[comp.theory.cell-automata] Wanted: Life pattern for a glider gun

grx1042@uoft02.utoledo.edu (Steve Snodgrass) (02/26/90)

Could someone Email me a pattern for a Life glider-gun?  I heard such a beast
exists, which continuously spits out gliders, but I've never seen one.

 | Reality: Steve Snodgrass <*> Cyberspace: GRX1042 @ UofT02.UToledo.Edu |
 | "Sleep is a luxury, spare time a myth."  GRX1042 @ UofT02.BITNET      |
 | "Volts embodied intent, and Amps were the runners who carried out     |
 |  those intentions, against the Ohms." -Greg Benford, Tides of Light   |