[comp.theory.cell-automata] journal of ideas

71620.3203@CompuServe.COM (Elan Moritz) (09/22/90)

                        ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL for PAPERS


                                    VOLUME 2

                                     of the

                                JOURNAL of IDEAS

                    The first issue of the Journal of Ideas
                    was recently  published. Below  is  the
                    introduction   to   the   Journal   and
                    abstracts of papers in the first issue.

               The Journal  of  Ideas is  aiming  at  publishing
               papers in its relevant areas within 3-6 months of
               receipt of papers.

               Regular papers and  proposals for invited  papers
               are welcome and should be addressed to:

               Dr.  Elan Moritz, Editor
               Journal of Ideas,
               The Institute for Memetic Research, Inc.
               P. O. Box 16327
               Panama City, Florida 32406- 1327



               or via internet



               personal subscriptions (in the U.S) are available
               at $46 year (includes Volume 1 #1 described below
               and 4 issues of Volume 2 to appear in 1991).

               limited copies of the first issue described below
               are available for $20.

                                Journal of Ideas

     The Journal of Ideas is an archival forum for discussion of  existing
     and original  ideas and  concepts. Its  purpose is  to circulate  and
     nurture inquiry that focuses attention on the evolution and spread of
     ideas, on the process of discovery  as well as the creative  process,
     and on biological  and electronic  implementations of  idea/knowledge
     generation and processing.

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

     Elan Moritz                                                    Editor
     Patricia S. Smith                                     Managing Editor

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

     Editorial Advisory Board

     R. Wilburn Clouse
     Department of Educational Leadership, Vanderbilt University

     Peter A. Kiss
     Sentar, Inc., Hunstville, Alabama

     Matthew Witten
     Center for High Performance Computing, University of Texas at Austin

     Manuscripts should  be sent  in duplicate   to  the Managing  Editor,
     Journal of Ideas, IMR,  Box 16327, Panama City, Florida,  32406-1327.
     Manuscripts and correspondence can also be sent via e-mail to BITNET:
     moritz@well,  and  to    INTERNET:  71620.3203@compuserve.com,   or,

     Subscriptions to  the  Journal of  Ideas  may be  obtained  from  the
     Institute for Memetic Research.  Annual personal subscription  prices
     are US$  46  for U.S.  and  Canadian subscribers,  and  US$ 72    for
     overseas subscribers. Annual corporate and institutional subscription
     rates are US$ 138 for U.S. and Canadian subscriptions and US$ 164 for
     overseas subscriptions. Subscription orders should be forwarded  with
     correct payment  by check  or money  order (drawn  on a  U.S.  bank).
     Single  issues  are  available  for  US$  20.  Inquiries   concerning
     back-issues  should  be  addressed  to  the  Institute  for   Memetic
     Research. Orders  may  also  be  placed  through  EBSCO  Subscription
     Services in  Dumont,  New  Jersey, tel.  (201)  387-2660,  fax  (201)

     The Journal of  Ideas and  the Institute for  Memetic Research,  Inc.
     will assume no responsibility for opinions and statements advanced by
     authors  publishing   in   the  Institute   of   Memetic   Research's
     publication. Permission to quote from this journal is permitted  with
     acknowledgement of source.  Reprinting lengthy  excerpts require  the
     Institute's permission as  do republication and  storage in any  form
     (written, translated, electronic, optical, etc.).

     The Journal of Ideas, ISSN  1049-6335, is published quarterly by  the
     Institute for Memetic  Research, Inc.  P. O. Box  16327, Panama  City
     Florida 32406-1327. Copyright [(c)] 1990 by the Institute for Memetic
     Research, Inc.


