ian@utcsstat.UUCP (08/15/83)
The recent comment on USENET about huge assembly-language MODEM programs prompts this posting: This MODEM program was written by Andrew Scott Beals at MIT. I liked it, so I'm posting it to the net (with Beals' permission). Called TMODEM, it is in the UNIX/software tools style of programming, that is, it doesn't log on to remote systems, have 365 different options, or scratch your nose for you. It has just two modes (send and receive) and concentrates on sending and receiving files. Normal usage would be to sign on from a CP/M system (using the TO option of CP/M MODEM), and login to UNIX, then invoke TMODEM to transmit or receive a file. Note that `transmit' and `receive' are locally defined, so the CP/M side should be instructed to transmit when the TMODEM side is in receive, or vice versa. There are two source files, the one distributed by Beals and one I cleaned up a little. They both work; mine has one bug fix (clearing to the end of the buffer at end of file on receive). Use whichever you like, for whatever you like. This software is not to be sold; it may be freely distributed provided the author is credited. program written by Andrew Scott Beals (SJOBRG.ANDY%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC) distributed to USENET by Ian Darwin (utcsstat!ian). Source is in net.sources.
w8sdz@brl@sri-unix.UUCP (08/15/83)
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@brl> Please tell us why TMODEM is preferrable to UMODEM. I believe UMODEM has some file options that TMODEM does not offer. I've never been able to get TMODEM to compile without error on BRL or BRL-BMD, apparently differences in versions of the C compiler. --Keith