I am writing a program on the Mac which will be used by children between the ages of 8 and 11 (or so). At the moment I'm using MacinTalk to explain what I want them to do, and to warn them of any problems etc. I heard on the net a while ago that Apple doesn't support MacinTalk, and I discovered that the Talking Moose (which I also use - 'cos children find it fun) did not want to work on a Mac II (it went shy - it appeared but didn't speak). My problem then is I would like to use speech in my program, but there's a heck of a lot of it - Macintalk was perfect because it took up so little space. If I use digitized speech I can't use so much, or I have to resort to tricks (like digitizing each word and putting them together into the sentences that I want). Does anyone have any (good) solutions to all of this? This program is begin written with the help of the University Psychology Dept. and the people there are of the opinion that speech is essential in this program (so suggestions such as "forget it..." are no good!). Does anyone at Apple know of a replacement for MacinTalk that will appear? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Phil Jimmieson, *************************************************** Computer Science Dept., * ** Note New Address & UserName ** * Liverpool University, * JANET : PHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CS.MVA * Merseyside, England, * ARPA : * L69 3BX * * * old address SQPHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CSVAX may work * (UK) 051-794-3689 ***************************************************