                        Welcome to the Journal of Ideas


          In 1608 Hans Lippershey  (aka Lippersheim) placed one  spectacle
     lens in front of another and pointed this configuration at a  distant
     building. To his amazement he noticed that the building top appeared
     much closer  and larger  than he  could see  before; furthermore,  he
     could see the details of the  building top quite clearly. On  October
     2, 1608 he  offered this  device (which  he called  'looker') to  the
     Estates of  Holland for  900 florins.  Lippershey's looker  is  known
     nowadays as  a  telescope. Through  Jacques  Bovedere of  Paris,  the
     telescope was  made  known  to Galileo  Galilei.  Galileo,  in  turn,
     constructed his  own  telescope  and pointed  it  towards  the  moon,
     Jupiter, and other  celestial objects. Galileo's  discoveries of  the
     irregular surface of the moon, sunspots on the sun, moons of Jupiter,
     and a host of other unexpected astronomical phenomena, challenged the
     Ptolmeic astronomical  theories  and  the  official  views  of  man's
     position in the  universe. Galileo's observations  ultimately led  to
     what we now  recognize as  modern science while  Galileo himself  was
     subjected to continuing house arrest.

          On reviewing  the  fascinating  sequence of  events  leading  to
     Galileo's discoveries, one immediately recognizes the simple two lens
     experiment, conducted by Lippershey,  as the singular most  important
     event for modern astronomy, and  perhaps for modern science. This  is
     so because it  is the  one event that  provided a  simple tool  which
     generated  uncontestable  direct  evidence    about  nature  and  the
     universe. It  was  the telescope  that  provided data  supporting  or
     refuting systems of beliefs held for many centuries.

          A number of  natural questions arise.  Why did Lippershey  place
     the one lens in front of the other at the time that he did? Where did
     that idea come  from? If we  reflect upon these  questions and  bring
     into the foreground  the fact  that spectacle lenses  were known  for
     over three  centuries (before  Lippershey)  and that  the  magnifying
     effects of glass and water-filled  glass spheres were known for  over
     1300 years, another question comes to  mind. Why did it take as  long
     as it did to think of and do Lippershey's experiment?

          Events such  as Lippershey's  invention  of the  telescope,  and
     Galileo's use of the telescope to discover craters on the moon, point
     to a  class  of  underlying  phenomena that  we  all  participate  in
     continuously, namely the awareness, development, use and  propagation
     of ideas. Until very recently,  attempts to understand the  mechanics
     and dynamics  of  'ideas' (as  entities   by  themselves)  have  been
     limited to  philosophical,  sociological  and  perhaps  psychological
     speculations. Almost all discussions of 'ideas' revolve about   truth
     values (i.e. true/false) of particular ideas, their meaning and their
     impact (i.e., how many people subscribe to an idea or a collection of
     ideas and what  did they do  as result of  believing that  particular
     idea). To  date,  little discussion  has  taken place  on  objective,
     quantitative aspects of 'ideas' and 'idea-dynamics'.

          This journal,  The  Journal  of  Ideas,  is  being  launched  to
     stimulate thinking about  the very  nature of  'ideas' as  rigorously
     quantifiable objects.  The  Journal  aims  to  provide  a  forum  for
     disciplined presentation of formal  results in an archival  scholarly
     format. Basically, it  is our  view that ideas  are discrete  objects
     that can combine, mutate, spread, and die, much like the many  living
     biological entities we are familiar with.

          In this issue we have  assembled a collection of invited  papers
     by distinguished investigators. J. T. Bonner  (Princeton  University,
     author of "The Evolution of Culture in Animals") presents an analysis
     of cultural  evolution  from  a  biological  point  of  view.  Bonner
     discusses cultural  evolution  in  terms of  selection  of  units  of
     behavioral information, individual memory,  and collective memory  of
     the species. He argues  that cultural changes  (in short time  spans)
     rival genetically derived changes that  take hundreds of millions  of
     years. D. Brooks (University of  Toronto, co-author of "Evolution  as
     Entropy") and D. McLennan extend the unified theory of biology  which
     is based on entropy analysis  of biological systems as  informational
     systems. Their  unified theory  of  biological evolution  argues  for
     production of historically constrained, spontaneously stable, complex
     structures and  hierachies. S.  Salthe (Brooklyn  College, author  of
     "Evolving  Hierarchical  Systems"  and  "Complexity  and  Change   in
     Biology") presents  a related  biological-entropy based  approach  to
     infodynamics - the study of uncertainties. Salthe's framework  allows
     discussion  of  external   (historical)  influences  on   dissipative
     structures  and prediction of  the effects of stored information.  H.
     K. Henson (first  president of  the L-5  society and  an activist  in
     national space policy) and A. Lucas present a discussion of evolution
     and creationism in  the context  of memes (a  particular category  of
     ideas).          Their          paper          explores           the

