I am currently writing a CDEV (in assembly language) and want to make sure I am doing memory allocation correctly. In the CDEV is an INIT resource. It installs a routine in memory which is to remain for as long as the Mac is turned on. (The routine is a patch for a particular trap, and thus the routine must stay in memory once it is installed.) Normally I would presume the system heap to be the ideal location. Inside MacIntosh Vol IV suggests subtracting the amount of room you need from BufPtr, and then copying whatever you want to that address and above. This does NOT appear to me to be in the system heap. But then IM V says to add an 'sysz' resource to your CDEV, the first 4 bytes of which say how much memory you want for your INIT. The INIT 31 resource, which has been executing and has found your sysz resource, expands the system heap by that amount with SetApplZone. (Or so I would assume.) Now this new feature of INIT 31 was apparently not available when IM IV was published. Meaning, I guess, that previous versions of the System don't do this. In which case, booting up with an earlier System with my CDEV around might cause problems, since the sysz resource would be completely ignored, and the system heap just stays the same size as it was. Hence my INIT may not find enough memory available, even if there's RAM to burn. Secondly, even if we are running with a more recent system, and INIT 31 has expanded the system heap, is there any particular place I should put my trap patch? Or should I do it, as I have been, by storing the patch as a private resource in the CDEV, with its SysHeap and Locked attributes set, and having my INIT load this in memory with GetResource? What do the "pros" do? Thanks in advance... __________________________________________________________________ "May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house." Sincerely, -- George Carlin Phaedrus (aka Colin Klipsch) Indiana University at Bloomington