[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Launching documents w/ Desktop Manager?

menser@dcc1.UUCP (unixcorn) (04/22/88)

 I have a II w/ a 60 meg hard drive. My drive is nearly full, and as a result I
switched from the standard desktop to Desktop Manager. At first everythig
seemed to work fine, and quite a bit faster. However, once I tried to launch
applications by their documents (i.e. double-click a Mac Write document to 
launch Mac Write and load the document), I found the applications would only
lauunch  intermitently. I soon traced the problem to the fact that the
application had to be in an open window in order for finder to locate and launch

 I have heard rummors to the effect that Desktop Manager maay be incorperated
into System 6.0 or later releases.

 Has else had the same trouble I have? Does anyone at Apple care to comment on
it and a possible up-comming fix?

                                         Any and all help would be appreciated,
                                         Charles Menser