     question of why humans have beliefs at all and raises the  intriguing
     hypothesis that there  may exist  physical meme  receptor sites  with
     subtantial stability. R. Wiley (author  of the book "BioBalance:  The
     Acid/Alkaline Solution To The  Food-Mood-Health Puzzle")  presents  a
     rigorous theory for the metabolic roots of consciousness that  tracks
     metabolic inputs leading to correlations with metabolic and cognitive
     functions and dysfunctions.  An interesting,  and potentially  highly
     significant aspect of R.  Wiley's theory is the  use of the  relative
     acidity/alkalinity of venous plasma pH  as the synoptic indicator  of
     metabolic health and  consequently mental/functional health.  General
     metabolite reaction-diffusion  equations, specializing  to  hermitian
     interactions  are  presented.   E.  Moritz   introduces  a   rigorous
     foundation for memetic science. Moritz's  paper provides a review  of
     the major historical theories of ideas with attention to contemporary
     work of quantitative culture  theorists of the  past two decades.  In
     addition to a  wealth of  key references, Moritz  establishes a  firm
     basis for a  calculational science  of ideas based  on intrinsic  and
     extrinsic properties of memes.

          The papers collected in this issue, while initially appearing as
     a diverse ensemble, in fact touch on various aspects that we hope  to
     bring together  in  the Journal.  Ideas  and language  appear  to  be
     present in  a developed  form  only in  humans. They  are  phenotypic
     artifacts of the state of cognitive abilities achieved by humans as a
     result of a biologically and  culturally adaptive evolution. We  hope
     these papers serve as a basis for and stimulate principled discussion
     for a comprehensive science that includes these diverse aspects.

          Since the topic of  a science of  ideas (as differentiated  from
     philosophy) is new and uncharted, we expect that a variety of  points
     of view and approaches will be taken. We anticipate that some  topics
     and papers  will  generate heated  discussions,  as well  as  provide
     substantive advances in areas such as cognitive sciences, psychology,
     biology,  sociology,   artificial  intelligence,   artificial   life,
     economics, computational  linguistics, knowledge  engineering, and  a
     host of existing and new interdisciplinary fields.

          We stress that the Journal  and its publisher will maintain  the
     principle   of   scientific   objectivity   regarding   publications.
     Accordingly, all views expressed in  the Journal are solely those  of
     the author(s)  of  individual papers.  Correspondence  pertaining  to
     individual author's  positions should  be addressed  to the  relevant

          We encourage individuals who have interests in the topic of  the
     science of ideas to  submit papers for  publication in this  journal;
     while no standards can be set  on a new science, it is expected  that
     papers published in JoI will be of high professional quality.  Papers
     submitted will  be  reviewed  for content,  technical  accuracy,  and
     novelty. We encourage readers to  let their acquaintances know  about
     the Journal  as both  a source  of new  information and  a forum  for

          Judging from  correspondence received,  and the  great  interest
     expressed, we are confident  that many new and  useful ideas will  be
     presented here, and that JoI will  act as a catalyst for  discovering
     how ideas interact with other ideas and how the process of creativity
     can be made more  fruitful and accessible. In  particular, we see  an
     emerging    impact   of  this  area   on  disciplines  that   require
     understanding  of  knowledge  representation  and  dynamics,  and  on
     electronic based  memes (such  as  electronic viruses,  bacteria  and
     worms), artificial intelligence, and  genetic algorithms. We also see
     the distinct potential for memetic science (the science of ideas)  to
     shed light on neural  structures and to  call attention to  manditory
     architectures in the human brain (which would be required to  support
     idea-processing   and  dynamics).  It  is  distinctly  possible  that
     results obtained  here  will  shed  light  on  mental  functions  and
     dysfunctions such as schizophrenia.

