[comp.lang.lisp.x] Xlisp 2.1 & 386 ....

jlu@cs.umr.edu (Jui-lin Lu) (02/04/91)

Greeting *:

Sometime ago, I saw a posting regarding xlisp implemented for
386 machines.  Where and how can I get it?  What's the
diff between it and v2.1? Or, if it is simply the v2.1, can 
anyone please tell where to get it?

Thanx in advance!

***************************************---         student    		---*
* Obviousness is always the enemy of  *   \        Eric J. Lu          /   *
* correctness.  -- Bertrand Russell   *   /      jlu@cs.umr.edu        \   *
***************************************---   Univ. of Missouri-Rolla    ---*

toma@sail.LABS.TEK.COM (Tom Almy) (02/07/91)

In article <2084@umriscc.isc.umr.edu> jlu@cs.umr.edu (Jui-lin Lu) writes:
>Greeting *:

>Sometime ago, I saw a posting regarding xlisp implemented for
>386 machines.  Where and how can I get it?  What's the
>diff between it and v2.1? Or, if it is simply the v2.1, can 
>anyone please tell where to get it?

Well, the vanilla 2.1 can be compiled with a 32 bit compiler, but I
wouldn't recommend vanilla 2.1 because of the numerous bugs. I have
for some time distributed a bug-fixed and enhanced version of XLISP
which uses the Phar Lap DOS-Extender to run in protected mode (using
extended memory). I have also successfully compiled XLISP using the
"free" GCC compiler and protected mode extender by DJ Delorie at
grape.ecs.clarkson.edu, but the Phar Lap version does run better since
it will co-exist with QEMM or 386/MAX, allows the SYSTEM function, and
is faster. 

Anyone can receive the current hacked sources, documentation, and
executables directly from me via US Mail (sorry, no ftp). Eventually
Jeff Prothero (jsp@milton.u.washington.edu) will be a clearinghouse for
XLISP and modifications, but at the moment I am busy incorporating extensions
(all conditionally included) from several sources.

Anyway, to get the current files, send a single formatted high density
floppy (either 5.25 or 3.5") in a stamped, self-addressed mailer to:

Tom Almy
17830 SW Shasta Trail
Tualatin, OR 97062

Including a note specifying that you want XLISP:

1. Sources
2. Documentation (either ASCII text, PostScript, or WordPerfect 5.1).
3. Executable (specify processor and numeric coprocessor, if any).

Tom Almy
toma@sail.labs.tek.com <<< Note new address
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