[sci.math.num-analysis] Small-scale LP package from Vaasa, Finland

ts@chyde.uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (08/02/89)

I have released a new version of the small-scale linear programming
and linear goal programming package /pc/ts/tslin25.arc available by
anonymous ftp from our site. 

Prof. Timo Salmi                                (Site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: vakk::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

Searching Archive: B:TSLIN25.ARC - Linear programming by T.Salmi   

Filename        Comment                             Date      Time    CRC
--------        --------------------------------    ----      ----    ---
DEMOGOAL.DAT    Linear goal programming demodata  08-01-89  14:59:26  36A3
DEMOLP.DAT      Linear programming demodata       07-31-89  16:11:38  90E4
DEMOLP2.DAT     Linear programming 2nd demodata   07-31-89  16:42:36  6A10
DEMOMPS.DAT     Mps input format demodata         08-01-89  14:35:14  FF07
LINSOLVE.EXE    Linear (and goal) programming     07-29-89  17:25:38  441D
LINSOLVE.LIS    Document                          08-01-89  19:12:32  A068
MPS2EQU.EXE     Mps input to equation format      08-01-89  18:56:46  6E3C
MPS2EQU.INF     Document on MPS2EQU conversion    08-01-89  18:44:50  E152
TSPROG.INF      List of PD programs from T.Salmi  07-22-89  19:21:32  077C
VAASA.INF       Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa  06-23-89  08:30:08  88AB
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