[comp.sys.mac.programmer] What are Graf3D limitations ?

hnevanlinna@opmvax.kpo.fi (02/21/89)

	Does anyone (Apple) know the limits of Graf3D.
	I'm having difficulties with LookAt-areas over 40*40.
	Bigger areas mean corrupted pictures, which can be helped
	with larger ViewAngle. But using ViewAngle(0) means very small
	integer portion in LookAt. Looks like fixed point calculations
	overflow, but what are the exact limits OR am I doing
	something wrong.  Example programs usually have very small
	LookAt-area.  I guess they have a reason ?

	Jouni Rynv 
	I'm a graduate student, working halftime in
	Finnish Meteorological Institute and creating magnetic maps 
	over Finland.