          Ultimately, we look forward to  being able to explain in  detail
     why it took 300 years to go  from a single spectacle lens to the  two
     lens telescope, and to use the science of ideas, memetic science, the
     same way molecular biologists are able to piece together DNA and  RNA
     molecules to create new structures. We  hope that in the process,  we
     will learn how to look at ideas that already exist and to piece  them
     together effectively, so  that what would  otherwise take  centuries,
     will be accomplished in years.

     Elan Moritz, Editor
     Patricia S. Smith, Managing Editor



                                  Elan Moritz

                       The Institute For Memetic Research
                   P.O. Box 16327, Panama City, Florida 32406

                            Received  April 23, 1990

     Abstract. Memetic Science is the name  of a new field that deals with
     the quantitative analysis of cultural transfer. The units of cultural
     transfer are entities  called "memes".  In a nutshell,  memes are  to
     cultural and mental constructs as genes are to biological  organisms.
     Examples of  memes  are ideas,  tunes,  fashions, and  virtually  any
     cultural and behavioral unit that  gets copied with a certain  degree
     of fidelity.  It is  argued that  the understanding  of memes  is  of
     similar importance and consequence as the understanding of  processes
     involving DNA and  RNA in  molecular biology. This  paper presents  a
     rigorous  foundation  for  discussion  of  memes  and  approaches  to
     quantifying  relevant aspects of meme genesis, interaction, mutation,
     growth, death  and spreading  processes. It  is also  argued in  this
     paper that  recombinant memetics  is possible in complete analogy  to
     recombinant DNA / genetic engineering.  Special attention is paid  to
     memes  in  written  modern  English.    KEYWORDS:  meme,  replicator,
     language, culture, copy, idea, evolution, computer, virus, knowledge,
     artificial intelligence, brain, mind.



                               John Tyler Bonner

                 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
             Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544-1003

                             Received June 26, 1990

     Abstract. Culture is defined here as information transmitted from one
     individual to another by behavioral means.  The evolution of  culture
     is discussed in terms of selection of units of behavioral information
     defined as memes.   The relationships of  genes, memes, behavior  and
     the role of  individual and collective  memory in cultural  evolution
     are explored.   Changes  obtained via  human cultural  evolution  are
     comparable in magnitude to changes  resulting from millions of  years
     of  genetical   evolution.   KEYWORDS:  behavior,   culture,   genes,
     evolution, memes, memory.



                    Daniel R. Brooks and Deborah A. McLennan

                             Department of Zoology
                 University of Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, Canada

                             Received July 9, 1990

     Abstract.  One approach to finding a unified theory of biology  stems
     from perceptions  that (1)  the  direction of  time and  history  are
     important aspects of biological  systems, (2) biological systems  are
     highly non-linear, (3) biological  systems are far from  equilibrium,
     and that  the  historically-constrained  nonequilibrium  behavior  of
     biological systems  produces (4)  hierarchical organization  and  (5)
     steady states that may act as local equilibria to such an extent that
     natural selection is expected to play an important role in explaining
     much of their  short-term (micro-) evolutionary  behavior.   Internal
     production rules in biological systems require outside energy but are
     also highly insensitive to the conditions of the external environment
     from which  the  energy comes.    This  leads to  the  production  of
     historically constrained, spontaneously  stable, complex  structure.
     Because the production rules are physically encoded in the  structure
     of the system, biological  systems are physical information  systems,
     and their  expected behavior  over time  follows a  general  entropic
     dynamic.    The  autonomy  of  the  production  rules  leads  to   an
     explanation for the reality of  natural selection that does not  rely
     on analogy with human economic theory.  The historical nature of  the
     elements of diversity at any given time leads to an expectation  that
     the details of  responses to  external evolutionary  forces (such  as
     natural selection, competition,  geological changes)  will be  highly
     individualized.   Hence, evolutionary  regularities will  tend to  be
     highly generalized  (macroevolutionary)  or  statistical  in  nature.
     KEYWORDS: evolution, entropy,  hierarchical organization,  production
     rules, intropy, enformation.



