[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Binding ICN#'s to applications

borcelf@jacobs.cs.orst.edu (Fernando Borcel) (02/20/89)

Hi.  I KNOW this question has been asked before, sorry.
I have Icon Binder, which binds an ICN# to your application.  Now, how would 
_I_ bind my ICN# to the application, using say, ResEdit?  I'm creating the BNDL 
the FREF's and the ICN#s the way I'm suppossed to, and setting the Bundle bit,
assuming that that would do it, but it doesn't.  Do I have to mess with the
DeskTop too?  Well, any help will be appreciated.

		-Fernando Borcel
"Tact is the ability to tell a man he has an open mind when he has a
hole in his head."  Internet:     borcelf@jacobs.cs.ORST.EDU

liberte@zaphod.ncsa.uiuc.edu (02/21/89)

What's more difficult than getting the Finder use your ICN# for your
application is to get it to use your new and improved ICN#.
Purge Icons seems to do the job, but I have to switch to UniFinder to
use it.  There ought to be an easier way.

Dan LaLiberte
National Center for Supercomputing Applications

bob@accuvax.nwu.edu (Bob Hablutzel) (02/21/89)

> Hi.  I KNOW this question has been asked before, sorry.
> I have Icon Binder, which binds an ICN# to your application.  Now, how would 
> _I_ bind my ICN# to the application, using say, ResEdit?  I'm creating the BNDL 
> the FREF's and the ICN#s the way I'm suppossed to, and setting the Bundle bit,
> assuming that that would do it, but it doesn't.  Do I have to mess with the
> DeskTop too?  Well, any help will be appreciated.

What you have to do is create a resource in the same format as a 'STR ' resource
but of type 'xxxx', where xxxx is the creator of your application. Create
a resource id 0 of this type, and put some info about the program in it (like
'Application xxx, Vx.y, Written by blah'. You get the idea). Set the
bundle bit, clear the INIT bit, and you should be in business.

Bob Hablutzel	Wildwood Software	BOB@NUACC.ACNS.NWU.EDU

wert@cup.portal.com (robert scott comer) (02/21/89)

Well, lesse, you have to change the creator field for the app to match
what the FREF says for the APPL type, and you probably need to clear
the inited flag, otherwise the finder won't look at it again.

scott out

lsr@Apple.COM (Larry Rosenstein) (02/22/89)

In article <900016@zaphod> liberte@zaphod.ncsa.uiuc.edu writes:
>What's more difficult than getting the Finder use your ICN# for your
>application is to get it to use your new and improved ICN#.
>Purge Icons seems to do the job, but I have to switch to UniFinder to
>use it.  There ought to be an easier way.

The later versions of the Finder seem to do a better job at this.  I have
had good success with putting the new appliation on a scratch floppy,
rebuilding the desktop on that floppy, and copying the application to a hard
disk.  The Finder seems to remember the new icon when a new version of the
application is copied over.

		 Larry Rosenstein,  Object Specialist
 Apple Computer, Inc.  20525 Mariani Ave, MS 46-B  Cupertino, CA 95014
	    AppleLink:Rosenstein1    domain:lsr@Apple.COM

biling@ucscd.UCSC.EDU (Doug Rosener) (02/22/89)

After fixing the bundle bit, icn#, fref, bndl, and your application
signature resource, I always have to rebuild the desktop

Just hold down option and apple key after restarting the mac

Hope this helps,

Doug Rosener

stuartb@microsoft.UUCP (Stuart Burden) (02/23/89)

One point that no-one has meantioned yet, is:

Make sure you have a signature resource.  This must match the creator of
your application (for example if you application creator is MYAP then
you would need to create a MYAP resource).  Within the resource MYAP, you
need to create a resource of ID 0 (zero).  You can put any information
into the resource.  Information has already been given on the BNDL and
FREF, which must point to your creator type (MYAP) and the signature
resource (type MYAP).

With the ICN#, FREF, BNDL and signature resources, you should be set.

Hope this helps,


__Paths to my door:_______________________
microsoft!stuartb@beaver.cs.washington.edu  -   Usual disclaimer, that all
microsoft!stuartb@uw-beaver.arpa            -   the above is pure fantasy
microsoft!stuartb@uunet.UU.NET              -       and Microsoft only
[DE01HB]stuartb@DASNET#   {from AppleLink}  -    gave me the Mountain Dew
stuartb@microsoft.uucp    {well connected}  -      to dream it all in a
D2012 {@applelink.apple.com - shared acct}  -        caffeine haze :-)

tom@iconsys.UUCP (Tom Kimpton) (02/28/89)

I have a utility program written by someone in Sweden (I think)
called Iconia 6.3.  VERY handy.  It only has a pencil drawing tool,
but it takes care of all the hassle of BNDL's, FREF's, etc, and
when you quit the program, your newly iconized program has it's
proper icon.  It allows you to make up to 10 document icons to
be associated with your application. $10 shareware.  Recommended.
Tom Kimpton                    UUCP: {uunet,caeco,nrc-ut}!iconsys!tom
Software Development Engineer  ARPANET: icon%byuadam.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Icon International, Inc.       BITNET: icon%byuadam.bitnet (multi-user acct)
Orem, Utah 84058               PHONE: (801) 225-6888

oster@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (David Phillip Oster) (02/28/89)

In article <711@microsoft.UUCP> stuartb@microsoft.UUCP (Stuart Burden) writes:
>One point that no-one has meantioned yet, is:
>With the ICN#, FREF, BNDL and signature resources, you should be set.

One more thing: before you give the application to anyone else, you have
to register the signature with Apple Developer Technical support and get
their okay.  Even if it is a game or a toy, register it!  They are trying
to make sure that every application with an icon has a unique signature
so, for example some poor user won't double click on an Excel file and
have the Finder start up MacSuperCar to try and read the file. 

--- David Phillip Oster            --"When we replace the mouse with a pen,
Arpa: oster@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu --3 button mouse fans will need saxophone
Uucp: {uwvax,decvax}!ucbvax!oster%dewey.soe.berkeley.edu --lessons." - Gasee