jazzy%aerospace@sri-unix.UUCP (06/29/83)
From: Richard Fitzgerald <jazzy@aerospace> Just read a remark from Lauren about modems powered by phone lines. This was in regard to my piece on the Signalman modem. Well, there was one thing I neglected to mention. The modem has a built in 9-volt battery which is charged from the phone line. This is where most of the power is derived. This is similar to 'weak' phone lines which have batteries inline to aid them, and these batteries are recharged from the phone line power. Anyway, the modem I mentioned has been run through alot of use (they have one in use at local JADE) and I have not seen any problems with it. In fact it seems cleaner than some I have seen (given the fact it was running on GTE phone lines too!) Of course for the die hard who does not want to spend $500-600 for the Hayes which has the a/c power, what is to keep you from plugging a small a/c-d/c adapter into the modem to give 'clean' power? -rich (jazzy@aerospace)