[comp.periphs.printers] HP DeskJet from black ink to colored ink

s_loewer (09/06/90)

   Hello DeskJet Users !

   I want to exchange some experiences in re-inking and colorizing my
   DeskJet  ink cartridges.

   First I got soon some problems with a cartridge re-inked with
   'Black Pelikan' ink. You can get this ink easily in almost any
   shop in germany for less money. After the cartridge was empty
   I filled it up  with that ink. But soon some of the ink holes were dead.
   The prime button made things a litter better, but not perfect.
   Then I simply blew with high presure into cartridge through the small
   hole on the top, so that the ink dripped out at the bottom. Afterwards
   the cartridge worked nearly fine again.
   So  was it about reinking a completely empty cartridge ?

   Another point is to fill another color (not black) in an old (black)
   cartridge.  The problem is to clear the old black cartridge in order
   to get bright color later.
   Does anyone have got experience in colorizing black cartridges ?
   Does anyone had opened an old cartridge ?

  Jochen Loewer
  internet    s_loewer@irav1.ira.uka.de
  bitnet      uk6d@dkauni2.bitnet

barleben@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Friedrich Barleben) (09/06/90)

s_loewer writes:

>   Hello DeskJet Users !

>   I want to exchange some experiences in re-inking and colorizing my
>   DeskJet  ink cartridges.

>   First I got soon some problems with a cartridge re-inked with
>   'Black Pelikan' ink. You can get this ink easily in almost any
>   shop in germany for less money. After the cartridge was empty
>   I filled it up  with that ink. But soon some of the ink holes were dead.
>   The prime button made things a litter better, but not perfect.
>   Then I simply blew with high presure into cartridge through the small
>   hole on the top, so that the ink dripped out at the bottom. Afterwards
>   the cartridge worked nearly fine again.
>   So  was it about reinking a completely empty cartridge ?

>   Another point is to fill another color (not black) in an old (black)
>   cartridge.  The problem is to clear the old black cartridge in order
>   to get bright color later.
>   Does anyone have got experience in colorizing black cartridges ?
>   Does anyone had opened an old cartridge ?

I have been using the black Pelikan ink without any problems for 2 months
now with my DeskWriter. 3 weeks ago I tried refilling an almost empty
cartridge with green Pelikan 4001 ink. Some 20 to 30 greenish-black
printouts later everything looked perfectly green. I found that by simply
exchanging cartridges and refeeding the same sheet of paper several times to
the printer one can get beautiful looking 2 coulor printouts.

Ink cartridges that have not been used for some time may not work
immediately. You may have to reopen some of the tiny ink-holes on the bottom
of the cartridge. I tried wetting the "nose" of the cartridge with some ink,
carefully wiping it with a kleenex and using the prime button repeatedly. So
far this always worked although there is of course no guarantee that one can
really refill those cartridges several times with Pelikan ink and still get
a perfect printout. It may at some point become impossible to reopen "dead"
Fiete Barleben                            Schaenzlestrasse 1                                                     Institut fuer Biologie III                
                                    D-7800 Freiburg, Germany               
Mail:                       barleben@ruf.uni-freiburg.dpe.de                
Phone:  +49-761-203-3410               Fax: +49-761-203-2745  
Fiete Barleben                             Schaenzlestrasse 1
                                   Institut fuer Biologie III
                                     D-7800 Freiburg, Germany
Mail:                        barleben@ruf.uni-freiburg.dpe.de

Chris Walmsley <WALMSLEC@QUCDN.QueensU.CA> (09/11/90)

I've been re-inking my DJ+ cartridge for more than a year now with
Pellican Ink as you had mentioned.   Every time I fill the cartridge,
I clean off the print head by running warm water over it.  (in my
kitchen sink).  This cleans the ink holes, and removes any ink buildup.
I then inject about 20cc of ink into the hole in the top with a syringe.

I've thought about trying different colours, but have never gotten around
to it.

I have taken a cartridge apart, and they are extremely simple.  There is
a piece of Foam Rubber, that fills the space, (to keep the ink from sloshing
about and leaking out the top/bottom).  Nothing could be simpler.  I really
don't understand how they can charge so much for them.

| Christopher J. M. Walmsley                 |  Queen's University     |
| BITNET:   WALMSLEC@QUCDN                   |  Kingston, Ontario      |
| X.400:    Christopher.Walmsley@QueensU.CA  |  Canada                 |
| Internet: walmsley@qucis.queensu.ca        |                         |