[comp.periphs.printers] Deskjet Font Formats and Download Procedures

ib4@cel.uucp (Imerio Ballarini) (11/20/90)

I've recently purchased a second-hand HP DeskJet printer and its wonderful.
I would like to generate my own fonts but haven't got a clue of the HP
format used.  It does not appear to be a LaserJet format.  Any pointers,
anyone?  A full font description specification would be great.  Also,
what is the download protocol (hang on, that may be in the book - only
tell me if your really keen).  Finally any recommendations for DeskJet
programming references, hints, tips etc.

 Imerio Ballarini  Crosfield Electronics Ltd  ib4@cel.co.uk
 My opinions, not   Hemel Hempstead, Herts,    ib4@cel.uucp 
 CEL's, got that?         HP2 7RH, UK.       +44 442 230000