jad@nyama.uucp (Jose Dias) (02/08/91)
Hi there! I'm the proud owner of an Epson Action Printer 4000 but I have a problem. The printer looks, works, sounds, smells like an Epson LQ510, but there are some small differences. I have it hooked up to my unix box running Interactive Unix/386 2.0.2 and I do get it to print, but if I want to use the features of the printer then I'm going to have to write a terminfo file for it. I also can print from within VP/ix to the printer, but I need the terminfo file for it I want to use the features of the printer. My real problem is printing from Word Perfect 5.1 (shudder) to the printer. I only get garbage. I've tried all the Epson LQ drivers, plus some others, but I only get garbage. I've tried printing to a unix file and then cat'ing the file to /dev/lp, but I only get different garbage. By looking at the output from WP I can see that it is sending Epson commands to the printer, and from a quick overview of the driver the commands do resemble what the manual wants, but I'm not familiar with the PTR program from WP (What is a "Print Head Bias"?) so I'm here. Any clues? I could use a new driver in unix, but the .PRS file for WP is more important to me. If I can print reliably from WP I'll get it to the printer somehow. Thanks! -- Jose Antonio Dias /- skypod!nyama!jad jad@nyama.UUCP -<-- problem!nyama!jad Have you read your news today? \- epas.utoronto.ca!nyama!jad