mike@bucasb.bu.edu (01/17/91)
NEURAL NETWORKS COURSE AND CONFERENCE AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY NEURAL NETWORKS: FROM FOUNDATIONS TO APPLICATIONS May 5-10, 1991 This self-contained 5-day course is sponsored by the Boston University Wang Institute, Center for Adaptive Systems, and Graduate Program in Cognitive and Neural Systems. The course provides a systematic interdisciplinary introduction to the biology, computation, mathematics, and technology of neural networks. Boston University tutors are Stephen Grossberg, Gail Carpenter, Ennio Mingolla, Michael Cohen, Dan Bullock, and John Merrill. Guest tutors are Federico Faggin, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, Michael Jordan, Andy Barto, and Alex Waibel. Registration fee: $985 (professional) and $275 (student). Fee includes lectures, course notebooks, receptions, meals, coffee services, and evening discussion sessions. NEURAL NETWORKS FOR VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING May 10-12, 1991 This research conference at the Wang Institute will present invited lectures and contributed posters, herewith solicited, ranging from visual neurobiology and psychophysics through computational modelling to technological applications. Invited speakers include: Stuart Anstis, Jacob Beck, Gail A. Carpenter, David Casasent, John Daugman, Robert Desimone, Stephen Grossberg, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, Ralph Linsker, Ennio Mingolla, Alex Pentland, V.S. Ramachandran, Eric Schwartz, George Sperling, James Todd, and Alex Waxman. A featured Poster Session will be held on May 11. To present a poster, submit 3 copies of an abstract (1 single-spaced page), postmarked by March 1, 1991, for refereeing. Include with the abstract the author's name, address, and telephone number. Mail to VIP Poster Session, Neural Networks Conference, Wang Institute of Boston University, 72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879. Authors will be informed of abstract acceptance by March 31, 1991. Registration fee: $95 (professionals) and $75 (student). Fee includes lectures and poster session, abstract book, reception, meals, and coffee services. TO REGISTER: For one or both events by phone, call (508) 649-9731 with VISA or MasterCard between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (EST). For a meeting brochure, call as above or write: Neural Networks, Wang Institute of Boston University, 72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879. -- Boston University (617-353-7857) Email: mike@bucasb.bu.edu Smail: Michael Cohen 111 Cummington Street, RM 242 Center for Adaptive Systems Boston, Mass 02215 Boston University