[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Turbo Pascal and the Mac II

UD040164@NDSUVM1.BITNET (a.d. jensen) (10/26/88)

I have a real problem with Turbo Pascal, latest version.  I have written
several different applications, all of which work wonderfully on a SE and
lower, but which exhibit the same problem on a Mac II:

  I call a certain routine (doesn't matter where it is), and from that
  point, until we return from the routine, all of the dialog boxes have
  no text in them.  That is, no stattext, no text in the buttons, no
  text anywhere.  This even affects system dialogs like SFGetFile and
  Page Setup.

The affected routines are all different in the different applications.  If
the first thing you do in the routine is throw up an alert, it has no text.
If the last thing you do before calling the routine is to throw up the
same alert, it works hunky-dorey.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?  The "boys" at Borland were less
than helpful...  ("Ahh... how many fonts you got installed?"  "Five."
"Ahh... that's not it, then.  I'll write it down."  :-)

Hey, thanks in advance for the assistance.


BTW: This has been tested on dozens of different Mac IIs, with different
     systems and varying levels of INIT interference.  No matter.