[comp.periphs.printers] Slow Graphics to DeskJet from WP5.1

martinka@hpcupt1.cup.hp.com (Joe Martinka) (03/15/91)

I am very pleased with my HP Deskjet on my home PC.  It works great from
graphics packages and spreadsheet packages (such as DrawGal and Quattro).

However, I am displeased at the speed that WordPerfect 5.1 prints out
graphics to that printer.  It sends any graphical output, even simple lines
around tables, a pixel line at a time.  The Deskjet head passes across the
page seemingly 150 times per inch!!  This seems to take place whenever
WorkPerfect is ever mixing multiple graphic images in the same character
line, or if it is mixing text and graphics on the character line.

Does anyone know of a speed-up to this slow printing?  Does WordPerfect
have a "fix" or workaround to this problem?

Joe Martinka

hardy@golem.ps.uci.edu (Meinhard E. Mayer (Hardy)) (03/19/91)

Wordperfect graphics is slow on a Laserjet too !

Meinhard E. Mayer (Prof.) Department of Physics, University of California
Irvine CA 92717;(714) 856 5543; hardy@golem.ps.uci.edu or MMAYER@UCI.BITNET

RFM@psuvm.psu.edu (03/19/91)

HP sells a printer spooler/buffer program which, while it won't speed
up the actual print process for a DJ500, at least will free up your PC
for other work while printer is working. Only problem, the program
costs $150 ($115, academic)! YIPES! Wonder if the spooler program that
comes with PC Tools 6.0 would work?

Bob M., PSU-Harisburg

martinka@hpcupt1.cup.hp.com (Joe Martinka) (03/20/91)

Thanks to those that responded.  Most complained of similar problems.  Some
suggested to use parallel ports instead of serial (I am), and to make sure
that the hardware handshaking is implemented correctly.

The Deskjet can print complex graphical images very efficiently if
graphics is not mixed with text.  I have witnessed that graphical
printing of spreadsheet graphs, drawing gallery files and indeed,
graphical mode on spreadsheets like Quattro can load entire swaths of
pixels (what, about 16 to 24 pixels?)  at once to be printed in one
sweep of the print head.  This yields satisfactory printing performance.

Speaking to Wordperfect support today, they acknowledge the slow Deskjet
graphics printing, claiming that the "poor printer buffer" or "limited
RAM Space" restricts their speed when graphics and text are to be
printed together.  I do not agree.  There could be smarter ways of
optimizing the printing IMHO.

THEIR WORKAROUND:  Print graphics and text separately on the same
page...once with the graphics mode as "DO NOT PRINT" and again with text
mode as "DO NOT PRINT" in the printer menu options.  I'll try that and
check if it helps.  I would gladly recycle the pages through the printer
if it knocks 13 minutes off of a 15 minute print per page.  The two
printer configurations could be set up as a WP macro...

They also volunteered to send me a 5.1 update which writes directly to the
printer's hardware port instead of through the BIOS routines.  I am not
sure that this will address the problem but accepted their offer.


martinka@hpcupt1.cup.hp.com (Joe Martinka) (03/21/91)

Well, I tried the Workperfect advice for a workaround.  Full page tables
with lines, printed twice: once with text set to "do not print" and once
with graphics set to "do not print".

Disappointment!  The graphics printing speed did NOT improve.

Today, from an internal HP notes group I got the canonical explanation
of the slow graphics performance from Wordperfect 5.1 to the Deskjet
Plus which seemed to be the most clear from a source in the division
which builds the Deskjet.  Some of the posting follows:

Organization: Hewlett Packard, Vancouver, WA

> I auditioned HP printers for screen-dumps from a Graphon X-terminal and
> found the same thing.  All HP ink-jet printers (including DeskJet+) seem
> to print from the Graphon much more slowly (say, 10x) than they are
> capable of.  The Graphon was configured for a LaserJet+; there must be
> some ugly interaction with the inkjet printers. 

>>The inkjet printers all support compression on graphics.  The laserjets
>>don't.  So laserjet applications don't run on the inkjets as fast as 
>>they could.

Here is the real answer:

The DeskJet+ and 500 are fully capable of doing high speed graphics
(usually faster in graphics than laser printers) and mixing text and
graphics at reasonable speed.  The problem is with some printer drivers
are just "warmed over" LaserJet drivers that do one of the 2 following
"data compression tricks" that helps the performance on laser printers
but cause the DeskJets to print with just a few nozzles (instead of
all the nozzels).

1)  The printer driver continually changes the "left graphics margin"
by moving the cursor and then telling the printer to start printing
at the current cursor position.  Note that there really is not such
thing as a left graphics margin, but by moving the cursor and then
specify start the raster graphics at the cursor position one is attempting
to create a left graphics margin.

2) The printer continually modifies the raster graphics width.

