If  the   <termflag>  is  present  and  non-NIL,   then  the
<function> will be put in *READTABLE* as a :TMACRO entry.  If <termflag>
is not present or NIL, then  <function>  will be put in *READTABLE* as a
:NMACRO entry.  The <function> can be a built-in  read-macro function or
a user  defined  defun  symbol or a lambda  expression.  The  <function>
takes two parameters, an input stream specification, and an integer that
is  the  character  value.  The  <function>  should  return  NIL  if the
character  is  'white-space'  or a value  CONSed  with NIL to return the
value.  The function SET-MACRO-CHARACTER always returns T.


	(print "hi") % comment			; prints  "hi"  and gives
						; error: unbound variable - %
						; because percent is viewed 
						; as a variable
	(setq semi (get-macro-character #\;))	; get semi-colon code
	(SET-MACRO-CHARACTER #\% semi T)	; set % to work as a comment
	(print "hi") % comment			; prints  "hi" and no error
						; because % is now a comment
						; character in *READTABLE*

In the normal XLISP system the following characters have code associated
with them in the *READTABLE*:

		" # ' ( ) , ; `

The functions GET-MACRO-CHARACTER and SET-MACRO-CHARACTER are created in
the INIT.LSP file.  If they do not exist in your XLISP system, you might
be having a problem with  INIT.LSP.  Before you start XLISP, look in the
directory  you  are  currently  in,  and  check  to see if  there  is an

The SET-MACRO-CHARACTER  function is somewhat related to the Common LISP

tim@hpfcbig.SDE.HP.COM (Tim Mikkelsen) (09/21/90)

The previous entry is for xlisp 2.0.  

I would hope (but have not checked) that this would be the same in 2.1.

Tim M