1k1mgm@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Christopher Gunn) (06/29/91)
We recently unpacked a Seiko Colorpoint PS thermal-transfer printer and had no trouble getting it to talk to a Macintosh, but it seems not to want to listen to data coming in the serial port. We've pored over the pinout diagrams, checked cable continuity, swapped lines around with a breakout box and tried literally every permutation of serial line setting available from the front-panel keypad, but it neither prints nor blinks its 'receive' LED. [The port we're dumping data out of works fine with a monochrome QMS printer.] Big problem is that the printer model is newer than the manuals, much of the documentation seems to be wrong and the one-page 'errata' sheet isn't much help. We've got a call in to the Seiko hot-line and it may be the serial port is dead, but I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience and knows of a trick we're missing. Print quality is fabulous, by the way. Which makes us all the more eager to teach it to talk to our VAXes and Unix boxes.... Christopher Gunn Molecular Graphics and Modeling Lab SPAN--KUPHSX::GUNN Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Malott Hall 913-864-4428 or -4495 University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045