marc@rna.UUCP (Marc Johnson) (08/17/88)
I have an extra (!) 20 megabyte Priam hard disk that I bought for my AT-clone (Panasonic 286). I don't need the disk capacity on my Panasonic, but I'd *LOVE* to make my MacPlus happy. Anybody know of a SCSI-to-IBM converter or some such that would allow me to use this disk with my MacPlus? A poor second choice would be the piece of software I've heard about that allows transparent access to files on an MS-DOS system from the Mac (and vice-versa?). Anybody know the name of this, and its limitations? I don't think it's MacLink, which allows file transfer only (I think), but rather something that makes the Mac think the IBM's files are on its own disk. Thanks in advance! -Marc