[comp.periphs.printers] PacificPage memory upgrade for sale/swap...

WDBURNS%MTUS5.BITNET (William D. Burns) (03/11/91)

[I'm not sure if this is the right group:seems appropriate...
 if not, throw this away!]

Greetings all,

   I have an extra Pacific Page 2+2 memory board that I'll like to get
rid of.  This little gem is populated with 2 Meg and can be expanded to
up to 4 Meg (!) by adding DRAMs.  It fits the HP LaserJet IIp and III
printers.  It's never been used (not even taken out of the anti-static
shield bag).  Complete with docs and software.  3 months old.  Originally
purchased for $350, will sell for $200 (any reasonable offer considered).

BUT I'd rather take in trade!  I'm looking for ICF-2010 or equivalent
radio.  OR HT's.  I'm a beginning shortwave person (taking Technical Class
license class right now).....

(I don't follow this group exclusively so mail me personally, please!)
Feel free to e-mail me at:

wdburns@mtus5.cts.mtu.edu (InterNet)
wdburns@mtus5.bitnet (Bitnet)
(906)482-3499 (voice) EST

     /____________________________/                               /
    /William D. Burns            / InterNet:                     /
   / (906) 482-FIXX             /   WDBURNS@mtus5.cts.mtu.edu   /
  /____________________________/   Bitnet:                     /
 /  Michigan Tech University       WDBURNS@MTUS5              /
"On daze like this, in times like these...I feel an animal deep inside..."
                                                         -Sisters of Mercy

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