[sci.math.num-analysis] Nordic Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing

bokg@cs.umu.se (Bo K}gstr|m) (04/12/90)

First announcement of The Nordic Workshop on
Visualization and Analysis of Scientific and 
Technical Computations on High-Performance Computers

Organizers etc

The first Nordic Workshop on Visualization in Scientific 
Computing is going to take place in Umeaa between the 25th 
and the 28th of September, 1990. The workshop is organized by Umea 
University and the SuperComputer Center North (SDCN) and is financed 
by the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

SIAM Nordic section supports the workshop.

Topics etc

The workshop will cover areas like basic research in 
visualization, graphics tools in scientific computing, and the 
state-of-the-art use of visualization in Physics, Chemistry, 
Biotechnology, Medicine, Civil engineering etc.

The following areas will be covered 

*	Workstation-driven use of Supercomputers
*	Graphics-oriented programming environments
*	Interactive steering of simulations and calculations
*	Vectorized and parallelized algorithms for graphics 
	and image processing
*	High performance architectures for graphics and visualization

The workshop will include invited talks, contributed talks, poster 
sessions, demonstrations and some hands-on exercises. There 
will also be demonstrations of hardware and software from 
different vendors.

The official language of the workskop is English.   

Invited speakers
So far thefollowing invited speakers have accepted our invitation:

Martin Berggren
Cornell National Supercomputer Facility,
Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering
Cornell University, Ithaca, USA

Brian Collins
IBM UK Scientific Centre, Winchester, UK

Pirjo-Leena Forsstrom
Center for Scientific Computing, CSC, Helsinki, Finland

Robert Haber 
National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA), 
Univ of Illinois, USA 

Per Kraulis
Biomedical Center, Univ of Uppsala, Sweden

Joergen Moth
The Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education, 
UNI*C, Lyngby, Denmark

Ake Nordlund
Observatory of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

We have also invited speakers from CERN, Regnecentret -  
NTH/SINTEF Trondheim, Centre National Sud de Calcul 
CNUSC Montpellier and Arizona State University, Phoenix USA.

Invitation for contributed talks and poster presentations

We invite you to submit an extended abstract for a con-
tributed talk or a poster presentation. The abstract should summarize 
recent results in research in e.g. Tools and Methods for Computer 
Graphics and Visualization in Scientific Computing or 
Graphics Computing and Visualization in Scientific Computing 
with an emphasis on applications from Biology, Biotechnology, 
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine etc.

Abstracts must be recieved by the 15-th of May 1990. Send the abstract
by email or fax (see adresses below).

We would like to know what kind of equipment is needed - 
overhead-projector, slide-projector, video/data-projector, 
workstation etc ? We have Sun 3-80, Sun Sparc-station 1, Apollo 
and IBM 6150 at the university. We are connected to a 
IBM 3090-600 J/VF-system via a 2Mb-link and we have on the
university an Intel iPSC/2 hypercube with 64 nodes (16 with
vector facility) and are about to aquire a shared-memory multi-
processor system with advanced graphics and visualization facilities.

Further information
The registration fee of 150 US$ is due September 1, 1990.
This fee includes conference reception, conference dinner, 
lunches and coffee and a special social event. Accomodations are 
not covered by this fee.

If you plan to attend the workshop and submit a paper for 
presentation please contact professor Bo Kagstrom (see below). 
If you plan to attend but will not submit a paper please contact 
Torbjoern Johansson (see below). 

Hotel rooms are preliminary booked for the workshop. There are 
regular flights from Stockholm to Umeaa every 70 minute.

The final program of the workshop will be published later.

Contact persons for the workshop

Torbjoern Johansson 
Umeaa University
S-901 87 Umea
Phone: +46-90166585

Bo Kagstrom
Dept of Computing Science
Umeaa University
S-901 87 Umea
Phone: +46-90165419
Fax: +46-90166126
Email: bokg@biovax.umdc.umu.se