                                Rudolf A. Wiley

                              BioBalance Services
                   P.O. Box 16376, Panama City, Florida 32406

                             Received May 18, 1990

     Abstract.  Clinical  research  dealing  with  metabolic  dysfunctions
     indicates that the  evolution of  disorders commonly  referred to  as
     psychogenic,  mental,  behavioral  and  stress-related  is   governed
     predominantly   by   intermediary   metabolic   activity.       These
     dysfunctions, characterized by  weak or  poorly coupled  interactions
     within  Kreb's  cycle  and  the  Embden-Meyerhoff  pathways,  can  be
     nutritionally countereffected thereby limiting and often  eliminating
     the  extent   to  which   they  are   cognitively,  affectively   and
     behaviorally  articulated.    This  research  suggests  that  genetic
     factors  and   nutritional   input  are   primary   determinants   of
     psychometabolic pathology.   The  implications of  this research  are
     profound, extend far  beyond the domains  of clinical psychology  and
     medicine,  and  may  go  on  to  impact  disciplines  as  diverse  as
     psycholinguistics, sociobiology,  criminology, cultural  anthropology
     and zoology to mention only a few.
          The  status  of   clinical  research  regarding   the  role   of
     intermediary       metabolism       in       shaping        cognitive

     performance is  reviewed in  this article.   A  generic  mathematical
     formalism of metabolic  activity is developed,  and a metric  mapping
     metabolic activity into cognitive activity is proposed and discussed.
     KEYWORDS:   metabolism,   zeitgebers,   psychopathology,    cognitive
     function, redundancy, consciousness, nutrition.



                                  S. N. Salthe

                             Department of Biology
                Brooklyn College, CUNY, Brooklyn, New York 11210

                           Received by July 17, 1990

     Abstract.  This paper attempts to sketch out in what way  macroscopic
     information must  be  entropic.   If  this  can be  shown,  a  larger
     science, of infodynamics  - the study  of uncertainties, can  subsume
     thermodynamics and  information  theory.   It  is crucial  for  these
     purposes that a finite observer  be stipulated for all  informational
     exchanges, and, in order to achieve the desired result, that observer
     must be  located  inside the  supersystem  that contains  the  object
     systems it interprets.   KEYWORDS: dissipative structures, hierarchy,
     semiotics, uncertainty.


                             MEMES AND CREATIONISM

                         H. Keith Henson and Arel Lucas

                      1794 Cardel Way, San Jose, CA  95124


                            Received April 14, 1990

     Abstract. This  paper  discusses  the  question  of  creationism  and
     evolution theory in the context  of memes. Several key questions  are
     raised including the questions   of why humans  have beliefs at  all,
     and why does belief in  evolution excite substantial opposition.  The
     authors address the competition of memes in the meme pool and propose
     the  existence  of  meme  'receptor  sites'  responsible  for  strong
     maintenance  of  religious  beliefs.  KEYWORDS:  memes,  creationism,
     evolution, learning, games, receptor-sites.


                         Instructions for Contributors

          The key to our era, the Information Age, is knowledge generation
     and manipulation.   A fundamental aspect  of knowledge generation  is
     the creation and  combination of new  ideas.  In  December 1989,  The
     Institute for Memetic Research Inc. was formed to pursue the   study
     of and dissemination  of  knowledge in the area of idea formation and
     spread. This  journal,  the Journal  of  Ideas, was  established  for
     archiving and disseminating  research and knowledge in this area. You
     and your organization are invited to participate as authors, readers,
     referees and subscribers in this enterprise.

