(M a d h u Raman) (04/01/89)
Greetings: How do I get color about Pict's. I saw an application called Giffer or something like that whch creates resid =0 PICT resources. When you click the ABout.. box you get a beautiful color picture, (It might have been on another application called visionlab ..not sure). My question: Was some special kind of resource used for showing the color pictures or were they just "color" PICTS. ..something does not sound right in what i am asking; let me instead ask you how you would do this... assume: you have a TIFF reader and writer developed. You want to save a 8-bit humungus TIFF Image as PICT or whatever without *loosing* resolution. The advantage being you can then make your own high resolution startup screens easily. Since most Scanners seem to use TIFF there would be a definite advantage to having an application that converts the 8-bit TIFF to "equivalent" PICT. Would like to hear other opinions or alternatives. Think this might be of general interest (??). My e-mail address in case somebody starts flaming : !gatech!hubcap!madhu or --madhu. .