On a laser printer, the above tricks can be used as a form of data
compression.  On a DeskJet, either of the tricks require flushing data
and re-allocating its limitted memory, resulting in printing with just
a few nozzles.  The DeskJets have true data compression modes to reduce
the data and the above "tricks" generally are discouraged unless
the left margin and raster width does not change over a page (or changes
very infrequently).

If you ever see a DeskJet+ or DeskJet 500 print with just a few nozzles,
the driver is most likely doing one of the above "mistakes" (which
are not mistakes for laser printers).  I didn't know WordPerfect 5.1
had that problem.  In any case, call the vendor and complain.  The
DeskJet+ and 500 should always be using most of its nozzles (technically
48) when printing graphics.  If you are just seeing one or 2 nozzles
(raster rows) per print pass, the driver is not well optimized for
the DeskJet -- probably due to the fact it is just a warmed over
LaserJet driver.  Our support people also complain to the vendors,
but complaints from real customers can often do more good.

The DeskJet+ and DeskJet 500 should be about 1 page per minute for
graphics dumps.  If you get anything less, you probably have a poor
driver.  Of course you have to factor in the time to image the page,
so its best to image to a file and then dump the file (use the MS-DOS
copy /b filaname PRN) command to measure the actual print time.


I underlined the words "call the vendor and complain."

Well, the Wordperfect number to call for non-impact non-laser printer
support (DeskJet YEAHH) is:  1-800-541-5097.   
I recommend that a few of us DeskJet owners give them a call!

I checked around on some of their other support numbers and asked if any of
the WordPerfect support people monitor the net.  They said they monitor
their own bulletin board system.  Too bad. :-<

Joe Martinka

neff@hp-vcd.HP.COM (Dave Neff) (03/23/91)

Regarding slow graphics print to DeskJet+ or DeskJet 500:

The real problem with some "warmed over LaserJet" drivers for the
DeskJet is the drivers use continually varying "graphics margins"
(technically graphics widths and start printing at a particular cursor
position) as a sort of data compression.  Whenever the graphics print
width or left margin varies, the DeskJets must flush current graphics and
then re-allocate memory.

The DeskJet has real data compression modes and can print graphics
as well as mixed text and graphics quite fast with properly written
drivers.  We try to encourage the software vendors to meet certain
minimum performance guidelines, but of course we can't force them
to "do it right".  Anything more than about 2 minutes per page for
any type of output likely suggests a driver problem (for the DeskJet+
and DeskJet 500, the Classic is quite slow in graphics for other reasons).

The particular offending escape sequences are Esc *r1A (start graphics
at current cursor position, compared to Esc *r0A which means start graphics
at the left paper edge) and Esc *r#S (set raster width).  If the raster
width is set once per page, and the left cursor position doesn't vary
over the page the DeskJets do just fine.  But when these parameters
vary every few raster rows, then performance goes down the tube.
Proper use of data compression eliminates any real advantage of using
these kinds of tricks (that can achieve a measure of data compression
on laser printers).

Generally, WordPerfect has been pretty good about modifying their driver
to support the DeskJet printers.  I'm surprised to hear they are blaming
the printer and not trying to improve the driver.  This is contrary to
what I have heard from our own support people.  In all fairness to
WordPerfect and other software packages, it is quite tricky
to do merged text and graphics correctly to the DeskJet printers.
There is an algorithm that works and give good performance, but it
is often difficult for some word processors to implement. To compound
the problem, the DeskJet Classic was so slow for graphics it sometimes
masked driver problems that vendors have still not fixed for the now
faster Plus and 500.

Dave Neff

Disclaimer: I don't work in HP support.  I write printer firmware
(including some of the code for the DeskJet+ and DeskJet 500).  The
above are my opinions based on my knowledge of the printers and don't
necessarily reflect official HP opinions.

martinka@hpcupt1.cup.hp.com (Joe Martinka) (03/28/91)


I received yesterday the Wordperfect 5.1 update sent to me by their support
organization.  My original date for 5.1 (obtained from the upper left
portion of the screen after pressing F3) was 10/6/89.  The update package
of disks (which seemed to be all of the original disks) now have a release
date of 12/31/90.  The Deskjet Plus printer help screen from those disks
now has a date in January 1991.

Good news:  The printing is now full speed with this version of
Wordperfect.  Heavy graphics pages (with multiple TIF images) formally taking
20 minutes to print are 2 minutes.  Tables which printed so very slowly, a
few pixels per sweep now are using the entire print head.  What a great

I suggest any one having a Deskjet PLUS or 500 contact WordPerfect for the
12/31/90 version of 5.1.

Good luck 
Joe Martinka
:: Hardware Systems Performance        :: voice - 408 447-6755               ::
:: Hewlett-Packard Company             :: email - martinka@hpda              ::
:: 19447 Pruneridge Avenue, MS 42LX    ::         martinka%hpda@hplabs.HP.COM::
:: Cupertino, CA. 95014-9974  USA      :: fax   - 408 447-4907               ::