[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Developer quality C compilers

pez@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Daniel J Pezely) (04/30/88)

	I need some advice in choosing a good C compiler.  I read most of the 
postings for new Mac programmers, but I would like some more advice.  I have
been programming on MS-DOS computers for a few years and used Microsoft's C 
compiler.  I like many of the features of that compiler, specifically, the 
ablity to have inline assembly language.  I haven't used it much, but I am 
developing something now which will need it for speed purposes.  (I don't plan
on doing anything against _Inside Macintosh_.)  

	The program will be simple imaging software and have a limited 
programming environment for generating mathematical entities.  I would like
to do all of the data manipulation routines with inline assembly to speed it 
up a bit.  If you don't think that this really matters for Mac IIs, think 
about poeple who may use slower Macs as workstations.

	I have LightSpeed C v2.15 and often have problems.  I'm sure that most
are due to my lack of programming on the Mac, but some are not.  Also, I am
on a slight budget; I would like the compiler to be under $500.  Just out of
curiosity, could the folks at Ashton-Tate, Apple, and other companies reveal
what C compilers they use?

	Any help would be appreciated.  Also, if it's not too much to ask, 
please send the replys to "pez@vax1.acs.udel.edu".  I will post all of the 
info later.  Thanks in advance.

					- Pez
					University of Delaware

rs4u+@andrew.cmu.edu (Richard Siegel) (05/01/88)

"I have LightspeedC v2.15 and often have problems. I'm sure that most
are due to my lack of programming on the Mac, but some are not."

What *kind* of problems?! Does the environment crash? Do your
programs not work correctly? If you can enumerate the kind of problems
you're having, perhaps we can help you.

Also, LightspeedC costs $175. Well within your $500 budget. (I suspect
that you haven't bought LighspeedC, or else you'd realize this, but
I won't call you a pirate publicly. I didn't buy my first copy
of LightspeedC either. :-) )

Programs written with LightspeedC:

	XPress (Quark)
	Aldus PageMaker (Aldus)
	Adobe Illustrator (Adobe Systems)
	LightspeedC (THINK Technologies)
	Capps Prime Editor Construction Kit (THINK Technologies)
	LaserSpeed (THINK Technologies)
	Canvas (Deneba Software)
	StuffIt (Shareware, Raymond Lau)
There are others, but I don't know them all, and I don't have an exhaustive
list. Oh yes--

	LaserTalk (Emerald City Software)

The point is, several very large (and commercially successful, I might add)
products have been written with LightspeedC, which is good testimony to
its overall usefulness.


Rich Siegel
THINK Technologies