[sci.math.num-analysis] WANTED: Eigensys-Solver of Real Nonsym Matrix in C

lauten@ss7 (Markus Lautenbacher) (05/07/91)


can any kind soul help me on the following point. I need a numerically
stable (old K&R style or ANSI) C code that gives *all* eigenvectors
*and* eigenvalues for a *real nonsymmetric* matrix. The size of
matrices to handle will be limited by about 15x15, performance in not
that critical but the lack of symmetry in the input matrix is.
I know such a thing has been coded in FORTRAN as part of EISPACK but I
need it in C.

I would appreciate C code or hints to references on proper algorithms
how to implement such a routine.

If you know anything that might help me could you please drop me a

Thanx in advance,
Technical University Munich,    | phone:    0049/89/3209-2398
Physics Dept.-Theo. Physics T31,| Internet:
D-8046 Garching, FRG.           | lauten@feynman.t30.physik.tu-muenchen.de