(Tom Carstensen) (10/20/88)
From investigating the bug, I came across 2 important issues: 1) Must you assume that A5 is NOT setup properly when your ResErrorProc gets called (via setting the low memory global ResErrorProc with your own function)? Debugging under Multifinder, I set a breakpoint for my error procedure, and A5 was NOT my applications A5. This was causing terrible problems when I tried to do a UseResFile(resID) with 'resID' being one of my programs variables. If I saved the old A5, loaded in witht he Current App's A5, did my stuff, then restore - everything goes much better. BUT - Inside Mac says nothing about this for the ResErrorProc, only for things like patches, etc. 2) My error procedure was getting called on _ReleaseResource, with -192 (Res not found). --------------- should this be happening??? (Under Multifinder). I usually ignore my ResErrorPRoc except for particluar times when I'm doing a lot of Resource stuff and I don't always want to check the return code. :------------------------------------------------------------: : | GEnie: T.CARSTENSEN : : Thomas Carstensen | Delphi: CARSTENSEN : : Mentor Graphics | CompuServe: 73627,2762 : : 8500 SW Creekside Pl. | : : Beaverton, OR 97005-7191 | tomc@pdx.MENTOR.COM : : (503) 626-7000 | ...{sequent,tessi,attunix, : : | apollo}!mntgfx!tomc : :------------------------------------------------------------: : . . . This is Edison Carter coming to you very much : : live and direct from Network 23 . . . : : - Edison Carter : :------------------------------------------------------------: