wdr@security.UUCP (William D Ricker) (08/05/83)
1) The Computer Musuem is not a subsidiary of Digital Equipment Corporation. Ken Olsen, President of Digital, is a founder and board member of The Computer Musuem. 2) The Computer Museum was originally named The Digital Computer Museum, but changed its name when the confusion was recognized. 3) Digital has been giving the Museum house-room at one of its Marlboro plants. The Museum has out-grown its space, and is also an inconvenience to Digital employees at that facility. 4) The Museum will be moving during the winter and spring. My understanding is that they will not close until after Thanksgiving, but I do not know that for sure. The Museum is moving to Museum Wharf. It will be over the Children's Museum, in the space formerly occupied by the Transportation Museum. The next Member's Association meeting will be in the new space. 5) The Museum will be having a "Yard Sale" on front of the Museum or in the cafeteria in case of rain on Sunday, October 2nd, from 10am to 4 pm. Surplus items from the collection, such as: ASR, LA 30 ttys; Cash Registers; Power supplies; modules; Digital Card Readers; 666 Dec Tape Units; DEC 338 Display Units; and anything donated by members and friends. 6) To join the museum or to donate old hardware and documentation, write: The Computer Museum One Iron Way Marlboro MA 01752 Bill Ricker , Member of the Computer Museum. (617)271-3725 MS k203, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA, 01730 wdr@security.UUCP (Internet) {allegra,genrad,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!security!wdr (UUCP) wdr@mitre-bedford (ARPA)