[net.trivia] An Airborn Religious Female

tomoc (11/22/82)

All the talk about Batman & Green Hornet reminded me of one of my
favorite shows back in the late `60s - THE FLYING NUN.  Now I`m
not about to ask who the star was.  That`s too easy. Sally Field
played the 90 lbs. Sister Bertrille.  But can you name:
1. The head of the convent
2. The nun that was Sr. Bertrille`s friend that regularly talked
   with #1 to help out
3. The nun with the spanish accent
4. The macho-type guy who ran the Casino

Naturally, I want the actor as well as the character he/she played.

5. The name of the convent5. The name of the convent

					Tom O`Connor