          Prospective contributors  are  urged to  read  the  introductory
     discussion of memes   in the  article "Memetic Science:  I -  General
     Introduction,"  [J. of Ideas,  Volume 1, pp. 3-23, 1990] wherein  one
     can find the basic  concepts and references  that provide a  starting
     context for  research in  the  science of  ideas, and  the  editorial
     "Welcome to the Journal  of Ideas," [J. of  Ideas, Volume 1, pp  1-2,


          It is an intention of the IMR and the Journal to provide a forum
     for advancing novel, speculative and perhaps controversial ideas with
     care to avoid  excessive peer  restrictions.   Attention to  quality,
     however,  will be given through careful review of technical accuracy,
     novelty, and content. This  approach intends to stimulate  generation
     and archival of 'low probability of occurrence' ideas that  otherwise
     might not be expressed in a public forum. While some may regard  this
     as a means for   'thumb-printing' or  establishing precedence to  new
     ideas, the  IMR  will  strongly  encourage relevant  papers    to  be
     submitted in order that the Journal constitute a literal  'laboratory
     for  meme  evolution'.  While  this  policy  allows  for  substantial
     freedoms, prospective authors must keep  in mind that as an  archival
     journal, the Journal of Ideas can  serve to record errors as well  as
     genuine advances.

          The target audience of this journal is intended to be as wide as
     possible within the lay and scholarly communities and will clearly be
     of a multi-disciplinary nature.  With this audience in mind,  authors
     are encouraged  to  use terminology  that  is easily  accessible,  to
     define  specialized  jargon  carefully,  and  to  avoid   complicated
     mathematical derivations.

     Length and Charges

          Typically, a contributed paper  should not exceed eight  journal
     pages. Invited papers are  targeted to be sixteen  pages or less.  In
     special cases  discussion to support papers may require a significant
     amount of space. In  this case, authors  are requested to  correspond
     with the Institute concerning space availability, and publication  of
     a special issue. To defray costs of publication, payment of $125  per
     page is required for contributed papers prior to publication. Payment
     of page  charges  entitles authors  to  100 free  reprints  of  their
     article. Page  charges will  be waived  for invited  papers.  Invited
     authors will receive 25 reprints gratis. To estimate length, use  the
     figure of 6000 characters (including spaces) per journal page.

     Manuscript Preparation

          The Journal of Ideas will be published with a nominal page  size
     of 8  1/2  " x  11".  Manuscripts may  be  submitted in  one  of  the
     following modes:

     1. Via  e-mail sent  to  one of  the following  addresses,  INTERNET:
     71620.3203@compuserve.com , or moritz@well.sf.ca.us , or via  BITNET

     2. Via regular mail. If possible, include a copy of the text in ASCII
     format on  MS-DOS IBM  Compatible 360K,  5  1/4" or  1.44M ,  3  1/2"

          In all cases, please send two paper copies to Patricia S. Smith,
     Managing  Editor,  Journal  of  Ideas,  The  Institute  for   Memetic
     Research, P.O. Box 16327, Panama City, Florida 32406-1327.  Submitted
     manuscripts should be  neatly typed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper using  double
     spacing. All unusual symbols should be carefully defined.

          References or bibliographies  should be prepared  and used in  a
     consistent  manner  throughout  the  manuscript.  Footnotes  will  be
     treated as references. Authors are encouraged to use standard formats
     such as the Chicago  Manual of Style,  or guidelines of  professional
     society journals  such as  those issued  by the  ACM, the  IEEE,  the
     American Mathematical Society, or the American Institute of Physics.

          Figures will be scanned in using an optical scanner, they should
     be prepared  using high  quality, high  contrast ink  and should  not
     exceed 3 inches in width and 4 inches in height.

     Copyright Transfer

          Transfer of copyright is required prior to publication.  Authors
     of accepted  papers  will  receive  a   Journal  of  Ideas  copyright
     transfer form with notification of acceptance.
